The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 330

"Do you dare to swear? Dean, you see, he insults me in front of you. President, if this person is not dealt with severely, what face does Qingshan hospital have in society? Dean, you have to decide for us Zhu you asked with a cry.

"I will take this matter seriously."

Gao Qingshan glances at Lin Feng, Liu qianyun and Feifei, and shakes his head and sighs.

"You guys, do you want me to call the police or solve it in private?" Asked Gao Qingshan.

Lin Feng said with a smile: "whatever you want, but I think you are still waiting to make a decision, because I still have something to show you."

"Well? What? " Asked Gao Qingshan.

"My cell phone!" Lin Feng said, walked to the desk and picked up his mobile phone.

Zhu you heart a sneer, do you forget that the video has been completely deleted by me, you are a fool.

However, when Zhu you was complacent, Lin Feng took out a small black chip from his pocket and weighed it, Press on the top of the mobile phone and say:

"pig head may not know much about electronic products, so I don't know that my old-fashioned mobile phone has a memory card, and the mobile phone video has a backup on my memory card. So, please take a look at this video of my memory card!"

What? And memory cards?

Zhu you suddenly felt a burst of fear, cold sweat brush down.

At this time, Lin Feng operated on the mobile phone for a few seconds, and then a video came out: "Oh... Ah... Come on, yamiedie, yamadie... Oh... Ah... Ah... Igo... Igo... Igo... Ah..."

the sound effect of an action film on Dongyi bed was transmitted and clearly spread to the public.

All of us are adults, and have seen the film, so we all understand. The exciting sound made everyone blush and embarrassed, especially the group of beautiful nurses, who covered their mouths and wanted to laugh but did not dare to smile. Their faces were crimson, like ripe peaches.

"Oh, ah, the point is wrong, how to point to the fitness education film up!" Lin Feng's face is not red, heart does not jump continue to turn the video.

"What? Fitness education film? "

People are speechless for a while. This kind of film is called fitness education film. Is this man poisonous?

What's more, we people are almost embarrassed to death, but you're not in a hurry. You're light hearted, man. How thick are you?

But Zhu you is a long breath, this Lin Feng he was surprised, he thought that really will turn out the surveillance video, the original false alarm!

However, at this time, Lin Feng said with a smile: "let's play a video of enterprise standard education, please watch it!"

With that, the video was turned on, and the conversation inside was loud and rushed into everyone's ears.

"... there are records of mobile phone transfer... Moreover, cash is accepted for gifts now....

"... Transfer is not impossible....


every word is clear to the ear.

That Zhao Linglan immediately like thunder, the voice in the video, is her.

She looked at Zhu you. At this time, she hoped that Zhu you could protect her, but she found that Zhu you had a pale face, cold sweat on her forehead, and shaking legs.

It's over!

Zhao Linglan's heart burst of despair, it seems that this time, really finished!

At this time, Lin Feng picked up his mobile phone, crossed in front of all the people, and showed them: "come on, have a look, is this your dear and respectable head nurse Zhao?"

Then she deliberately lingered in front of Xiao Li and her best friend for a while. "Ladies and gentlemen, this is sister Zhao who you support so much. Look, she is a good example for you. I'm really proud of you two."

Lin Feng gave a cheap smile and then transferred the video to Gao Qingshan. Suddenly, his face was gloomy and he said in a cold voice:

"Gao Qingshan, look at your employees. What are they doing?"

Gao Qingshan's face was suddenly black, and the video could not be clearer. He didn't expect that it would happen in his own hospital.

"Doctor Lin, I..."

"don't talk now!" Lin Feng interrupted Gao Qingshan's words, and then, in a high pitched voice, he exclaimed:

"the hospital is the place where life and death are controlled. It is a sacred and inviolable place. Every angel in white is the guardian of this sacred. In Qingshan hospital, there are such scum who hold heavy power, abuse power and engage in malpractice for personal gain. In work, it is good to treat patients and save people Where are you going? "

"Is Castle Peak Hospital worthy of its patients? Is it worthy of the praise of the whole city? "

"Gao Qingshan, give me a satisfactory answer now!"

"Pa!" Lin Feng slaps the table hard and points to the Dean Gao Qingshan!"Dr. Lin, it's my dereliction of duty. I'm not in charge of this hospital. I'm responsible. I'm guilty! I will definitely give you an account of this matter. Please supervise me! " Gao Qingshan said quickly.

He stood up and looked at Zhao Linglan fiercely. Zhao Linglan trembled with fear. Xiao Li and another little nurse beside him gave up their hands one after another, and quickly stepped back to one side, hoping that the farther away from Zhao Linglan, the better!

Gao Qingshan's eyes are full of cold, and then he turns to look at Zhu you.

Although there is only Zhao Linglan in the video, this Zhu you is also a crime of shielding.

Zhu you knows the clarity of the video, and you can see what happened at that time. So he knows that things can't be taken care of at this time. He quickly chooses to leave Zhao Linglan out of the relationship. After all, there is no self in the video.

Zhu you stood aside and said, "Dean, I'm sorry, I don't know about this. I thought head nurse Zhao was wronged. I really don't know!"

"You don't know about it?" Asked Gao Qingshan.

"I really don't know. If I had known that Xiao Zhao did such a thing, I would have dealt with her for a long time." Zhu you said.

As soon as Zhao Linglan saw that Zhu you had left him, she became very angry. The money she collected was only a small part. Most of the money went to Zhu you's pocket. As a result, this guy sold himself at a critical moment. You are really good!

Now, Zhao Linglan doesn't care. She stands up and says to Zhu Youda:

"Zhu you, if you say that, your heart will not hurt, and your conscience will be eaten by the dog? How do we share the money I received? Three seven! You seven, I three! The east window incident happened. You run faster than anyone else. Are you still a human being? "

Zhu you didn't expect that Zhao Linglan was so brave as to expose him directly. He was so angry that he shook back and said: "Zhao Linglan, you should not be so bloody there. I don't know what bad things you have done. I have worked in Qingshan hospital for these years. I have never done anything that I can't afford. I'm sorry for the boss and the patient. Don't slander me!"

When Zhu you said this, Zhao Linglan was even more angry. The whole person was like a runaway female tiger and scolded angrily: "Zhu you, you are a personal scum, a brute, a scum, or did you hint me to do it first? Don't you know how many gifts you have received in recent years? How many young girls have you harmed? Don't you have a B number in mind

"Zhao Linglan, don't catch anyone and bite anyone like a mad dog. If you do it again, I will sue you for personal attack." Zhu you drank.

"Is it? You sue? If you don't sue me, I'll sue you again! " Zhao Linglan said: "I have evidence. I can clearly remember how much money you have received in recent years. I have kept all the bank transfer vouchers. You can wait to be put in jail."

"You..." Zhu you suddenly surprised and angry, and scolded: "Zhao Linglan, are you mentally retarded? Do you think you're not part of my evidence? You don't have to be with me when I'm in jail? Stupid B

"I do. I'm going to drag you into the water today!" Zhao Linglan cried out crazily.

"I'll kill you the hell!" Zhu you screamed hysterically and rushed to Zhao Linglan. , the fastest update of the webnovel!