The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 329

All of a sudden, the Three Outlooks of the public were refreshed. Those little nurses who had been waiting to see Liu qianyun's jokes were afraid to make a sound, especially the heavily made-up nurse who had run into Liu qianyun's words before, at this time, her lips were tightly closed and her face was in panic.

They didn't expect that the young man Liu qianyun brought with him was so strong.

Strong to the president nodding, director of tea pour water, really amazing.

At this time, Gao Qingshan found that under one side of the wall, there was still a person upside down. It was head nurse Zhao Linglan. She was blocked by the foot of the table before. She didn't see it!

Gao Qingshan quickly called out to the outside: "two medical staff, help nurse Zhao care!"

The nurse with heavy make-up should be careful. She is good at flattering and so on!

Then came a little nurse, who was the best friend of the coquettish nurse.

They sniffed in front of Zhao Linglan, pinched them, and then applied hot compress with wet towel. Soon Zhao Linglan woke up.

"Sister Zhao, you wake up!"

"Dean, the head nurse is awake!"

"Well!" Gao Qingshan nodded and felt relieved when he saw that people were OK.

At this time, Zhu you brought the tea to Lin Feng and put it at the table. He was very angry.

And the nurses outside saw the scene inside and began to chatter.

"Look, the director has brought him tea!"

"Yes, the Dean calls him a miracle doctor. How powerful he is


at this time, Lin Feng said to Zhu you: "your Dean likes to drink tea, just give him. I'll drink boiled water, and go and pour me a cup of boiled water."


"go Gao Qingshan urged.

Zhu you ruthlessly glared at Lin Feng, and went to a cup of boiled water to Lin Feng.

"Oh, pig, can you do something? How can I drink it so hot? I'm going to be cool Lin Feng said.

Zhu you was angry and rolled his eyes. He knew that Lin Feng was teasing him, but he couldn't help it. The Dean just supported him!

Zhu you can get into the position of the director. He is still very deep in the city. He keeps his temper and goes to pour a cup of cold water. Then he mixes it with the boiling water and gives it to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng took a sip of "poof" and sprayed it all on Zhu you's face.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, the water is still very hot, I almost got scalded!"

Zhu you bit his teeth, took a puff from the corner of his mouth, wiped his face, picked up the cup, mixed some cold water into it, and took it back to Lin Feng.

"Oh, it's too cold! Do you want to drink cold water for me? I don't have a good stomach. I'll feel uncomfortable after drinking it. You can heat it up a little more! " Lin Feng Road.


"what are you? Go Lin Feng said.

"Lin Feng, you and he? Don't deceive people too much! I will not serve you any more! " Zhu you dropped the glass directly on the ground.

"Zhu you, what's your attitude?" Gao Qingshan got angry, "what are you doing?"

Although Zhu you was angry, he didn't dare to be a little angry with Gao Qingshan. He said with a sad face: "Dean, he is torturing me. You should make the decision for us. Even if he is really a miracle doctor and he does something wrong, should he be punished?"

"Of course Gao Qingshan said: "the prince's crime is the same as that of the common people. Anyone who makes a mistake must be punished."

Zhu you said, "that's good, Dean. Lin Feng failed to give gifts by force. He also injured head nurse Zhao and me, and nearly killed nurse Zhao. Should he be sentenced to prison for such behavior?"

Said, and fan Zhao Linglan to see the past, said: "small Zhao, you say not?"

As soon as Zhao Linglan heard this, her brain quickly turned around. Suddenly, she burst into tears and said:

"Dean, you have to make decisions for us. He even beat women. In order to turn Liu qianyun into a regular, he used violence against us and nearly killed me!"

Gao Qingshan's eyebrows were almost twisted into a pimple. His intuition told him that Lin Feng could not be such a person?

But the scene is a mess, Zhao Linglan and Zhu you are both injured, and at the same time pointing out Lin Feng, it is really difficult to judge.

"Doctor Lin, are they true?" Asked Gao Qingshan.

"Of course not. They said on the contrary, they asked me to give gifts, I didn't, and then they were beaten by security Lin Feng said: "of course, that pig's head is my masterpiece, but it can't be called beating. It's called cosmetic surgery. After all, he was too ugly before. I'll confiscate his expenses for beautifying him."

"Lin Feng, you're lying about it!" Zhao Linglan scolded her. She saw that the enchanting nurse was by her side, which was her confidant. She moved her mind and said to the enchanting nurse:

"Xiao Li, did you see that he forced me to give gifts, and then she threatened me. I came to see director Zhu, and he beat me and director Zhu violently! Isn't it? ""Yes, I saw it. What sister Zhao said is true," said the coquettish nurse

"You see, the authentication evidence is all there, and your fingerprints are all in this room. Do you still want to deny it?" Zhao Linglan said.

However, Feifei ran in from the door and said, "Dean, I'm going to expose Xiao Li. She's lying. We've been together from the beginning to the end. We're all outside the door. We don't know what's going on in this room when the door is closed."

"Feifei, are you out of your mind?" Zhao Linglan gas teeth straight itching, let Xiao Li come out to testify, but she stood up to fight against injustice, that is not directly with their own do not go?

Zhao linglanxin said, "you are also the oldest employee among nurses. Why are you so naive?"? I will open you later, I will let you go against me!

Feifei is not stupid. Naturally she knows the meaning of Zhao Linglan's words. He said, "I'm sorry, head nurse. I'm just exposing Xiao Li. I don't know anything about you."

She's really telling the truth. She doesn't take sides. She doesn't know anything outside.

Gao Qingshan was confused when he heard them identify and expose. He patted the table directly and yelled: "don't blame each other. I'll trust whoever can show evidence!"

Suddenly, the scene was silent.

However, the next second, Zhu you sneered: "Lin Feng, you said we slandered you, you take out the evidence!"

Then he looked at Lin Feng's mobile phone on the table. He was very proud and said in a loud voice: "you have no evidence. We can have it. Xiao Li is a witness. But you hit nurse Zhao and me. The wound on my body is not painted! Lin Feng, what else can you say

"Yes, what else can you say?" Zhao Linglan also said.

Xiao Li looked at the momentum of the director and the head nurse, and looked at each other's appearance, it seemed that she couldn't bring out any evidence. She could not help but be angry and yelled to Feifei:

"Feifei, you expose me by mouth. What evidence do you have? I just saw Lin Feng colluding with Liu qianyun. Lin Feng took the lead for Liu qianyun, playing the director and head nurse. We have evidence. Do you have any? Hum, did you expose me? I'm going to sue you for slander now

"Me Feifei was speechless for a moment.

The other party's evidence is sufficient, basically can draw a conclusion!

Gao Qingshan looked very ugly. He took a deep breath and said to Lin Feng:

"Doctor Lin, how can you do such a thing? Even if you want to show off to your friends, you can tell me that I can take care of you for the sake of saving old Wei. But now, alas

Gao Qingshan shook his head sadly, and then said to Feifei: "Feifei, in the nursing team, you and may are the most important seedlings for me. I didn't expect that you would lie. You really let me down. You have worked in the hospital for several years. On this face, I didn't directly dismiss you today, but I must severely punish those who tell lies!"

"Dean, I..." Feifei's eyes are red. Is it because she said the truth that she said...

at this time, she finally understood what her mother said when she gave the gift: "child, sometimes, you know that something is wrong, but others say it is right, so it is right. If you say it is wrong, then you are wrong!"

In the adult world, there is no right or wrong, only pros and cons. This is what mom told her!

Feifei always does not believe these words. She thinks that right is right and wrong is wrong. In the adult world, right and wrong should be divided.

Today, however, she woke up!

However, the cost of this awakening, so heavy, the results of my efforts in several years, will be in vain.

How many years can you live? And these years, but all are Feifei's youth!

Feifei with the most beautiful years, hard work in exchange for the results, but by a word annihilation all, Feifei's heart, has been painful can't breathe!

She clenched her hands tightly together, because she was too hard, her bones were white.

Tears silent left, gently fell on the ground.

Everything is so aggrieved, but helpless!

But Xiao Li and Zhao Linglan, as well as Zhu you, are so happy and brilliant.

They hold the joy of victory, laugh at Feifei, and display their own flag of victory.

"Feifei, a girl like you who tells lies is the most shameless and should be dismissed directly!" Xiao Li said triumphantly.

"Yes, Dean. Feifei, relying on herself as an old man in the nursing department, has a bad attitude towards us new people. I dare not speak to her. She is so fierce!" At this time, the little nurse next to Xiao Li also embellished.

There are many people who fall into the hole every year, but this year, there are so many!

Feifei's heart burst into despair at this time. Now, what else can she say? The more I say, the more miserable it will be, because the president has already trusted them and distrusted me!

At this time, Liu qianyun couldn't look down any more. She said to Gao Qingshan, "Dean, this is because of me. Sister Feifei is right. Lin Feng is also right. I want to become a full-time official. So I asked Lin Feng to help. All the reasons are in me. I ask the hospital to dismiss me. Don't pursue her responsibility. Dean, please!""Liu qianyun, you are really naive and ridiculous!" Zhu you said coldly, "are you ok if you want to quit? You urged Lin Feng to come to us. Seeing the east window incident, you wanted to leave, and let us not investigate the responsibility of Lin Feng and Feifei. Why are you so naive? How can such a good thing happen? "

Then, he said to Gao Qingshan, "Dean, none of these people can be let go!"

Gao Qingshan is gnawing his teeth with pain on his face.

However, at this time, but listen to Lin Feng said: "pig head, you play prestige enough?"

"What, what do you want?" Lard said with scorn on his face.

"If you don't play enough, keep playing, I'll give you a chance, because this will be the last shout!" Lin Feng said coldly, "if you play enough, I will inform you that we are going to celebrate the new year."

"Spring Festival? What do you mean Zhu you asked again.

"Kill the pig in the Spring Festival and eat your pig's head!" Lin Feng cold channel. , the fastest update of the webnovel!