The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 338

Hearing this, those strong men all rubbed their hands and rushed towards impermanence.

Wuchang kicks one foot first, then takes a step back. When everyone rushes up, he raises the tea table on one side and smashes it directly at those strong men.

"Click" a sound, tea table hit the front three people, hit smashed, the three people were also repulsed.

The other strong men behind them rushed up.

Wuchang dodges from left to right, occasionally blocks several times, and then he retreats, drawing a whip about one meter long from his waist.

If you look at it carefully, you can tell that the whip is made of iron and steel. The head of the whip has a sharp small hook, which is shining with cold light.

Those strong men didn't care, and rushed up again.

However, seeing Wuchang's hand shaking violently, the whip was like a flying snake, whizzing out, and "pa" made a crisp sound. One of the people's heads was immediately pulled out of a blood hole, bleeding more than once.

The other strong men were shocked. They didn't expect that the whip was so powerful that they didn't dare to be reckless. They all carefully circled the impermanence.

"What are you doing? Come on together, hit him

Third master Cui was so anxious. In less than a minute, he knocked down several brothers. At this time, there were only five left to surround the impermanent. I didn't expect that this impermanent guy was really good!

Hearing Cui's urging, the other strong men summoned up their courage and bravely rushed up.

However, seeing Wuchang's wrist shaking rapidly, "Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa" three times, the three people's heads were red, and they were holding their heads and falling down.

But the other two are rushed to the front, one embraces impermanence from behind, the other is a fierce foot towards Wuchang's abdomen.

Impermanence but feet a kick, a sudden jump of old high, that strong man a foot knot solid kick in another strong man's abdomen.

"Ah --"

the trampled strong man fell to the ground with a single puff, his face pale.

"I wipe, I didn't mean to..." the former knew that he had kicked the wrong foot, and felt very guilty.

However, before he finished his sorry words, a fist the size of a sandbag hit him in the face.

With the sound of "bang", the strong man felt a burst of pain in his head and fainted. He fell directly on the ground and passed out.

This impermanence of three and five divided by two knocked down all the more than ten strong men, which was very shocking.

Seeing Wuchang's skill, Wei Yunlong couldn't help but exclaim: "master! Good job

Impermanence is the bodyguard brought by Jin Lengyu. He has been sitting in the rest room next door. When he hears Jin Lengyu's call, he rushes over.

People can't help but admire that the Jin family is indeed a big family. As expected, there are many capable people, and even bodyguards are so capable of fighting.

At this time, Jin Lengyu, with a trace of pride and pride in her face, said to Cui Sanye, "how do you dare to laugh at him?"

Impermanence also goes to Cui San ye and looks at him coldly.

Cui San ye could not hang his face any more. He grabbed the 95th pistol on the table and swore: "I'll kill you in the hell!"

However, Wuchang's hand shook and his whip snapped, which directly hit Cui Sanye's hand, and then 95 immediately took off his hand and flew out!

"Oh! Lying trough

Cui San ye can't take care of the pain in his hands. He doesn't want to jump in the direction of 95.

The gun can't be lost. If it falls on someone else, it's over.

But third master Cui was a little late. When he threw himself on the ground and was about to reach for 95, he was picked up by others.


Cui Sanye exclaimed, looked up and found that the one who picked up the gun was a glutton sitting in the corner all the time.

, "ah, it's you, old fellow!" The Third Master of Cui immediately breathed a sigh of relief and threw himself on the ground with a smile.

Taotie closed the gun's insurance, inserted it in his waist, and said to Cui Sanye, "what a waste!"

"Ah Third master Cui blushed, but did not dare to refute.

Taotie saw that Cui San ye could not make a decision and had to come out on his own. He walked slowly to everyone and said in a cold and hoarse voice:

"we must cooperate with the project of Jin family!"

This project is very important. Taotie has already won this project firmly because he wants to make achievements for the organization.

The reason why the organization sent him first is that he can handle the matter of blood jade through his own ability.

After all, if the organization's action is too big to attract other people's attention, more people will join the team looking for blood jade. When the time comes, it will be bad.

Therefore, Taotie is well aware of the trust the organization has placed on him, and he is determined to find clues to blood jade through his own ability.

This is his best chance.

"I'm saying again, the project of Jin family can only cooperate with us!" Taotie is cold.At this time, he asked Wei Yunlong with a smile and asked, "who are you?"

"If you know too much, you will die soon!" Taotie looked at Wei Yunlong coldly, and then said to Jin Lengyu, "I don't want anything, as long as you explore this business in the whole city!"

After hearing this, Jin Lengyu's eyes flashed a little surprised, and then immediately recovered calm and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't count on this business. I've accepted it all to Changsheng Group!"

"Oh?" Taotie looked at Wei Yunlong: "do you agree to cooperate with me in this business?"

"Of course not!" Wei Yunlong road.

"Looking for death!" Taotie is approaching.

"Impermanence, up!" Seeing Wei Yunlong in danger, Jin Lengyu immediately gave a big drink.


Impermanence is only a few meters away from Taotie. Take a step forward and whip it fiercely.

However, the whip did not make a sound, but was directly grasped by Taotie.

"How dare you show off in front of me

Taotie snorts coldly and tugs hard. Wuchang is pulled to him, and then he kicks Wuchang.

Impermanence throws down the whip and blocks the foot with both hands.

But with the sound of "bang", Wuchang Leng was kicked to fly backward and hit the wall behind him.

Impermanence has not yet stood firm, but feels that an object has been smashed in front of him.

Impermanence reaches for a grab and finds that it is the shoes of the other party that flies over.

However, at the same time, Taotie has already arrived at him and swept towards him fiercely.

The speed of that leg was very fast, but strangely, he did not kick Wuchang. Instead, he slipped through Wuchang's eyes and swept through Wuchang's eyes.

After that, Taotie stopped and turned his back to impermanence without looking at Wuchang again.

At this time, impermanence is full of consternation, and then "Wuwu" says nothing.

See his neck, instantly split a neat opening, bright red blood spurted out from inside, how he can not cover.

"Er, you... You..." Wuchang points to Taotie, but without saying anything, he falls to the ground and dies.

Seeing this scene, people were shocked.

Impermanence, such a powerful bodyguard, has been cut off his throat by a gluttonous move. Is this terrible strength still human?

At this time, we can see that under Taotie's trousers, there is a titanium artificial leg, and that foot is a sharp titanium alloy sheet, which is also stained with impermanent blood.

Taotie's leg swept past, sharp titanium alloy sheet, will be impermanent neck, cut off!

"Impermanence --"

Jin Lengyu roared in pain.

Wuchang has been the bodyguard of Jin Lengyu since he was 18 years old. Sometimes he even thought he was his brother. But today, he was killed by the other party and didn't even leave his last words. At this time, his body was still leaning against the wall, watching this side helplessly.

Jin Lengyu's heart is very painful, like the loss of a loved one.

At this time, Taotie slowly walked to Jin Lengyu, lenglengleng said: "the Jin family must cooperate with me, otherwise, I will kill all the people here!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!