The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 332

"Dean, Dean!" Xiao Li and Liu Yuchen cry and beg, but Gao Qingshan is cold and doesn't pay attention.

At this time, Xiao Li was so angry that she scolded Zhao Linglan: "Zhao Linglan, if you see what you've done, you'll be exposed. You've also implicated us and forced us to lie. You're an old woman. Damn it, NMB, why don't you die!"

Zhao Linglan stares at Xiao Li, who is always obedient to her. How does Xiao Li suddenly become like this?

It seems that people's hearts are very dangerous. The subordinates have been in a state of a thousand miles in office and leaving office!

Zhao Linglan gave a cold smile: "when you follow me, why don't you scold me? Well, it's all self-made to have this ending today. Nobody should blame anyone! "


"OK, stop arguing! She has a point Lin Feng clapped his hands and finally appeared on the stage. The head nurse said with a smile, "nurse Zhao, you are very conscious! Not bad, not bad! "

Then, he said to Gao Qingshan, "what, Gao Qingshan, how can you thank me for finding out two pests for you?"

"Thank you as much as you want!" Gao Qingshan is humble.

"Oh, I'm a low-key person. I don't want anything, just three requirements!" Lin Feng said.

The people around are full of black lines. They don't want anything and open their mouths. If you want something, it's not embarrassing to die!

However, Gao Qingshan replied directly: "no problem, 30 are all possible!"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "the first one, give me a good remediation of those who do harm to people. If I find that the punishment is light, I will come back to find you!"

"Certainly, this does not need to be said by Dr. Lin Shen. I must deal with it seriously!" High Castle Peak Road.

"Good!" Lin Feng said: "second, Liu qianyun should have entered the probation period. I think all such excellent employees can become full-time employees directly."

"Well, after all, Liu qianyun's interns have been here for nearly half a year, and they've been delayed a lot." Gao Qingshan said: "so I'll make the decision on this matter. Liu qianyun will become a full-time official directly. I'll handle the process for you personally later."

"What? To become a regular

Liu qianyun was stunned and could enter the probation period. Before that, he was dreaming. Now he even crossed the probation period and became a regular?

She couldn't help her excitement any more, and she cried out happily, "am I a regular? I'm a regular employee! "

What's more, it's really a great honor for the dean to handle the process himself. If you tell mom and Dad, they will jump up with joy.

She felt like she was dreaming. One hour before, she thought her future had been ruined and she thought she was going to be kicked out. She felt that the darkest moment in her life was no better than this.

However, an hour later, it hit the bottom and rebounded. All of a sudden, the probation period was not used, and it turned into a positive one directly!

The ups and downs of life are just like this. It's just too enchanting and exciting.

She secretly looked at Lin Feng, the heart is full of infinite gratitude, can have such a result, is completely Lin Feng a person's credit.

This man, smart, very justice, but also very humorous, warm and considerate, she is simply too fascinated, she looked at, the face unconsciously red to the root of the neck.

At this time, Lin Feng continued: "the third request, that little sister named Feifei, dare to tell the truth, be able to bear the pressure to fight against the evil forces, her spirit, is everyone should learn, is the absolute positive energy that this society needs, so, she should be rewarded!"

Feifei's face turned red, sniffed and said, "Doctor Lin, you can see what you said. There's no need to reward."

"You see, Feifei's moral character is so noble that he doesn't ask for reward for good deeds. This kind of selfless and fearless spirit is simply too precious!" Lin Feng said: "must reward!"

As soon as this word comes out, Feifei's face is even redder. He looks at Lin Feng embarrassed, then lowers his head and rubs his fingers.

"Dr. Lin said yes, Feifei is really good. I didn't mistake you. I misunderstood you just now! I apologize to you Gao Qingshan said to Feifei with a smile.

"You are welcome, Dean! Don't apologize! " Feifei said.

"Feifei, you are the oldest nurse in this group. Zhao Linglan will be punished later. The head nurse will be vacant. I am absolutely relieved of your character. So you will be the head nurse and report back to my office!" Gao Qingshan said.

"Ah? I'm a head nurse? "

Feifei felt that the whole person was going to float. Before that, she thought she was going to be fired, but suddenly she became a head nurse?

She was so excited that she wanted to cry. Her life had never been so excited as this moment. Her parents taught her to speak the truth and express her inner thoughts bravely since she was a child. However, when she grew up, her parents taught him to treat falsehood as truth, so she was confused for a period of time.But in the end, she stuck to her bottom line. No matter how others are, she can shake herself.

Or that sentence: wrong is wrong, right is right, wrong can not be right, even if more people say he is right, it is still wrong.

She wants to tell her mother this truth, adhere to the truth and justice, good people will eventually have good pay.

"Feifei, great!" At this time, may rushes forward excitedly, hugs Feifei and shouts excitedly.

"Sister Feifei, Congratulations, you will be my superior in the future!" Liu qianyun also came forward to congratulate.

"Qian Yun, I'm also in the light of your boyfriend!" Feifei said.

"He's not me..."

Liu qianyun was about to explain, but she was pulled over by May and hugged her and said, "Qian Yun, you are really blessed!"

"Yes! It seems that we need more care from you in the future. "


"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Say, two people embrace Liu qianyun, three people embrace together happily.

Good people have good pay, is the normal state of society, Lin Feng saw the three happy cry, his heart is also a burst of relief.

At this time, Gao Qingshan approached Lin Feng and said, "Doctor Lin, are you satisfied with the result?"

"Not satisfied!" Lin Feng pouted.

"Ah? What are you not satisfied with? " Gao Qingshan thought Lin Feng would be satisfied.

"I think it's not easy for these nurses to survive under Zhao Linglan's iron hooves. They must have suffered a lot. You should give rewards to everyone, except those loyal fans who support Zhao Linglan!" Lin Feng said.

The loyal powder in his mouth naturally refers to those people like Xiao Li.

Gao Qingshan said in a hurry: "what Dr. Lin said is reasonable. I haven't cared about the grassroots for too long. It's all my fault. I'll go back to my HR department and ask them to work out new work and rest time, salary and welfare for the nursing department, so that everyone's working hours will be reduced, wages will be increased and benefits will be paid irregularly. Are you satisfied?"

"Satisfied!" The group of little nurses yelled in unison.

One by one, their faces were happy, and some even jumped with joy.

"Thank you, Dean!"

"Thank you, Dean!"

Everyone said happily.

"Oh, you have given thanks to the wrong person. It is Dr. Lin who has awakened me today." Gao Qingshan said.

Those beautiful little nurses listen to, all coincidentally look at Lin Feng.

Before Lin Feng was said to be hanging silk, but at this time, it seems that they have become a great hero in their mind. They have won these benefits and benefits. How can I thank them?

At this time, a nurse rushed to Lin Feng and said shyly, "thank you, Dr. Lin!"

The other girls looked at it, but they stopped doing it one after another. They rushed to the front and surrounded Lin Feng.

"Thank you, Dr. Lin!"

"Dr. Lin is so handsome!"

"Dr. Lin Moda!"

A small nurse actually directly in Lin Feng's face, this all of a sudden, opened the next stage mode.

Warm little nurses, all toward Lin Feng's face kiss in the past, everyone for a time happy to forget.

A burst of "MUA ~ MUA ~" sound came out continuously.

"All right, all right, don't get tired of Dr. Lin, stand aside quickly!" Gao Qingshan smiles and drives away those little beauties nurses.

The little nurses one by one stood aside and saw Lin Feng squinting and enjoying himself in the middle. Suddenly he saw that there was no one around and frowned: "Gao Qingshan, what are you doing? I'm still happy. How did you drive people away?"

"Cough, Doctor Lin, pay attention to the image!" Gao Qingshan said, pointing to Lin Feng's face.

"What image? I am not very handsome and invincible, handsome enough to explode? " Lin Feng said, looking at the mirror on the wall, he found that his clothes were not neat at this time, his face was lipstick.

"Wow -" Lin Feng exclaimed, "my extremely handsome face, coupled with the flaming red lips of this face, and my Bohemian shirt with three buttons, it's so sexy that the earth shatters! Now, I like it, hehe, hehe, hehe

"Ah Gao Qingshan was speechless for a while and said, "Doctor Lin, what else do you want?"

"Not for the time being!" Lin Feng said: "the next thing, to you to deal with, I am a little tired, to go back to rest! By the way, my phone number is 13xxxxxxxx. I only say this once. If you want to make an appointment, please call me

Those little nurses took out their mobile phones one after another, and quickly memorized the phone number by memory.

"What's behind 57?"

"It looks like 63!"

"No, it's 83!"

"Oh, I didn't remember, doctor Lin. can you say that again?"...

"OK! Dr. Lin is playing with you. You really take it seriously! Go to work Gao Qingshan said.

The nurses saw that the Dean had spoken, and they left in dismay.

"Oh, no, don't go away!" Lin Feng pointed to Gao Qingshan with heartache on his face: "you, you, you, block my peach blossom, you, ouch --"

but before those nurses took a few steps, they listened to the words of Gao Qingshan, the head of discharge from the office, "Doctor Lin, how many calls have you made? I didn't remember either! Is it 63 or 83? "

"Hum, I don't tell you..."




"well, what do you remember me for? I don't do foundation work!" Lin Feng said.

"I want to learn from you!"


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