The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 327

"Oh, you want to blackmail me? I'm so scared Lin Feng pretended to be frightened.

"Well, are you afraid now? Ah - hiss ha - "Zhu you's face burst into a deep pain, he hate to say:" just now when you started, how not afraid? I'm afraid it's no use now. I'll make you pay for it

"Director, no!" Liu qianyun quickly stopped him and said, "please don't embarrass Lin Feng. It's all my fault. It's all my fault. Lin Feng just wants to help me. She doesn't mean anything...

" is this not malicious? I've been beaten into a pig's head, and there's no malice? " Zhu you pointed to his head and said without expression.

As a matter of fact, he wanted to put on a ferocious expression, but his face was completely swollen and out of his control.

So no matter what mood, he is expressionless, very cool, cold in the end.

"Director, please, please let her go. I don't want the probation period. I don't want to be a full-time official. Please don't pursue his responsibility!" Liu qianyun cried.

She regretted that she shouldn't have brought Lin Feng. This time, Lin Feng was totally ruined.

"You want to be beautiful. You beat me like this, and you beat head nurse Zhao Linglan into a coma. Today, he not only has to make compensation, but also has to go to prison. He has to go to jail!" Zhu you roared.

He directly counted Zhao Linglan's injury on Lin Feng. At this time, Lin Feng's video had been destroyed, and he had nothing to grasp in his hand. Instead, he was injured all over his body, and beat him upside down to death!

As soon as she heard that she was going to jail, Liu qianyun was even more flustered. She almost knelt down to Zhu you and begged him blindly: "please, let go of Lin Feng. How can you let him go? Let's do it, Lin Feng, right? You must apologize to Director Zhu! "

"Hum!" Zhu you snorted coldly, very proud.

Then he squinted at Liu qianyun's body.

Liu qianyun didn't change the nurse's clothes. His gray and white windbreaker was open. The tight white T-shirt wrapped the full upper body and a pair of slim jeans showed the slender and sexy legs of the lower body incisively and vividly.

With that young and soft face, it's tempting to die, it's not worth your life!

If you get a crazy night in bed, you can't kill yourself. You'll reach the peak of your life!

Zhu you was so upset that he finally couldn't help it. He looked around and there was no one else. Zhao Linglan was still in a coma. He coughed and said, "it's not impossible to let me release Lin Feng, but you have to meet some of my requirements."

Zhu you said, the eyes toward Liu qianyun swept past.

Liu qianyun was excited and felt Zhu you's eyes. She was afraid. But for Lin Feng's sake, she tried to endure the uneasiness in her heart and asked, "what's the condition?"

"Hey, hey, hey, you have to be my mistress!" Zhu you said with an obscene smile: "no matter in the day or night, no matter where I ask you to accompany me, you must come. Moreover, you must do for me any posture I want. Hey, you can rest assured that although I am older, I take medicine and like a young man, I promise to let you beg for mercy more than ever! Hehe, hehe, hehe

The more you laugh, the more obscene he is. He shows a row of big yellow teeth. The more he looks, the more disgusting he is!

Liu qianyun didn't expect that director Zhu, who had always been highly respected in the daily life, was a big whore. Moreover, she even threatened herself in this way. If she hadn't heard it from her own ears, she couldn't believe that these words came from director Zhu's mouth.

"Why, don't you agree?" Zhu you said, "if you don't agree, wait for your friend to go to jail."

"I..." Liu qianyun bit her teeth and struggled in her heart.

And Zhu you said: "good, obedient, in fact, I will let you very exciting, I play what, I like the whip iron chain, by the way, there are drops of wax, acupuncture, package you Shuangtian!"

Liu qianyun's face turned white. Zhu you was not only a big whore, but also a big pervert, a twisted psychopath!

Thinking of what Zhu you said, Liu qianyun shuddered and trembled.

He is still a young man. He has never done anything about men and women. Is he going to spoil him?

Zhu you said, "hum, as long as you promise me, today's affairs will be written off in one stroke. Moreover, I can make you become a regular person easily. You will be happy and your future will be bright again. You will save your friends with one arrow. What a wonderful thing! Think about it yourself

This kind of condition is really attractive.

However, Liu qianyun is not that kind of person, she clean herself, if she wanted to rely on her body, she would have been able to go up, why wait until today.

Just, if you don't agree, what will Lin Feng do?

Liu qianyun takes a look at Lin Feng, and immediately feels extremely guilty. It's all his own bad. He doesn't bring Lin Feng here, which leads to this kind of thing.

Liu qianyun is very tangled when, Lin Feng is a little smile, said: "I listen to this pig's wanton for a long time, the ears are listening to the cocoon, have to say, pig head, your despicable and dirty, really let me eye opener ah!""Lin Feng!"

Liu qianyun was startled and quickly stabbed Lin Feng.

At the critical moment, how can we still make tit for tat? If it goes on like this, I can't even save you.

However, the next second, Lin Feng suddenly put his arms around Liu qianyun's slender waist and said to Zhu you, "pig head, Liu qianyun is my girlfriend. How can I let my girlfriend go to bed with others?"

"Your girlfriend?" Zhu you a Leng, said: "you two is the relationship between men and women friends?"

"Of course Lin Feng deliberately said: "we two sleep together every day. We have done what you think. My girlfriend can do all kinds of postures. It's really cool!"

Liu qianyun suddenly blushed with shame and wanted to withdraw, but her hand was tightly held by Lin Feng. However, at this time, she had a kind of pleasure of being conquered.

"You don't know, my girlfriend is the best in the world. Have a taste, tut Tut, it's so cool! Of course, you don't have a chance to taste it. You have no chance in your life. On the day you die, do you also bring regret into the coffin? Ha ha ha

"Lin Feng, you..."

ZHU Youqi's face is almost green. How can he be so lucky? This kind of creature, he even played first, but also every night!

Why do I have to face that yellow face every day, too irritating, too unfair!

"Lin Feng, you and he are very rampant, but you are not long, I will let you pay the price!"

Zhu you picked up the phone, dialed a number, and then with a full tone of grievance, said: "Dean, a boy came to our hospital to make trouble, knocked head nurse Zhao Linglan, and made my head swell, he also threatened to kill me, Dean, you come quickly, or I will die in the office today, Wuwuwuwu!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!