The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 342

"Don't always use knives and guns in the future. It's not good to fight and kill in a harmonious society. Nuo, take your things back!" Lin Feng put the gun on Taotie's hand.

What's the situation?

people are confused for a while. If there is a gun, it's the boss. Why did you return the gun?

"Dr. Lin, why did you return the gun?" Wei Yunlong asked in surprise.

Just now he saw that Lin Feng had finished with Cui San ye, who was holding the gun. He immediately surprised Lin Feng. But the next second, Lin Feng made such a mental move that he was not good at all.

I had a chance to take the initiative, but I gave it up in vain.

"Doctor Lin, why are you doing this Wei Yunlong beat his chest and feet and felt very uncomfortable.

"I've been taught by my mother since I was a child. It's not my stuff. I can't take it. The gun belongs to someone else. Isn't it right for me to give it back?" Lin Feng asked Wei Yunlong.

"Yes, well, yes!" Wei Yunlong almost cried.

But this is nothing wrong with this, and even other beauties here are speechless. The heart says that Lin Feng's heart is so pure. Such a pure man in the world is almost extinct!

Lin Feng is such a noble person. However, in this difficult and dangerous world, such a noble person is not easy to mix with!

At this time, Lin Feng said to Taotie, "well, you should think what I said is right? So, if it's not your thing, don't move it! This project of Jin family is not yours. You can't take it. You can take your own things. Please go back! "

Taotie looks at Lin Feng coldly. His killing intention is getting stronger and stronger. No one can stop this project today. He has to decide.

"Lin Feng, I advise you not to take care of this matter!" Taotie said.

"It's a coincidence that I have to deal with it!" Lin Feng said.

"Lin Feng, do you really think I'm afraid of you?" "I just don't want to spend my energy to deal with you, but you've been bad to me again and again. I can't bear it. Today, I'm going to calculate this account with you."

Taotie said, taking off the other shoe and throwing it aside.

His trousers, two titanium alloy feet, very sharp, flashing a faint cold awn.

"You? So you're a member of the holy commune? " Lin Feng looked at the two titanium alloy foot pieces of Taotie and said.

"Holy body Legion?"

The rest of them are confused. They have never heard of this word.

However, they do not know, does not mean that the army is not powerful.

On the contrary, the holy commune is extremely domineering, and it is very powerful and famous among the international mercenaries.

One of the characteristics of the Eucharist Legion is that all of them are disabled.

Cobra, the leader of the holy commune, is a man of great ability. He and Hu Jin, a famous scientist in the west, jointly founded the holy commune.

Holy body, as the name suggests, the holy body.

They think that disabled people are people who are favored by God, and they are bodies that God kisses. God loves their bodies so much that when they come to the world, they become disabled. However, they think that the bodies chosen by God are sacred ones.

Hu Jin, a scientist, is also a disabled person. What he got is one of the world's five incurable diseases, which leads to general disability. Eighty percent of the zombies have respiratory tract and speech muscle functions. Breathing depends on a ventilator, and speaking can only be made by sensors.

With the addition of scientist Hu Jin, this organization is full of a sense of future science and technology.

They have always believed that in the future world, all parts of the human body will be gradually replaced by machinery.

Because now more and more machines have replaced part of the human body.

For example, some artificial limbs, artificial teeth and glasses are also the result of the development of mechanical replacement of human organs.

They firmly believe that one day, people will be from the inside out, all made up of machinery, only the brain.

Therefore, even if all of them are disabled, they have completed a qualitative leap with the help of science and technology. Even, in many cases, they are even more powerful than normal people, because the machinery has given them infinite power and confidence.

They can use a pair of artificial hands to catch the broken iron ball.

You can win the marathon with a pair of artificial legs.

They are obsessed with their prosthetics and the mechanical parts of their bodies. They cherish them even more than their own bodies.

Because they feel that this is their more prominent advantage than others.

Therefore, more and more people who feel inferior to themselves because of their physical disabilities join this army, because there, they will find self-confidence and courage to live.

So over the years, the Eucharist Legion has grown rapidly.

But this year, unfortunately, Hujin died.

The great scientist who provided them with technology for free died.

When the Legion is very popular, they will be in a low state for a while. In the future, they will be called the king of Cobra.Therefore, when Lin Feng saw Taotie's feet, he knew where he came from.

So, the mysterious organization that Laohu said to parachute into Jincheng is the holy body army?

Why does the holy body army get blood jade?

Lin Feng feels that something is wrong. There are three characteristics of the people in the holy commune. First, they all like to use machines. Second, they like to use concealed weapons. Third, every time they attack, they are in groups. They are very united. Once the machinery fails, they can hold each other.

But how can you be alone in Jincheng?

Lin Feng also vaguely felt that he was not a member of the holy body army!

The mysterious organization behind Taotie must not be the holy body army!

At this time, Taotie said: "Lin Feng, you even know the holy body army. It seems that you know a lot about it."

"Of course I know a lot." Lin Feng said, "I also know that the holy body Legion is usually in groups, but why are you alone? Are you not popular? "

"Hum!" "Don't talk nonsense, whether I am a member of the holy body army or not has nothing to do with you. You must give this project to me now, otherwise, I will not let you go!"

"It's very smooth for you to talk big. Don't you let me go? Why don't you ask my brother if I can let you go? " Lin Feng said with a smile.

But when Su Jing heard what Lin Feng said, she was suddenly nervous. She pulled Lin Feng's clothes and whispered, "this man is so fierce. Lin Feng, you'd better not argue with him!"

Su Jing and others all saw it with their own eyes. Taotie killed Wuchang with one leg. The scene was bloody and violent. This man was not a human being, but a devil!

Others are also worried.

However, the gold Leng Yu on one side is burning hope in his heart.

Impermanence died in the hands of the disabled, she wanted to revenge for impermanence, and Lin Feng's appearance gave him hope.

Jin Lengyu knows Lin Feng very well.

How can she not be familiar with the man her sister loves!

But she didn't know why her sister fell in love with such a lazy young man. Lin Feng's cynical appearance and every move made her angry.

But now, it seems that Lin Feng is the only one who can compete with Taotie.

Look, Lin Feng's skill in dealing with those strong men is better than impermanence.

Therefore, Lin Feng and his opponent should have the strength to fight.

Jin Lengyu suddenly coughed and said, "Lin Feng, do you still know me?"

"Sister, you are so beautiful, how can I not recognize it, but I have no time to say hello to you!"

"That feeling is good!" Jin Lengyu smiles.

"Well, what's the matter, sister? Want to talk to me? Then you have to wait for me to finish! " Lin Feng said.

"Oh, it's nothing. It's not reminiscence. I'm just a little embarrassed!"

"What's the shame?"

Jin Lengyu said, "I haven't seen you for many years. I met for the first time today. I didn't expect to trouble you again!"

With that, a deep sadness crossed her eyes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!