The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 326


"Bang --"

before Zhu you uttered a word, Lin Feng went up with a fist, and his left face swelled up, as big as a steamed bun.

"Abuse of power, fight!" Lin Feng cheered.


"Bang --"

Lin Feng punched him again in the right face, and said in his mouth, "if you are in the same boat, you should fight!"


"Bang --"

Lin Feng hit Zhu you in the face and said, "bully employees, fight!"

"I'm wrong..." Zhu you's face is red and swollen, and before the face, has some changes.

Lin Feng said with a smile: "generally speaking, people who are wrong with me have done bad things. You are such a bad person. By virtue of your seniority, you will act domineering and colluding with your subordinates to squeeze the labor people's blood and sweat. Just one sentence, I'm wrong, and it's over?"

"What do you want me to do?" Zhu you asked with a cry.

"I'm going to beat you into a pig's head!" Lin Feng said, to Zhu you's face to a crazy rain fist.

Zhu you has no power to resist, a burst of painful howl.

Then Lin Feng stopped, picked up the mirror on Zhu you's desk, took a look at Zhu you, and said, "look, are you satisfied?"

Zhu you looked in the mirror that swollen face, torn facial features, as well as the swollen meat, blocked into a slit of eyes, immediately cried out.

Lin Feng said: "now, I have to tell you about Liu qianyun. After several months of internship here, they are not allowed to enter the probation period, and they don't want to become a full-time official for others. Because they haven't received gifts, you are really good enough! Today, let Liu qianyun become a full-time official directly! "

Zhu you said: "our hospital also has hospital rules, even if you kill me, I can't directly give you a full-time job!"

"Let Liu qianyun enter the probation period directly Lin Feng said.

"This one will do!" Zhu you said: "I can do it for you, but, great Xia, please send me the video in your mobile phone!"

"You help me to do Liu qianyun's affairs first, and I'll give it to you again!" Lin Feng Road.

"Good, good! Then you ask Xiao Liu to come in, and I'll tell her Zhu you said.

When the gate opened, Lin Feng's head came out and called out, "Qian Yun, your director has something to say to you!"


Liu qianyun suddenly surprised, she just squatted on the ground crying, this time fierce stood up.

Director, but the head nurse's superior, who always feel very honored to meet and say hello to each other, even find themselves talking in person?

At this time, not only Liu qianyun was surprised, but other nurses were also very surprised. They were thinking, how could the director talk to Liu qianyun directly and what would he want to talk about?

Liu qianyun didn't dare to neglect him. He quickly walked into the director's office and closed the door.

But when I turned back, I saw that there were people lying down in the room. I was scared and excited.

Then she looked at her desk and saw a monster with a fat head and a big face. She was sitting there in a white coat. Suddenly, she cried out: "monster!"

Lin Feng said with a smile, "Qian Yun, don't be afraid. That's your lovely pig head director! It's just that I helped him get a facelift! "

Liu qianyun a listen, a little steady mind, carefully look at the past, pig head is quite like, is not like the director!

Seeing that Liu qianyun couldn't recognize himself, Zhu you felt sad and said, "don't look, I'm your director Zhu you!"

"Oh Liu qianyun recognized the sound.

The reason why Liu qianyun is familiar with Zhu you's voice is that director Zhu always greets her every time he meets him. He doesn't know if he is too sensitive. He always thinks that director Zhu will look at her more from behind.

"Chief, are you?" Liu qianyun asked.

"Oh, don't ask. It's hard to say." Zhu you opened his office notes on his desk and said, "let's get down to business."

"Oh Liu qianyun agreed, and then quickly covered his mouth, inexplicably want to laugh.

Because the visual sense of that picture is a pig shaking its head in the office. You say it's funny or not.

Zhu you crackled on his laptop for a while, and then said, "it's done. Liu qianyun, you are now entering the probation period. After three months of probation, you will become a regular employee of Qingshan hospital."

"What? Probation period? "

"Become a regular?"

Can I really become a regular?


All of a sudden, Liu qianyun was too happy.

After a short period of happiness and dizziness, Liu qianyun suddenly remembered something.

Why did the director transfer the probation period to me? Why didn't he transfer it for me before?

There is only one answer, it is Lin Feng's credit!Liu qianyun looks at Lin Feng, and Lin Feng is also smiling at her. She suddenly bumps in her heart, a burst of shyness and sweetness. This Lin Feng, not only has the ability, but also has a sense of justice. He is also very handsome. If he changes his rustic body, he will certainly be a male god.

Liu qianyun's face quietly climbed up crimson, looking like a girl in the spring.

This scene in Zhu you's eyes, hate his teeth straight itching.

In fact, Zhu you has long secretly coveted Liu qianyun. Liu qianyun is one of the most punctual interns in this group. She is also the intern with the best temperament and the sexiest figure among consecutive interns.

The Yellow faced woman in his family had long been unhappy with her, so she wanted to find a chance to put Liu qianyun into her bed.

So Zhao Linglan didn't give Liu qianyun a full-time job, and he didn't stop him, because he also wanted to use this to blackmail Liu qianyun and let Liu qianyun come to him on his own initiative!

But did not expect, today first came a Lin Feng, let him first unexpectedly.

Zhu you shook his head and said, "Lin Feng, it's done. Should you delete the video?"

"Good!" Lin Feng picked up his mobile phone to delete the video.

"Wait!" Zhu you said: "you give me your mobile phone, I'll delete it!"

"Well, here you are." Lin Feng gives Zhu you his mobile phone.

Zhu Youxin said that you boy is very slippery. I can delete it by myself. Anyway, I know you have a recycle bin. I'll be in the recycle bin and delete it completely.

Zhu you took the mobile phone, after a meal of operation, suddenly grew a breath.

He finally deleted the video completely.

He put the mobile phone on the table and didn't give it to Lin Feng. Instead, he said to a Cheng on one side: "take your people and go out on duty. There's no business for you here!"

Zhu you has a new plan of his own. He knows that a Cheng is a little careless. He is afraid that a Cheng will damage him here, so he asks him to take others out.

A Cheng pointed to Zhao Linglan and said, "what about the head nurse?"

"She won't die. You go out first." Zhu Youdao.

"Good!" Ah Cheng dragged the two security guards out of the door, and then closed the door again.

At this time, Zhu you's face changed and said coldly, "Lin Feng, do you think I'm so easy to bully? Your video has been deleted by me. You don't have any evidence now. I haven't arranged for Liu qianyun. Ha ha, are you stupid? "

"You? You are very cunning! How cunning it is Lin Feng light way.

"Hum, fight with me, you are still very young!" Zhu you said: "you beat me like this, don't want to leave, I want to blackmail you today, make you regret what you did today!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!