The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 328

"Oh, you dare to complain by phone? Believe it or not, I still beat you Lin Feng frightens Zhu Youdao.

"Dare you?" Zhu you bluntly said.

"How dare I?" "I can't wait to hit you," said Lin Feng

As he said, he punched and kicked Zhu you again:

"I told you to be dressed like a beast, I told you to be a good doctor and not to be a hooligan. Didn't your mother teach you to respect women? You bastard! Kill you, kill you

"Don't fight, don't fight, ouch!"

Zhu you scurried around. He didn't expect that Lin Feng didn't play according to the routine. He called the dean. Shouldn't he be afraid? How could he still hit me? Is this man too arrogant?

After Zhu you was knocked down to the ground, he got up and ran again, and was knocked down by Lin Feng. In this way, the whole office was in a mess.

Looking at the pig head who wanted to harm himself was beaten severely by Lin Feng, Liu qianyun felt comfortable for a while, but then she was also worried. If Lin Feng continues to make such a scene, when the Dean comes, Lin Feng will be severely punished.

After all, there is no evidence of what Zhu you did. Lin Feng beat Zhu you, but it was on Zhu you's face. This office is also a mess.

When Liu qianyun was worried, she heard the sound of footsteps coming from the door. Outside the door, everyone chirped: "good president, good president..."

"ah, the president is coming!"

Zhu you seems to have caught the straw and rushed out of the door, holding the president of Gao Qingshan who had just come.

"Dean, help

"Ah! What is it? "

When Gao Qingshan saw a big red and swollen face appearing in front of him, he was frightened. Out of self-defense, he punched the face.

"Ah --"

ZHU you was unprepared. Gao Qingshan hit Zhu you right in the face and cried out with pain.

"Zhu you?" Gao Qingshan heard Zhu you's voice: "Why are you like this?"

When Gao Qingshan said this, all the people outside understood that this man was director Zhu Youzhu. How could he be beaten into this pair of... Pig like?

Zhu you resentfully said: "Dean, there is a ruffian who broke into our hospital, beat head nurse Zhao, and knocked head nurse Zhao unconscious, and then hit me. You see, I was beaten by him in this face, and all of them have been beaten into pig's head!"

"Why did he hit you?" Asked Gao Qingshan.

"He wanted to bribe head nurse Zhao Linglan with money in order to become a regular for his girlfriend. When the head nurse disagreed, he forced the head nurse to accept the gift. The head nurse had no choice but to report to my office. As a result, the boy came directly to my office to give me a gift!"

Zhu you's face is upright. You can't see that it's made up.

Seeing Gao Qingshan's serious face and listening to him carefully, he continued: "he also wants to give me a gift. How can I take it? Although we are a private hospital, the moral quality of the staff in our hospital is still very high. As a director, I should set an example, so I firmly resisted his behavior at that time! "

"And then?" Asked Gao Qingshan.

"Then, then he was very angry and hit me in the face like this!" Gao Qingshan cried: "Dean, he is a big cancer in the society. He must be thrown into the prison and squat down. I also think for the people in the city. How dangerous and harmful this kind of person is to the society! We must deal with it seriously, so that he can't do it and return to the society! "

Zhu you's righteous words make him look like a great sage.

The group of small nurses were also chattering.

"Director Zhu is really noble!"

"Yes, such a noble man is not common in this society! Director Zhu is really fighting for our hospital! "

"Is it the hanging silk brought by Liu qianyun that hit people?"

"It must be him. He doesn't look like a good man. He even came to the hospital and beat our amiable and respectable Director Zhu. He has to call the police and put him in prison!"

"Yes, let him go to prison, scum, scum of society!"

One by one, they felt that Lin Feng had violated the noble Director Zhu you.

"Come on, director Zhu. I'll wipe it for you. You're bleeding!"

"Mr. Zhu, don't be wise with the scum of the society. You are the director. If you have a common understanding with him, you will be inferior to you!"

Those little nurses came up to offer hospitality, and it was a great honor to stand with such a respected director.

Gao Qingshan was also very angry when he heard what Zhu you said.

Zhu you is an old employee of this hospital. He works hard and works hard. He gets along well with his superiors and subordinates. What's the standard of such a good employee to be beaten up like this by outsiders.

"Juyou, where is the man who hit you now?" Gao Qingshan asked angrily.

"It's in my office!" Zhu you said.He saw that the Dean was really angry and wanted to take the lead for himself. He was secretly pleased: "Lin Feng, the Dean has all gone out. Now you are finished!"

In order to better deal with Lin Feng, Zhu you even opened the door and didn't close it. He deliberately let those little nurses outside the door look at the scene inside. He wanted to make Liu qianyun and Lin Feng lose face, so that Liu qianyun couldn't get along in this hospital, so that Lin Feng was infamous in everyone's heart.

"Dean, that's him!"

Zhu you opened the door and pointed to Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, this is the president of our Qingshan hospital. I'll let you be presumptuous. This time, I think you dare not. Get down on your knees and be arrested!"

Zhu you's impassioned and impassioned speech gave a feeling of being superior.

The nurses around looked at this scene and felt that Lin Feng was in danger.

Gao Qingshan usually doesn't show up, unless there is something important. Today Gao Qingshan comes out in person, and he is already angry. Lin Feng, I'm afraid it's a big event!

However, at this time, when Gao Qingshan saw Lin Feng clearly, his expression of anger turned into an expression of great surprise.

"Lin Feng?"

He couldn't believe the scene in front of him. The young man close at hand, the unforgettable young man described by Zhu you, was the miracle doctor who saved Wei Zhentian just a few days ago.

Gao Qingshan's anger was gone and he was stunned.

"Yes, it's him, Lin Feng!" Zhu you points to Lin Feng angrily.

But immediately, he felt something was wrong and asked Gao Qingshan, "Dean, do you know him?"

"It's more than recognition." When Gao Qingshan said this, his tone was shaking. He quickly stepped forward, took Lin Feng's hand excitedly and said, "Doctor Lin, how can you come here today? Why didn't you tell me in advance? I don't take good care of it

"What? Dr. Lin? "

All the people present were shocked!

Liu qianyun couldn't believe it. Looking at the scene in front of her, she murmured: "Doctor Lin? Is Lin Feng a miracle doctor

Zhu you panicked and said, "Dean, did you recognize the wrong person?"

"Shut up! I can admit that others are wrong. How can I admit mistakes, Doctor Lin? " Gao Qingshan said, "Doctor Lin, how can you come here today?"

Lin Feng left in a hurry that day. He didn't want to become a teacher. These days, he had been inquiring about Lin Feng's news, but he didn't expect that Lin Feng himself came. Looking at Lin Feng's delicate face, he felt a burst of joy. How could he recognize the wrong person?

At this time, everyone's eyes almost fell out. President Gao Qingshan, the top person in the hospital, and even the leaders of the relevant departments in the city should look up to him. He was so excited that he called the boy doctor Lin?

This, too hard to believe?

However, at this time, Lin Feng is a light smile, said: "I was not free today, but I found that your staff's moral quality is too low, so I took time to teach you a lesson! Yes? Do you think I'm too busy? "

"I dare not, dare not!" Gao Qingshan said, "you sit, you sit!"

Then he said to Zhu you, "go and pour tea to Dr. Lin!"

"Dean... I..."

"go Gao Qingshan cheered.

"Oh, good!" Zhu you was so gray that he ran to pour tea! , the fastest update of the webnovel!