The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 334

North of the city, it's the headquarters of shanbang.

Inside the mysterious wooden house.

"Have you done what I asked you to do?" Taotie asked Cui Sanye coldly. Forenoon, old fellow,

, I have arranged for Wei Yunlong to meet tomorrow morning. Cui said.

"Well, very well!" Taotie nodded and his eyes were shining like a hungry wolf.

This meeting is very important. If you can successfully take over the project of the Jin family and go through the whole city survey, it's impossible to find out all the clues of the four blood jade stones at once. By then, the mountain gang will be useless. Who cares about the rise and fall of your mountain Gang?

old fellow tri San, however, was excited that if the old iron could take this business, a huge investment would drop from the clouds. The ghost would care about your city's exploration, and bring money to the backside Gang, so that you would not fear the support of the backers.

Both of them have ulterior motives, but Taotie is obviously more eager to cooperate this time, which is of great significance to him. No matter what method he uses, he must win the negotiation.

at this time, Mr. Choi asked, "old fellow, how can we talk tomorrow?" As long as we don't know mining, we have no friendship with Wei Yunlong. I'm afraid we can't make a decision about this matter! "

Taotie coldly said: "this matter, can't use to talk about!"

Then he whispered a few words in his ear!

"Oh, that's what I like. It's great. Just do it!" Third master Cui laughed.

"Get ready!" Taotie is cold.

"Certainly!" Cui San ye said.

Taotie looked at Cui Sanye and said, "OK, if you have nothing to do, go down and have a rest early. Tomorrow will be an important day."

"Good!" Third master Cui went out the door.

But the Taotie in the house, sitting at the table, is meditating.

The eldest brother asked himself to come to Jincheng to be a pioneer. He has been here for several months, but he has not done anything. If we can't decide what to do tomorrow, I'm afraid the boss will arrive in a few days. When he sees himself like this, he will be furious!

So tomorrow's thing, even if it's hard, must be done.

Taotie bit his teeth and made a firm decision in his heart.

Then he took off his cap and showed a pale face. His eyes were long and thin, with a cold light.

Then he took off his coat, his shoes and his trousers.

Surprisingly, although his upper body is very strong, but his lower body did not have legs.

In other words, the legs have been replaced by mechanical prostheses.

His legs have been amputated from below the knee, replaced by a pair of titanium artificial legs, feet are also full of toughness titanium alloy lamellar feet.

However, his titanium alloy material seems to be different from other disabled people. His prosthetic limb has a cool luster, which is very smooth and bright.

What's more surprising is that although his feet are made of titanium alloy, the tip of his feet is as sharp as a sharp knife.

No wonder he's wearing a suit, but not shoes. He's always wearing a pair of sneakers.

It turns out that the sports shoes are more loose, which can well accommodate his titanium lamellar feet.

At this time, Taotie pulled out a backpack from the bed, which was the backpack he brought when he came to Jincheng.

He sat on the stool, cocked his legs, put his backpack between his legs and opened it.

He took out a bottle of chemicals and a sponge, then dropped the medicine on the sponge, picked up the sponge, and carefully wiped it against his prosthetic limb.

At this time, he was quite different from the usual cold gluttonous food.

He looked at his prosthetic limb with soft eyes, and his mouth was so gentle that he hummed a tune. The movement of wiping his prosthetic limb was so gentle, as if he was touching his lover.

When he touched the titanium alloy plate, his eyes were shining with cold light. After a while, he wiped it for dozens of times. Then he murmured: "you accompany me to fight for life. You are my body and my soul! I will not lose you

Then, wipe the end, carefully put on the trousers, sports shoes, cap, lying on the bed, gently sleep in the past.




the next morning, Swan Lake Villa.

"I said, President of Suzhou University, are you sure you don't want me to follow me? I want to protect the three of you Lin Feng said: "you three are so beautiful, and I am so handsome and unrestrained. We are born with 4P combination. Nothing can beat us. You can consider it!"

Su Jing went out in a hurry. The more anxious she was, the more chaotic Lin Feng was. She was bored to death by listening to Lin Feng's fragmentary reading. She yelled to Lin Feng: "we are going to talk about business, not to fight. Also, you should pay attention to what is 4P. Don't occupy us any more! I'm in a hurry. Don't bother me

"Oh, Mr. Su, since you are so determined, I won't go with you. But I still think you three may need me. So, this is my business card. Please call me when you need it."Lin Feng handed Su Jing a crumpled card with a flower girl on it. It said, "Jincheng health care, 300 at a time, 500 for night. You can come to the door. Contact number is 15xxxxxxxx.

And these words have been crossed by Lin Feng. At the bottom of all the characters, there is a line of crooked small characters, which says: Lin Nanshen, contact number: 13xxxxxxxx.


"well, there is no other card. You made one temporarily. You can make do with it!" Lin Feng put the card into Su Jing's pocket and accidentally touched Su Jing's leg.

"Oh, don't touch me. Keep your dirty cards away from me!" Su Jing knocked out Lin Feng's card and said, "I have your phone number in my address book, but I tell you I don't need it. I won't contact you. Goodbye!"

He went into the garage, opened the Maserati door and sat in.

Lin Feng showed helplessness with both hands, then lowered his head to pick up his "business card" and said, "well, have a good time, my president of Su University! By the way, take me to say hello to the other two beauties

Su Jing didn't listen. As soon as she stepped on the accelerator, the car rushed out.

"Oh, young and vigorous!" Lin Feng shakes his head and grins bitterly. He sits on the rocking chair at the door like an old man, squinting his eyes and humming "Eighteen touches" and basks in the sun.

Su Jing, ye Yuwei and Jin Lingyue meet at Changsheng Group building.

This time, the three of them at the same time, enough to show the importance of this matter.

Soon all three arrived, and then Su Jing called Wei Yunlong, who was waiting for them upstairs.

Wei Yunlong made an appointment with two groups of people today. The first wave, Dongsheng Group, was from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., and the second wave was the mountain gang. From 11:30 to 12:30 a.m.

During this period, too many people asked Wei Yunlong to talk about this business, but Wei Yunlong politely refused.

The reason why he didn't refuse Dongsheng Group and the support group was that these two forces were the few big forces in Jincheng, and he didn't want to offend him.

However, if you don't offend them, it doesn't mean that the business will be given to the two families. Wei Yunlong asked them to come here today, but he just walked the scene. As for the business, he has promised to Lin Feng, and naturally he will not give it to others.

At this time, Wei Yunlong's phone rang. Seeing that it was Su Jing, he picked up the phone and said, "Mr. Su, it's very punctual. You wait for me on the first floor. I'll send someone down to pick you up!"

"Good!" Su Jing hung up the phone, and ye Yuwei and Jin Lingyue were waiting on the first floor. , the fastest update of the webnovel!