The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 325

Zhao Linglan immediately stepped in front of the door and put the door in directly.

Zhu you grabs the phone and calls the security guard, who is his brother-in-law.

"Ah Cheng, bring some people to my office. There is a boy who doesn't know the sky and the earth. He's making trouble in my office. Come here quickly!"

With that, Zhu you hung up the phone and said to Lin Feng maliciously, "give me your mobile phone, or my people will arrive later. I will ask them to rob your mobile phone and then break your leg!"

Zhao Linglan behind her also said: "Lin Feng, you don't want to run today, hurry to hand over your mobile phone!"

As for Liu Qianfeng, of course, I didn't want to pick my eyebrows. I didn't want to pick my eyebrows

"Boy, if you don't eat or drink, you will die!" Zhu you said angrily.

"Pig head, this sentence, should say to yourself is Lin Feng said with a smile.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, accompanied by a shout: "brother in law, I am a Cheng, open the door!"

Zhu you motioned to Zhao Linglan to open the door. As soon as the door opened, several well armed security guards rushed in.

The first one, with a red face and a bad nose, looks very fierce.

At this time, many nurses gathered outside the door. They looked at the battle and thought something must have happened in the director's office.

Liu qianyun is even more nervous. She sees several strong security guards rush into the director's office. She knows that this must have something to do with Lin Feng. Moreover, seeing the fierce appearance of the security guard, Lin Feng must be beaten by them!

Liu qianyun felt guilty. Lin Feng was beaten for her own sake. She wanted to rush in and beg those people not to beat him. She wanted to take all the responsibility. At this time, Amy and Feifei stopped him and said, "what are you doing? You don't want to die?"

"But Lin Feng..."

as soon as Liu qianyun said this, the door of the director's office "bang" was closed, and the sound inside was hard to hear.

Liu qianyun felt a burst of despair, did not expect to bring Lin Feng here today, his internship did not finish, but also hurt Lin Feng.

And, basically, after today, I can't stay in this hospital.

It's just, how do you face your parents?

Liu qianyun thought more and more sad, sad for his parents, Lin Feng, but also for himself.

For a moment, all the sad and sad emotions came over, Liu qianyun squatted on the ground, covered his face and wept.

At this time, in the director's office.

Security A Cheng asked Zhu you, "brother-in-law, who is making trouble?"

Zhu you frowned and said, "I've told you to call me Director Zhu in the hospital. Why don't you listen?"

"Brother in law, I was wrong!" Ah Cheng said, and then quickly took his mouth: "Er, Zhu... Director, I was wrong!"

"Well!" Zhu you nodded, pointed to Lin Feng and said: "the trouble is this boy, grab his mobile phone to me, and then, break his leg!"

"Good!" A Cheng turned his head and looked at Lin Feng. Seeing that Lin Feng was young and not very strong, he despised him and said to the two security guards behind him, "I can handle him by myself. You can watch him!"

Said, he walked toward Lin Feng, close to Lin Feng, suddenly raised a foot, toward the face of Lin Feng on the past.

It seems that ah Cheng is really fierce.

Lin Feng just smile, a simple side, that foot directly from Lin Feng side on the past.

"Bang --"

A Cheng didn't kick Lin Feng, but he kicked Zhao Linglan in the face behind Lin Feng.

"Ouch --"

Zhao Linglan screamed with pain and hit the wall behind her.

Lin Feng looked back, Zhao Linglan's face was printed with a big red foot print, her nose was also kicked out of blood, the back of the head hit on the wall, also knocked out blood, the pain of her ah straight cry!

"Oh, why are you so cruel! Didn't you hit me? Are you blind? Why did you even knock down the dear head nurse Zhao? " Lin Feng said, went up and helped Zhao Linglan up and said, "nurse Zhao, are you ok? You're not going to die, are you? "

A stereotype kicks the wrong person and kicks Zhao Linglan like this. However, the person who should be kicked has nothing.

A Cheng a moment a burst of exasperation, scolded: "I shit you!" Then he waved his fist and smashed it hard at the back of Lin Feng's head.

However, at this time, Lin Feng helped Zhao Linglan up. For a moment, Zhao Linglan and Lin Feng exchanged their positions. A Cheng's big fist with the wind was unable to stop and hit Zhao Linglan's face directly.

"Bang --"

there was a dull sound of bone and flesh collision, and half of Zhao Linglan's face swelled instantly. She vomited two teeth from her mouth, and her body was hit by the force of the fist, and she was directly thrown out horizontally.

Then, with a thump, he fell to the ground.At this time, Zhao Linglan's consciousness was blurred, her nose was bleeding and she was shaking on the ground.

"Oh Lin Feng a face of regret: "you see, I just helped up, you hit her again?"

"I..." ah Cheng was at a loss.

"What am I? What am I? Nurse Zhao can be regarded as a woman. Why do you fight to death like a beast? She's not going to be beaten up by you? "


" don't be mine. Go to see if the head nurse is still alive? " Lin Feng commands a Chengdao.

"Oh! Good

Ah Cheng nodded his head and walked towards Zhao Linglan. He sniffed and touched his body. He said, "she still has breath. She should not die."

"Good! She's really fighting! " Lin Feng Road.

"Who said no!" Ah Cheng Dao.

"NIMA!" This scene made Zhu you angry.

His brother-in-law a Cheng is a little lacking in heart and eye, which he knows, but he didn't expect to be so lacking. After a few moves, he didn't get people to say anything. Instead, he was played by others. What a waste!

Zhu you angrily yelled at the two security guards nearby: "what are you two doing? Beat that boy for me and kill him!"

The two security guards did not dare to neglect them. They drew out their rubber sticks and rushed to Lin Feng.

The rubber stick is provided by the hospital to the security guards. The rubber material is slightly soft, and it can't kill people in general. However, it is very painful to hit people. It makes people feel like life is worse than death.

The two security guards ferocious to Lin Feng, waving rubber stick to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng dodged the sticks of the two men, and then he bent down to the front and punched them on their stomachs. All of a sudden, the two men were beaten to kneel on the ground, throwing rubber sticks, covering their stomachs and howling.

"Pig head, you call these people, combat effectiveness is not good!" Lin Feng came to Zhu you with a smile and said, "next, let me see your fighting power."

"What do you want to do?" Zhu you stood up and retreated to the back of the stool?

"What do I want to do?" "I want to give you plastic surgery!" Lin Feng sneered

"Plastic surgery?"

"Yes, make you a real pig!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!