The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 337

Wei Yunlong suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

He now understood why the front desk didn't listen to him and opened the door.

Obviously, the front desk was intimidated by their 95, but they opened the door.

However, the headquarters of Changsheng was heavily guarded, and the tenants could not bring any dangerous goods. Unexpectedly, the backers brought 95 all of them today, which was totally beyond his expectation.

It's really the song that should be answered:

without any precautions or worries, you just appear in my world and surprise me...

"you are too much!" Wei Yunlong picked up the phone and wanted to call someone.

"Wei Yunlong, put down the phone in your hand and don't use your head!" Third master Cui gave a big drink and threatened.

From the beginning to the end, Taotie didn't say a word, so he quietly observed and did not move.

"Mr. Cui, don't mess around. This is the headquarters of Changsheng Group. If you are rude, you can't get out of the headquarters gate!" Wei Yunlong said.

Third master Cui laughed and said, "you don't have to worry about how we go. You should worry about your own life now."

Su Jing was very angry when she saw that Mr. Cui was clearly fighting for business. Regardless of the gun in his hand, Su Jing said out loud, "Mr. Cui, business cooperation is based on win-win cooperation. It's immoral for you to take advantage of others and break business rules like this!"

"Are you him? Shut up!" "This is the tone of Laozi's work. I don't like you to talk about it. Come on, tie up this little girl and stop your mouth. I'll let you talk more!"

Then, he threatened to the others: "any one of you will end up just like her!"

"Cui Bing, you've gone too far!" Wei Yunlong road.

"Don't talk too much!" Third master Cui stepped forward and kicked Wei Yunlong.

At this time, Su Jing's phone rang suddenly.

Su Jing saw that it was Lin Feng who called.

She quickly picked up, that end of Lin Feng jokingly said: "big president, everything is OK?"

Su Jing just wanted to shout that it was not going well, but she heard a crack and her mobile phone was knocked off.

"Bitch!" Third master Cui glared at Su Jing fiercely, and then called out to the people behind her: "let's tie them up. What are you doing? Tie them up. All the phones are confiscated!

"Cui Bing, our business has nothing to do with Dongsheng Group. Don't touch them!" Wei Yunlong said.

"Oh, the flower protector! Take care of yourself first! Tie it up for me Cried the Third Master of Cui.

Several big men tied up Su Jing and stuffed her mouth with cloth. She asked Ye Yuwei, Jin Lingyue and the front desk to sit on the sofa without moving or talking.

"If I'm not mistaken, this should be the beauty of the Jin family?" Cui San Ye looked at Jin Lengyu and said, "since the people of Jin family are here, it's just right that you give me the project today. Both sides will sign it. Everyone will be happy and make a fortune together. How nice

"You think so!" Wei Yunlong said: "this business, I give no one will give you!"

Su Jing is also very clear in her mind that Wei Yunlong can't even look up to such a suitable enterprise as Dongsheng Group, and it's even more meaningless to talk about such a non affiliated Association as the relying group.

And this result, Taotie had already guessed, so he made Cui Sanye angry!

Otherwise, if you want to move the Jin family and Changsheng Group, Cui San ye will surely have a lack of confidence. If you have Taotie's support, it will be different. The organization behind Taotie is very strong. Cui Sanye feels that he has a supporter. Therefore, he is more rampant than usual.

"Wei Yunlong, don't toast or eat or drink. If we are forced to do so, the consequences will be very serious!" Cui Sanye threatened.

At this time, Jin Lengyu, who had not spoken for a long time, but with a cold smile, finally began to say:

"relying on the mountain to help the third master Cui really deserves its reputation!"

"Oh, drink, the beauty of Jin family has heard of my name?" Third master Cui grinned and felt very proud.

"Of course, I've heard of it. It's said that Mr. Cui looks like a bandit, and his behavior is no different from that of a bandit. When I see him today, it's just like the rumor says." Jin Leng Yu Yue said, "you are very worthy of those rumors."


you can hear Cui San Ye's good words. This beautiful woman is beautiful, but how can he speak so poisonous? He is very angry.

"Girl, how dare you talk to me like that? Have you ever heard a saying that the strong dragon does not oppress the local villains? Although I have no skills, I still have a head and a face in Jincheng! " There is a threat in Cui's words.

"You have a head and a face, but you do something shameless and shameless?" Asked Jin Lengyu.


the Third Master of Cui was so angry that he made a total of three or four sentences. As a result, she couldn't answer back. This woman's mouth is so fierce that she deserves to be a member of a big family!

But the Third Master of Cui has a gluttonous support, and is very confident. He curses: "Stinky ladies, how do you talk? When you arrive in Jincheng today, you have to listen to me! If I don't sign the contract, I'll take all of you women away and give my brother who is a supporter to have a good timeJin Lengyu listens, Liu Mei is squeezed in all at once, the look on the face is colder a few minutes.

"Do you really think you're great? It seems that I will teach you a lesson! " Jin Lengyu gave a cold smile and then gave a fierce drink: "impermanence --"

at this time, the door was pushed open and a man in a white suit came in.

"Miss King, please tell me!" Said the man.

"Someone is threatening my safety. What should you do?" Asked Jin Lengyu.

"There is no mercy for killing!" Impermanence is cold.

"Don't be so cruel, just let them know how good they are!" Said Jin Lengyu.

"Good! Then I will crush them all Wuchang said without expression.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

At this time, the Third Master of Cui covered his stomach and laughed: "this young man, you are so good at pretending that you are the only one who can beat us?"

Those strong men brought by Cui Sanye also sneered at Wuchang, and felt that one hand could break the young man's waist!

"Is that funny?" A flash of anger flashed on Wuchang's face.

As soon as the voice dropped, he rushed directly to the nearest strong man.

Seeing that impermanence is threatening, the strong man directly blows a fist at Wuchang and hits him.

Wuchang stoops down to get under the strong man's fist, then hits the strong man's abdomen with a hook on his right hand.

Hearing the sound of "bang", the strong man was beaten and retreated. He fell on the ground, spit out a mouthful of blood, and was unconscious.

"Lying trough? Cruel character Third master Cui has practiced boxing. Seeing Wuchang, he is an experienced practitioner.

He waved a big hand to the others: "you go together, don't leave alone, dry him!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!