The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 340


However, Jin Lengyu suddenly said, "let me ask you a question. If you use such cruel means, even if you get this project, won't you be afraid that my golden family will turn upside down?"

She wanted to threaten the food again.

But Taotie said with confidence: "you don't have to worry about this. If I take the business of Jin family like this, I'm confident that the golden family won't turn over!"

After hearing this, Jin Lengyu looks dignified. This man is very arrogant. Is there any background behind it?

If there are, I want to revenge for impermanence, but it is even more difficult.

"Don't waste any more time. Please give me an answer now!" Taotie said: "if we sign the contract, we are all friends. We will drink and have fun together. If we don't sign the contract, we will die because of your stubbornness. Moreover, I will take good care of the impermanent corpse and make sure that he is comfortable under the nine springs. Hum!"

Taotie added: "Oh, by the way, if you can't get the project, I won't let you out alive. That's the price you pay for the project!"


Wei Yunlong's heart broke down. What should I do? Mobile phones have been taken away, the police can not report, today will be planted in their own building?

No wonder my father always said that he had no future. If I died in my own building, it would be really hopeless!

Jin Lengyu has no way out.

At this time, the group of strong men also interposed: "Taotie boss, these three beauties are so beautiful, can you kill us, let's have a taste of it, hehe hehe!"

After listening to it, he felt that it was more effective. He said, "yes, now, just try it!"

"Great!" The strong man was smiling with a sly look and a lustrous light in his eyes.

Several other strong men, however, spat at Su Jing and others.

"Get out of here

Ye Yuwei pushes a strong man away.

"NIMA's, bitch, you're not going to die, are you?" The strong man who was pushed aside said that he slapped his hands and threw Ye Yuwei fan to the ground, and the corners of his mouth flowed blood.

"Damn it, I'll show you how to deal with you!" The strong man said and went to tear Ye Yuwei's clothes.

"Ah, don't -" Ye Yuwei struggled, kicking and kicking.

On the other side, two strong men hold down Jin Lingyue, and a strong man's hand starts to stretch under Jin Lingyue's skirt.

"Get out of here, rascal, get out of here!" Su Jing screamed hysterically that she was going to rescue Jin Lingyue.

But a strong man came up behind her and pushed her to the ground.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, their voices are so sexy!" The room was filled with the obscene laughter of those strong men.

"Shout, shout louder, no one can save you!" Said a strong man.

"Yes, who are you calling? Who can save you in this building? Call security? Ah, ha ha Another strong man said.

In their eyes, the security guard is a piece of shit.

But just then, someone was knocking at the door.

"Who is it?" he asked

"I'm the security guard. Open the door!" Exclaimed the door.

"Ah? Ha ha ha ha, there is a security guard indeed Cui San ye all laughed, but then his face became serious and said, "let the security guard in and kill him. Otherwise, it's easy to leak the news."

"Yes A strong man went to open the door, then pulled the security guard in, closed the door and locked it.

"Smelly security guard, it's your bad life today. You have to bump into us. Since you come in, it's him. Don't want to leave!" The strong man threatened.

"I didn't want to go either!" Said the security guard, raising his head.

When they saw it, they were all stunned.

The security guard raised his head with a playful face. It was Lin Feng.

Cui San Ye pursed his lips and said in surprise, "Lin Feng? Why do you pretend to be a security guard

"I'm the security guard. How can I call a fake? I'm acting like I am, OK Lin Feng Road.

"Ah Third master Cui is speechless. Lin Feng is really a security guard.

Lin Feng said, "but I'm the security guard of Dongsheng Group. I'm here today, and I'm a guest guest guest! Why, not welcome? "

At the thought of being beaten by Lin Feng last time, Cui San Ye is still in fear. However, it seems that we need not be afraid of him today. Taotie's strength is very terrible. If he comes in, he will not let him go.

Thinking of this, Cui San ye came to the bottom of his heart and said to Lin Feng, "Lin Feng, why is he? Where are you?"

"Who knows? I don't understand what's going on. As long as you do something bad, I'll be there immediately. So, you don't want to do anything bad! " Lin Feng said, his face suddenly changed. He said to those strong men, "take away your dirty hands and let some beauties go. Hurry up!""Who are you A strong man exclaimed.

They have never met Lin Feng, they think it is a small security guard, so the tone with deep disdain.

"Who is the bedroom? Hum! I am your father Lin Feng said.

"Lying trough!"

The strong man became angry in an instant and said to the other strong men, "brothers, this security guard scolds us. We'll take care of him first, and then we can play with women. It's not too late to kill him!"

The strong man finished, waved his fist and rushed forward.

Several strong men in the back also rushed forward one after another.

Lin Feng saw that the Zhuang Dynasty himself a punch to come over, he tilted his head to hide, and then a fierce top knee, hit the strong man's crotch.

"Is it cool to have no children and no children?" Lin Feng asked.

With a scream of "ow", the strong Hamilton knelt down on his knees.

Then Lin Feng grabbed his hand and said, "your hand is dirty. I'll clean it for you."

Said, listen to "click" a, Lin Feng directly will that strong man's hand to break.

"Ah -" cried the strong man. The pain in his crotch and hands made him faint.

The other strong men rushed to the middle of the scene, and immediately felt flustered.

However, Lin Feng didn't give them a chance. Instead, he went straight to the middle of those strong men and swept one foot towards the knee bone of a strong man.

"Pa" sound, knee bone was kicked to pieces, the strong man knelt down on the ground, painful screams, and even more frightening is that the blood on his knees instantly seeps out from his pants, and his legs are already useless.

And another strong man found Lin Feng in front of him and directly punched him.

Lin Feng directly took his fist and twisted it. The man grinned and stood on tiptoe and said, "Oh, don't don't do it...

" don't you! When you bully a beautiful woman, why don't you don't Lin Feng scolded, but in the opposite direction, he twisted again.

The man was directly thrown to the ground by a somersault brought by Lin Feng. Then, Lin Feng kicked him to his body. "Bang", the man was kicked to slide out of the ground and hit the wall directly. His hands covered his ribs, and half of his chest had sunk in.

The last strong man saw that the security guard was the king of hell. He turned his head and was about to run behind the Third Master of Cui: "Third Master, help!"

But Lin Feng grabbed him by the back of his coat and pulled him to himself.

Knowing that he couldn't run away, he turned his head and wept and knelt down to Lin Feng: "brother, Rao... Ah --"

before the man said his words, he felt a pain in his hand. It was obvious that Lin Feng directly crushed the bones of his fingers.

In a flash, all these strong men were knocked down and disabled. Wei Yunlong and Jin Lengyu were extremely surprised.

However, Su Jing and others wept with joy. Lin Feng came here. It was a timely help.

Lin Feng beamed at them and said, "I said you need bodyguards, but you don't want to bring me. Fortunately, I'm thick skinned, and I'll follow. It turns out that I have to be a little cheeky!"

Ye Yuwei and Jin Lingyue burst into tears and laughed.

Lin Feng turned around and looked at Taotie. He suddenly laughed and said, "xiansen, in fact, I am your biggest competitor, because I also want this project of Jinjia!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!