The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 343

Lin Feng naturally knows Jin Lengyu. The reason why he hasn't talked to Jin Lengyu all the time is that when he sees Jin Lengyu, he will think of Jin Wan'er.

He didn't want to be influenced by Jin Waner's shadow, so he temporarily blocked Jin Lengyu.

At this time, Jin Lengyue took the initiative to speak, out of courtesy, he also returned a few words.

Lin Feng sniffed and said, "don't worry, it's not troublesome! All of you here today are my relatives and friends. I won't let you get hurt at all

Jin Lengyu pursed her lips and said, "in fact, I mean, can you do me a favor?"

When Jin Lengyu is in this room, Lin Feng, the first time in the world, feels that Taotie is also deliberately hiding his own killing moves, but has not used any unique moves. Therefore, he decides to exert himself to force Taotie to use his unique skills.

Seeing Taotie kick, Lin Feng didn't hide behind like before. Instead, he fiercely bullied him forward, grabbing Taotie's wrist with one hand, and stabbing Taotie's wrist with the other.

"What are you doing?" Taotie's face was startled and angry, and he kicked his other foot toward Lin Feng.

Lin Feng blocked his hands. Although his feet were blocked, he heard the sound of "whoosh". A poisonous dart flew out of his trousers.


Lin Feng's head tilted slightly, and he easily hid in the past.

"All the members of the holy body Legion are good at using concealed weapons. They are worthy of their reputation. But are you capable of this?" Lin Feng grabs the foot of Taotie with one hand and pushes Taotie hard.

Taotie was pushed out several meters away, a stagger almost did not stand firm. He looked down and saw that one of his feet was unloaded by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng just stabbed his ankle just now, in fact, is loosening the screw.

Taotie was furious at the moment, and his obsession with his mechanical body was even better than his own body, which simply made him unbearable. He drank a lot and rushed to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng took Taotie's feet and did not throw them away. Instead, he directly chopped his legs: "I'll attack your footwall. Hey, hey

Taotie was flustered. He didn't want to see his own feet and his legs fighting each other, so he retreated to avoid.

However, Lin Feng did not let him go, step by step, facing his lower limbs is a random chop.

Of course, Taotie's body is still very agile, he easily escaped Lin Feng's attack.

Then, back to one side, he said in his mouth, "hum, Lin Feng, you're just like this!"

"Well, you don't see the essence. In fact, I don't want to hurt you now. I just want to see your structure!" Lin Feng said.


Taotie was surprised and looked down quickly. At this time, he found that his pants had been cut away by Lin Feng, leaving only a section as long as beach underpants, and the two prosthetic legs below, and the red fruits were exposed outside.

Lin Feng did this because he also knew that the holy body army had a suicide tactic, that is, their people would install a micro bomb in the prosthetic part, and when they felt unable to defeat each other or were unable to protect themselves, they would detonate the bomb and die with the other party.

In that case, everyone in this room would be in danger.

However, Lin Feng found that the device was not installed on the gluttonous prosthetic limb.

Well, there are two possibilities.

1、 Taotie is not a member of the holy body Legion.

2、 Taotie is very confident in himself and feels that he will not fail!

But Lin Feng thought, no matter what the reason, since there is no micro bomb, then I will play with you!

At this time, Lin Feng turned back to ask Jin Lengyu: "I'm going to start next. If I help you kill him, what reward will you give me?"

Jin Lengyu said, "you can mention it at will."

"As long as you stay with me for one night, you can do whatever I ask you to do, and you are at my mercy!"

Jin Lengyue frowned and gritted her teeth, hesitated for a moment and said, "if you have this ability, you can make a deal!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!