The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 333

After the hospital was done, Lin Feng didn't stay in the hospital.

As for Gao Qingshan to pay tribute to teachers, Lin Feng just said: "sorry, I don't accept apprentices, but welcome to find me to learn medical skills at any time!"

After that, he walked out of the building, pushed his 28 bar bike, and rode away with a towering shrug.

"Doctor Lin is really frugal. He still rides a bicycle with such a ability!" Someone said.

"No, people think money is like dung, and they don't know how much more noble they are than those who drive luxury cars all day long to carry X!"

"Well, if I could have such a boyfriend, I would like to sit in his back seat and laugh!"

"Ha ha, you think of beauty, people will not take you!"

"Liuqianyun is really happy!" "


while gaoqingshan stood at the window, but he praised Lin Feng:" in this flashy world, he did not draw money because of his magical medical skills, and still lived such a simple life. This is the real world's high-level people, high-level people! "

Said, the heart of gaoqingshan, once again to the forest peak is filled with infinite admiration.


at this time, Lin Feng looked at his watch, and he had a little time to go off work of Dongsheng Group. He rode back to Dongsheng Group.

When we got to Dongsheng Group, I left the big guy in the door.

Lin Feng grabbed his coat in one hand, and draped it on his shoulder. He held a toothpick in his mouth, and he was hanging his head crooked.

His hair was fluffy and elegant, the stubble of his sob was secret and sexy. His shirt untied three buttons, and he showed his chest muscles frankly. His face and neck were all concealed lipstick seals.

Lin Feng, a unrestrained image, immediately led people around to take photos.

"Come on, Lin Fengge's new model today, grab a picture!"


click "

br > br > br > br > the shutter sound of taking photos is always on.

Lin Feng also cooperated with several positions, and was kissing and cool posture.

After a little tilt, Lin Feng suddenly said with a cheap smile: "what, you take photos of these, do you think it was white? I have to charge for it. I have a tight hand recently. I have five yuan for a picture. Pay quickly. Mobile phone transfer supports it

As soon as Lin Feng reached out, the people around him were scattered and ran without trace. Except Xia Ming and several security guards were smiling at Lin Feng at the door, the hall on the first floor was empty.

"I rely on you. Do you have any conscience? Give me some money. Pity. Can I die Lin Feng took a deep breath, shook his head and shouted, "you have no humanity ah you!"

Then, instead of returning to his office, he went straight up the top floor.

She has no other hobbies to come to Dongsheng Group, so she likes to sit in Su Jing's office, make a joke about Su Jing and bubble Su Jing.

After all, the first beauty of Dongsheng is still very interesting.

When she walked to the door of Su Jing's office, Lin Feng found that the door of the office was covered, and Su Jing was discussing with her employees.

Lin Feng opened the door and walked in. He was used to opening the door directly.

Su Jing is used to him. As long as no one knocks at the door, the door suddenly opens. She knows Lin Feng is coming with her eyes closed.

When she walked into Su Jing's office, he met three beauties of Dongsheng Group, and they all gathered in the office.

Su Jing, female president of iceberg, ye Yuwei, sales director of pride, and jinlingyue, public relations director of sister Yu.

These three big beauties, by the group of free and idle male cattle, and called Dongsheng Group Sanmei.

Su Jing's face and figure are the most prominent of the three. She is also more powerful than the other two because of her high position.

Although compared with the goddess Sujing, yeyuwei and jinlingyue are slightly inferior. But either of her two took it out, and she was the top goddess level, and any one could make a man drool.

So the nickname of Dongsheng Sanmei, although the soil is dregs, is called loud, not only in Dongsheng Group, even the whole Jincheng City, but also known by many people.

At this time, the three beauties gathered together to meet, the disordered fragrance and messy legs, beautiful eyes and hair, which made Lin Feng intoxicated.

"Tut Tut, I am blessed to play with you three!" Lin Feng smiled and found a stool and sat down.

Su Jing saw Lin Feng with lipstick prints on her face. She didn't hit one place when she was angry and said, "we have to talk about organic secrets. You go out!"

"Oh, I'm not a stranger. You talk about it!" Said Lin Feng.

Yeyuwei and jinlingyue heard, and said: "Lin Feng is not an outsider, general Su, let's continue to say it!"

Their ability to Lin Feng is 100% recognized. Even if they want to call Lin Feng at the meeting today, Su Jing won't let it, and they didn't call them.

Su Jing was really angry with Lin Feng because she didn't call Lin Feng.Su Jing was angry and angry when he saw her lying on the bed wearing T-shirt.

Of course, Su Jing didn't like to wear interesting things, but her mother gave her the underwear when she was 18 years old.

Mother said, women, should have a woman's appearance, wear these, not disgraceful!

Her mother didn't leave much for herself, so Su Jing cherished everything.

But it was Lin Feng who saw it. Lin Feng must have been masturbating himself in private.

Look at the lipstick on Lin Feng's face. Su Jing is really speechless. This man is so romantic that he can't do it!

But now the business matters, she has no energy to manage these. Since the other two don't mind Lin Feng staying here, let's go on.

Su Jing continued to stare at Lin Feng, and continued to say to the other two: "I finally made an appointment with Wei Yunlong to discuss the cooperation project tomorrow morning. Although the opportunity is not great, we should try our best to strive for this project. This project is very important to Dongsheng Group."

"Well!" Ye Yuwei and Jin Lingyue nodded together.

Su Jing continued: "this time, there will be someone from the Jin family who will be present, but that person is just an observer. The decision is still in the hands of Wei Yunlong, so tomorrow we will attack Wei Yunlong!"

"Well!" Ye Yuwei nodded and said, "I will sort out our sales volume, and sort out the qualification of Dongsheng mining. I will also sort out all the previous income and expenditure, as well as equipment models and other information."

"Good!" Su Jing said.

Then he turned to Jin Lingyue and said, "Mr. Jin, if we can invite Wei Yunlong and the people of the Jin family to dinner after the business negotiation, we will have a greater chance. This dinner and wine party is your strong point. It depends on your performance. If you have any support, you can tell me!"

"Well, Mr. Su, you can rest assured of that." Jin Lingyue said.

"Oh, dear, I said that you are not troublesome. Do you think so much about Wei Yunlong? I don't need to prepare anything, just prepare to take me

"Lin Feng, don't talk nonsense there!" Su Jing said, "the three of us are here to talk about business seriously. Please don't make trouble, or I will drive you out!"

"Good, good! Can't I stop talking? " Lin Feng Road.

Su Jing gave Lin Feng a look and continued to discuss with them seriously.

At this time, Lin Feng said, "by the way, I'll plug in again!"

"What would you like to insert?" Su Jing asked in anger.

"Just a word!" Lin Feng said: "you three beauties to negotiate, can't you bring bodyguards? Think about me. I can use the bed, bed, inside and outside. It's very practical

Listening to Lin Feng's words, Su Jing was angry. However, when two other people were present, she still held back and said coldly, "I'm sorry, we don't need people with chaotic private lives. If you want to continue listening here, don't interrupt. If you don't want to listen, go out and no one will stop you!"

"I'm not going out, I'm going to be with the beauties!" Lin Feng said.

"Are you going to cut in?" Su Jing asked.

"I won't stick it in! If you don't, I'll have a rest Lin Feng said, "I really don't plug it in!"

"Well, let's go on!" Su Jing continued to hold a meeting for them.

"Ah, insert it again!" Lin Feng suddenly said: "I always insert three, did not affect you?"

"What else do you want to do?" Su Jing was obviously fed up.

"I just want to ask, three beauties, do I look good in this shape now?"

"Lin Feng, you -- give me -- go out --"

the last two words were called out by Su Jing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!