The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 335

Wei Yunlong picked up the phone and called the front desk to take Su Jing and others upstairs.

Then, he put down the phone and said to the woman at the other end of the sofa:

"Mr. Jin, the three people coming this time are the president and two directors of Dongsheng Group! Let's talk about it first and see if they are suitable for this project. "

"Well!" The woman nodded gently.

At this time, Wei Yunlong's spacious office was occupied by him and this woman. The woman was the daughter of Jin family, Jin Lengyu, and Jin Waner's twin sister.

But the two people's personalities are very different, one is gentle and witty, the other is cold.

The younger sister Jin Wan'er is that kind with a bit of innocence and fantasy, always very gentle feeling to people.

But elder sister Jin Lengyu, is very cold and arrogant, a pair of female strong person's appearance.

Jin Lengyu is wearing a Burberry Beige windbreaker, which is a Prada black lace dress. This collocation not only shows the sexy charm of women, but also the domineering power of superiors.

On the foot is a pair of Gucci's black gem short boots, next to the sofa is an Emma limited handbag.

The whole person is surrounded by luxury goods, appears incomparably luxurious.

This is enough to read about the financial strength of the Jin family and the status of Jin Lengyu.

And Jin Lengyu's face is definitely goddess level, with a standard melon seed face, a small nose, sexy thin lips, especially a glance between her eyes, which is enough to kill a man.

This time, Jin Lengyu only brought a bodyguard, who was drinking coffee in the coffee shop next door.

At this time, Jin Lengyu's lips lit up and said, "this time, you Changsheng Group will decide to cooperate with you. After all, we, Mr. Jin, and Wei Zhentian have a deep friendship."

"Well, I'd like to thank Mr. Jin for his trust first." Wei Yunlong said.

Wei Yunlong didn't tell the Jin family that the project would be given to Lin Feng because they didn't want the Jin family to see that they were so partial to someone.

In fact, Wei Yunlong learns from Wei Yichan that Lin Feng is very capable, so he gives this business to Lin Feng and is very relieved.

But to compare, he felt that the Jin family was very hasty.

The gold family didn't understand mining, but suddenly set foot in the mineral industry. It was obvious that they didn't think about it carefully and burned money for fun!

Compared with the carelessness of the Jin family, Wei Yunlong felt that he was very reliable, so he took his decision for granted.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Wei Yunlong road.

When the door was opened, the front desk led Su Jing and other three people into the office, then backed out and closed the door.

"Mr. Wei, I haven't seen you for a long time. You're all right!" Su Jing said hello politely.

Wei Yunlong said with a smile: "ha ha, general manager Su is still beautiful. Please have a seat!"

Say, stretch out one's hand toward the arc sofa in front of French window to point to past.

Then Wei Yunlong introduced Jin Lengyu, who had been sitting on the sofa for a long time, to Su Jing:

"this is the general manager of Jin Lengyu, the daughter of Jin family, and also the vice president!"

Then, he pointed to Su Jing and said to Jin Lengyu, "this is the president of Dongsheng Group, Su Jing!"



Su Jing and Jin Lengyu both politely shook hands.

"These two are..." Wei Yunlong pointed to Su Jing.

"Oh, my name is Ye Yuwei, sales director of Dongsheng Group. Mr. Wei and Mr. Jin are all right. Nice to meet you!"

"My name is Jin Lingyue. Nice to meet you!" Jin Lingyue also introduced herself. When shaking hands with Jin Lengyu, she half jokingly said, "Mr. Jin, we are all surnamed Jin. We still have kinship 500 years ago. We have to ask you to take more care of us in the future. Ha ha ha ha!"

Jin Lengyu said without expression: "you're welcome. I don't have anything to take care of. I'm sitting here today to listen in."

"Ha ha! You are so modest. Sit down and talk to each other! " Wei Yunlong hastened to ease the atmosphere.

Several people shook hands and sat down.

"Today I can talk with four top beauties. I feel that my life has reached the peak." Wei Yunlong said.

"Mr. Wei, where is your peak life just beginning?" Jin Lingyue.

Jin Lingyue is worthy of being the director of public relations. She is always able to find the right fit in her words, which makes her feel comfortable.

"Ha ha ha, I hope so!" Wei Yunlong said: "you see Ha, my office, facing the sea blue building, looking down, you can see the whole sea blue square, flowers and plants everywhere, how good, how comfortable, so today we are negotiating here, I also hope to be able to talk happily, talk comfortably!"

Jin Lingyue said: "facing the sea blue building, you can see the sea of flowers when you look down. Isn't that just facing the sea and blooming in spring?"

"Ha ha ha, Mr. Jin is so quick in thinking. Why didn't I think of it?" Wei Yunlong laughed.At this time, someone knocked in, brought in a few cups of coffee, put one in front of everyone, and then walked out of the office.

Wei Yunlong said, "let's start talking about business."

"Good!" Su Jing said, "let me get to the point! We come here this time, I believe Mr. Wei also knows our intention, that is to talk about the business of Jinshi Group in Jincheng, because I think Dongsheng Group has made great achievements in mining, and now we are the largest mining salary in Jincheng, and we have the strength to undertake this project! If you two don't mind, let's show you our company's introduction and advantages by our sales director Ye Yuwei and General Manager Ye! "

"Good!" Wei Yunlong said.

Ye Yuwei takes out her tablet computer, links it to a micro projector, and projects the data onto a white wall on one side.

"Mr. Wei, please see, our Dongsheng Group was founded in year XXX...

Ye Yuwei began to introduce it.




the first floor of Changsheng Group building.

At this time, there are more than a dozen people in suits, also into the prosperous group building..

The one with cap and suit is wearing a pair of sports shoes.

It is Taotie.

Behind him, Cui San Ye is also wearing a suit. Obviously, he is not used to this kind of dress. His walking posture is very awkward. Then he pulls his tie knot from time to time, as if his neck is stuck.

The others behind him, one by one with sunglasses, are strong, cold expression, looks very fierce.

Taotie took them to the first floor of Changsheng building. When the front desk lady saw it, she said, "Hello, sir. What can I do for you?"

"We have an appointment with Wei Yunlong to talk about business!" Taotie said simply and clearly.

"When did you make an appointment?" Asked the front desk.

Taotie didn't answer. Instead, he looked at Cui San ye, who was appointed by him.

"From 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 a.m.," said Cui

"Yes, sir, but now our boss is negotiating with others. Your appointment time has not arrived yet, so please have a rest downstairs." The receptionist said with a smile.

At this time, Taotie glances at the front desk register. The last wave of visitors registered on it are Su Jing, ye Yuwei and Jin Lingyue of Dongsheng Group!

All of a sudden, Taotie's eyes flashed with cold light and said, "OK, let's wait for a while."

"Well, you come with me. I'll take you to the cafe inside and wait!" Said the receptionist.

Taotie and Cui Sanye and others follow the front desk lady to the building. However, Taotie calls Cui Sanye to his side and says in a low voice: "Dongsheng Group has come first. We can't let them get the first chance. If they sign the contract, it will be difficult to do it!"

"What shall we do?"

"You like this..." Taotie whispered a few words in Cui San Ye's ear.

"Good!" Third master Cui replied.

There is a place similar to the subway gate in the front. The front desk lady puts the door plate in the induction area, and the gate opens.

"Come in, please."

The front desk lady motioned the crowd to go inside.

But as Cui Sanye passed by, the alarm sounded at the gate.

"Sir, do you have a lighter and a controlled knife in your pocket? Please put it at the front desk. I will keep it for you. You are not allowed to take these dangerous goods in the building! " Said the receptionist.

"I didn't bring anything. It's your alarm that's wrong." Third master Cui looked dazed, and then walked inside.

"What's in your pocket, sir?" The front desk lady ran after him and reached out to examine Cui's pocket.

But third master Cui took the lead in reaching into his pocket, took out a pistol, put it against the front desk lady's waist, and said, "why do you have to be so serious? Do you have to look at me? Now you see it. Are you satisfied? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!