The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 336

Prosperous group, Wei Yunlong office.

Ye Yuwei and Jin Ling went to battle by turns, explaining all aspects of Dongsheng Group very thoroughly, and each of them was a way.

Including the advantages of Dongsheng Group, if Dongsheng Group undertakes the project of Jinjia, how much benefit will both sides get, etc., these things are said by them very attractive.

With Su Jing's help, the negotiation came to a conclusion that there was no problem with the project of Jin family.

If Jinjia doesn't cooperate with Dongsheng Group, it will feel like heaven and earth are not compatible.

Su Jing is also very satisfied with the performance of the other two. She gives Jin Lingyue and ye Yuwei a thumbs up secretly. Their cooperation is perfect. This project is sure to win.

"Mr. Wei, are you satisfied with Dongsheng Group?" Su Jing asked confidently.

Wei Yunlong said: "I have to say, Dongsheng Group and Dongsheng Mining Co., Ltd. are really excellent, but I don't think they are our ideal partners. I'm really sorry!"


Su Jing and Su Jing were all stunned. When Dongsheng Group was so suitable for cooperation, Wei Yunlong refused directly?

Even Jin Lengyu was a little surprised. She glanced at Wei Yunlong with a cold face and did not answer. After all, the decision-making power was handed over to Changsheng Group, and she could not say anything more.

"Mr. Wei, what do you think is not suitable? What we can talk about again is that the price is not suitable? Or does the way of cooperation need to be adjusted? " Ye Yuwei asked.

"None of them!" Wei Yunlong said: "you Dongsheng Group is really excellent, all aspects of the conditions are very mature, but I am really sorry, I still can't give you this business! I'm sorry! "

After listening to Wei Yunlong's words, Su Jing felt cold.

And this kind of operation?

Don't even say why you can't cooperate?

We've been preparing for this for a long time? I just slept in the early hours of last night. I came here today and played very well. I can't find fault in any aspect. However, I'm sorry and I won't cooperate!

Is that too much?

Su Jing was angry and unwilling, but she didn't show it.

Because business is like this, not polite, no feelings, I do not want to cooperate with you, maybe there is my reason, but I don't need to tell you!

So when Su Jing didn't say anything to Wei Yunlong, she couldn't ask again.

It's just that Jin Lingyue and ye Yuwei are still very stubborn. They two have a lot of trouble not to talk about this business. They are more aware of Su Jing's importance to this business. Su Jing hasn't slept much for several nights in a row. They just want to find information, sort out ideas and think about countermeasures. They really don't want to see Su Jing disappointed!

We have exhausted our minds, and today we have tried our best, and the other party has even lightly refused.

It's hard to accept!

Jin Lingyue said: "Mr. Wei, don't rush to a conclusion. Do you think it's time to think about it again? It happens that our general manager Su has ordered a banquet in longta tonight. You can go to eat with us and talk about our daily life. We really want to learn from you!"

Wei Yunlong, you don't have to smile any more

The meaning of Wei Yunlong's words has made it clear that he can't cooperate with Dongsheng Group.

Su Jing sighed with a deep sigh. In terms of her status, she is no lower than Wei Yunlong. One is the president of Changsheng Group, the other is the president of Dongsheng Group.

But today's business is dominated by Changsheng Group, so from the very beginning, Su Jing's attitude is very low. Naturally, she is inferior to others in handling affairs.

However, as soon as she tried, she still couldn't. Su Jing felt helpless.

When Wei Yunlong saw that the three senior executives of Dongsheng group were very ugly, he coughed and said:

"well, the three of you remember what I said when I came here. My office is facing the sea. Spring is warm and flowers are blooming. So I hope you can have a good talk. After all, whether the business is cooperative or not is only temporary , business failure, or friends! We may have more business in the future! "

"Thank you, Mr. Wei!" Su Jing was helpless and unwilling.

However, Wei Yunlong has said such words. It is obvious that he is stepping down the steps. If he asks for more, everyone will be embarrassed.

At this time, however, there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Wei Yunlong asked.

"Mr. Wei, someone is looking for you! Meet and talk

Wei Yunlong looks at his watch. At 10:30, he doesn't have an appointment at this point. He just makes an appointment with Cui Bing, a supporter of the mountain gang. But the time is not up yet!

"I'm talking to someone else. I won't be visiting for the time being." Wei Yunlong said.

"Mr. Wei, are you talking to people from Dongsheng Group?" Outside the door sounded a man's rough voice: "we may as well join in, there is competition to have a comparison!"The person who spoke was Cui Sanye.

Because Taotie saw that Dongsheng Group was negotiating. If Dongsheng Group took the lead, it would be difficult for them to talk.

Therefore, since the front desk lady found Cui San Ye's gun, they did not hide it. They directly threatened the front desk and took them to Wei Yunlong's office.

Otherwise, if you come to Wei Yunlong, you need fingerprints. If you don't have the front desk and the senior management of Changsheng Group, they can't come!

At this time, Wei Yunlong frowned and was in a bad mood.

It's true that the backers are not regular business people. They don't talk about business on time. When people meet here, they are still urging them outside. How can there be such a partner?

Don't say that this project can't be given to you. Even if it can, I will definitely not give it to you on your virtue.

"Mr. Cui, wait a moment. I haven't finished talking with Dongsheng Group yet." Out of politeness, Wei Yunlong suppressed his discontent and said politely.

"Don't be confused by the beauties of Dongsheng Group. We are the best partners. Open the door quickly. If you want to talk, talk together. Don't Dongsheng Group dare not compete with us?" Cui said.

"How rude!" Wei Yunlong's brow twisted into a lump.

At this time, however, there was a bang and the door opened.

It was the front desk that opened the door.

"What's the matter with you?" Wei Yunlong was very angry and asked the front desk, "did I let you in?"

How can the front desk open without permission?

However, the front desk was frightened and stammered: "Mr. Wei, they and they..."

"boss Wei, why, don't you welcome us?" Cui San Ye deliberately said aloud, directly interrupted the words of the front desk.

"How dare I not welcome you, Mr. Cui!" Wei Yunlong said without being angry.

His own base camp, he wants to break in, this is completely ignored me! Think of it, Wei Yunlong's heart is very unhappy!

"Welcome to us. Are you still closed? Do I have to work my way in? Are you welcome? " Cui San ye said, directly sat on the edge of the sofa, looking at Su Jing and others, his eyes flashed a trace of obscenity.

"Oh, Dongsheng and Sanmei are all attacking? Is this a seduction? Tut Tut, boss Wei is very lucky. Can you give me a taste? " Cui San ye said.

"Mr. Cui, some jokes can be played, and some can't be. I advise you to keep your mouth shut!" Su Jingsheng airway.

Although they have never met each other, Wei Yunlong said that this man was the Third Master of Cui. Su Jingdao had heard of him for a long time. When I saw him today, I felt disgusted!

With his bald head, beard and eyes, he looks like a rogue with two fish bubbles and his mouth full of foul language.

"Is this Mr. Su? I've seen your photos. You are more beautiful than the photos Cui said.

"Thank you for the compliment Su Jing said coldly.

"What? Boss Wei, are you talking about business? How's it going? I just want to ask, is there any chance for us to rely on the mountain? " Third master Cui looked at Wei Yunlong and asked with a sneer.

"I'm sorry, I don't have a chance!" Wei Yunlong made no secret of his dislike for the backers, and even denied it directly.

"Oh? Is it? We haven't shown our advantages yet. How can boss Wei deny us all at once? " With a cold smile, Mr. Cui suddenly took out the type 95 pistol and banged it on the table. The muzzle of the gun pointed at Wei Yunlong and said with a grim look:

"boss Wei, do you still have a chance to cooperate , the fastest update of the webnovel!