The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 341

"You? Are you my competitor? " Gluttonous brows wrinkled.

"Yes, it's me!" Lin Feng said: "originally I had no interest in this business, but I heard that everyone wanted this business. I guess this business must be very interesting, so I also want it!"

"What do you want? My old fellow is here, and this project is not yours. " Cui San Ye roared, then looked at Taotie.

"Lin Feng, this project is really no fun! You'd better give up! " Taotie said.

"No, you lied to me! All of you! How can this project not be fun? " Lin Feng said.

Then, Lin Feng saw a pool of blood beside the wall. A man fell on the ground, and he had already breathed himself to death: "Oh! You killed people! Who killed it? I'll call the police

Taotie's eyes became extremely cold and said: "Lin Feng, please don't meddle in our affairs."

"Did you kill this man? No, I have to call the police. I'm a good citizen. I can't see the crime of killing people and setting fire to death. I'm so disappointed

Lin Feng said and took out his mobile phone.

But Cui San Ye picked up the 95 pistol from Taotie's side, pointed at Lin Feng and said, "Lin Feng, if you dare to call the police, I'll shoot you!"

With 95 in hand, Cui's courage is much greater than before, and he is not afraid of Lin Feng's use of force against him.

After all, no matter how high your martial arts skills are, you are afraid of kitchen knives, not to mention the domestic 95.

Looking at Lin Feng being pointed at by a gun, others are nervous.

Su Jing and others know that Lin Feng's Kung Fu is good, but in the face of a pistol, there is no way!

Wei Yunlong didn't expect that Lin Feng would appear, and he also openly fought with Cui Sanye and others. This is very dangerous!

Wei Yunlong said quickly, "don't do it. Dr. Lin has nothing to do with this matter. Mr. Cui, put down your gun!"

Of course, Wei Yunlong has to protect Lin Feng, because his father Wei Zhentian is still lying in the hospital bed. After collecting the herbs, he still needs human blood as an introduction. All of these need Lin Feng to lead. If Lin Feng has a three game two short period, his father's life will be gone.

"Wei Yunlong, do you want to die with Lin Feng?" Third master Cui drew a gun at Wei Yunlong again.

Third master Cui doesn't care so much. If he is his enemy, he will be obedient or I will shoot you. There is no third way.

"Third Master Cui! I think you want to die yourself Lin Feng said.

"Lin Feng, you dare to talk big. Don't you know what this is?" Cui San Ye pointed his gun at Lin Feng again and yelled excitedly: "a bullet will send you to the West. Are you not afraid?"

"No one who points a gun at me will come to a bad end!" Lin Feng said to Cui Sanye, "but you have the chance to point a gun at me. It's a great honor in your life."

"You're a real X!" Cui San ye said, "I just need to move my hand now, your life will be gone. When it's time, you still dare to pretend that I dare not kill you?"

Cui three Ye roared, spit star son all gush out, looks very excited.

"Mr. Cui, don't be impulsive." Wei Yunlong quickly called out.

Su Jing and others also began to persuade Lin Feng: "Lin Feng, don't quarrel with him. No matter what the result is today, as long as everyone is safe!"

"So you don't want the right to cooperate on this project?" Lin Feng asked Su Jing.

Su Jing's desire for the project was hard to hide. She said, "what can I do if I want to do something? I don't want to be able to solve some things!"

"Wrong!" Lin Feng leaned down, leaned close to Su Jing's face and said, "it doesn't work for others, but it works for me."

After that, he helped Su Jing straighten the collar of her shirt and said, "you're all gone. I saw everything just now. It's so big, hehe!"

"You..." Su Jing blushed. Lin Feng is not serious at this time!

She quickly tightened her collar and found that it might have been torn by that group of people just now, and a button was missing. No wonder Lin Feng saw everything and blushed.

Lin Feng is a little smile, stand up, calm look at Cui three Ye.

At this time, Mr. Cui did not know how terrible the man he was facing. It can be said that he held the pistol in his hand and was unarmed in front of Lin Feng.

"Mr. Cui, take your gun back. I may spare you a dog's life!" Lin Feng said.

When he said this, there was a burst of tension around him. As long as Cui San Ye moved his finger, Lin Feng would die. How dare he be so arrogant?

Third master Cui was also angry. He had already moved to kill him. At this time, Lin Feng's words, like a fuse, instantly ignited his fiery temper. He said: "Lin Feng, you can die!"

Say, finger force, will pull the trigger.

At this time, however, Lin Feng's fingers are raised and he shoots at Cui San Ye.In an instant, Cui San Yeh yelled, "ah", and his face was in pain, but his left cheek was suddenly bleeding.

A gray button, inlaid in Cui San Ye's left face, is what Lin Feng just popped out.

Lin Feng took the button off Su Jing's clothes. When Su Jing pulled it from others, the button would be pulled off. Then Lin Feng took it in his hand and used it as a temporary weapon.

Cui San ye only felt a pain in his left face. He unconsciously touched his left face.

However, at this time, Lin Feng suddenly moved. Lin Feng straightened up and rushed directly to him.

Cui San ye saw that Lin Feng rushed up, and he was about to shoot Lin Feng with a gun.

However, Lin Feng's action is so fast that he has not had time to adjust his posture, he is directly grasped by Lin Feng and raised his hand.

With a bang, Mr. Cui pulled the trigger, but it shot at the ceiling above the slope, just hitting the crystal chandelier.


Crystal chandelier was knocked off, directly fell on the ground behind Lin Feng, smashed.

At this time, Lin Feng has restrained Cui Sanye's hands, then twists, Cui San Ye eats pain, cries out, the pistol falls to the ground.

"So expensive crystal lamp, you will be destroyed in one shot? Why are you such a loser? " Lin Feng Road.

"You... You let me go!" Third master Cui grinned with pain.

"Let go of you? Ha ha, good! I can let you go, but you have to apologize to the crystal lamp first! "

Lin Feng said, pull Cui three Ye hard, Cui three ye can't resist that force, all of a sudden lie on the ground.

Lin Feng stepped on the back of his head.

This foot, did not use much strength, but Cui San Ye's face was trampled tightly on the ground.

What's more, the ground is full of crystal lamp debris, which plunges into Cui's face.

"Ah -" cried Cui Sanye in pain and struggled.

Lin Feng grabbed his lapel, pulled it up, and directly pulled it to the mirror: "how about it? If you are handsome or not, please enjoy yourself

When Cui looked at himself in the mirror, his face was covered with blood, and there were countless glass dregs in his skin. At this time, he could only open one eye. There was a broken glass in the other eye. He was blind!

"Lin Feng, I'm going to kill you!" Under the intense pain, Cui San Ye became furious. He called to Lin Feng, then staggered up and rushed to Lin Feng.

However, Lin Feng raised his foot and kicked him directly on his chest. He was kicked off and fell behind him. With a "click", he smashed a wooden table, bleeding from the corners of his mouth, and passed out.

"If you can't use a gun, don't use it blindly. Shame!" Lin Feng picks up the pistol and smiles.

But the next second, he made a move that surprised everyone at the scene. He even threw the gun directly to Taotie!

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