The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 324

"You can let me go. You charged me two yuan and you have to pay me back!" Lin Feng said.

"You hurry to me, get out of here for me --" the last words, Zhao Linglan are all used to shout out.

"Cut, what's your attitude! It's your good fortune to get a red envelope from me. Don't forget to send it back to me Lin Feng weighed his mobile phone and went out the door.

After he walked out of the door, Liu qianyun and Mei Feifei immediately gathered around. Just now they heard the roar of the female tiger in the office. Liu qianyun worried and asked, "Lin Feng, are you ok?"

"Something's wrong!" Lin Feng said with a sad face: "take in two yuan!"

"What?" No one understood.

"Ding Dong!"

At this time, Lin Feng saw his mobile phone received a red packet, the amount is two yuan, the title is: go to death, poor man!

It's from Zhao Linglan!

Lin Feng is not angry, but a smile: "ha ha, money back, OK, I'm ok now!"

Then he asked, "where is your department director's office?"

"Over there?" Feifei points to the other side.

"Lin Feng, why do you go to the director?" Liu qianyun was flustered.

"It's OK. I'll talk to him. You'll wait for me here." Lin Feng said with a smile and went directly to the office of the director of the Department.

Lin Feng knocked on the door and said, "come in!"

Lin Feng pushed the door and went in. There was a fat and fat middle-aged man in a white coat.

He was wearing a pair of black framed glasses, his head was bald, and he was shining in the light. He had only a circle of hair around him, a proper Mediterranean hairstyle.

There is also a sign on the desk, which says: Zhu you, director of the Department.

Zhu you saw Lin Feng come in. He was stunned and asked, "are you?"

"Oh, you have an intern nurse named Liu qianyun. I'm his friend. My name is Lin Feng and director Zhu. Nice to meet you!" Lin Feng reaches out to shake hands with Zhu you.

Zhu you subconsciously shook hands with Lin Feng and asked, "what can I do for you?"

"Yes, there are!" Lin Feng took out his mobile phone and said, "I report it!"

"What are you accusing of?" Zhu you asked.

"Your head nurse, Ms. Zhao Linglan, abused her power, accepted bribes and bullied the medical staff under her control!" Lin Feng said.

Zhu you was surprised: "is there such a thing? Bring me the evidence! "

Lin Feng opens the video on his mobile phone. His mobile phone has a hidden shooting function, so all the things he talked to Zhao Linglan just now were photographed. Even Zhao Linglan's face was clearly inside.

Zhao Linglan thinks that she is very smart. When she looks at Lin Feng's mobile phone, she also takes a look at whether there is recording or video recording. She finds that Lin Feng doesn't have any, so she doesn't hide her words.

It's just that the devil is one foot high and the road is ten feet high. Lin Feng's mobile phone, which looks like no one wants in the Shanzhai, is just a small high-tech spy tool. Zhao Linglan doesn't know what to do, so she is photographed in.

After watching the video, Zhu you wiped his forehead with cold sweat.

He was afraid of Zhao Linglan. How could Zhao Linglan be so careless that she was even filmed in a video. If it was transmitted, would it be miserable?

In fact, Zhu you and Zhao Linglan are in collusion with each other. Otherwise, how could Zhao Linglan have such courage?

Most of the money Zhao Linglan collected was collected by Zhu you.

So they are two grasshoppers on the same rope. Fortunately, Lin Feng came directly to expose himself. He could cover it completely. Otherwise, he would be ruined if he said it.

"Your name is Lin Feng, aren't you?" Zhu you took a deep breath and asked calmly.

"Yes! What are the instructions? "

"Lin Feng, you give me the video, I will take this matter seriously!" Zhu you said with a straight face.

"OK, I'll send it to you!" Lin Feng opens the mobile channel.

"No, you give me your cell phone, which is one of the evidences." Zhu you reaches for the mobile phone.

Lin Feng smiles and says, "OK, here you are."

After getting the mobile phone, Zhu Youlong breath, nervous heart suddenly relaxed, and then he picked up the phone, called Zhao Linglan: "Xiao Zhao, come to my office!"

Hang up the phone, Zhu you face incomparably gloomy.

Soon, Zhao Linglan came to Zhu you's office.

"Director Zhu, do you want me?" Zhao Linglan asked.

At this time, he saw that Lin Feng was also in the office, and immediately frowned and said, "Why are you here, I'm not asking you to leave so quickly?"

"Hum, I won't leave. You abuse your power and bully your employees. I'm very just. I can't see your style of work, so I'll report you!" Lin Feng said with a face of righteousness.

"You accuse me? Ha ha ha Zhao Linglan just thinks it's funny. Is this boy a brain bag? Look, you don't have any social experience. If I could be prosecuted so simply, wouldn't someone have already denounced me?"What are you laughing at? Justice will only be late, but it will never be absent. I will represent justice and destroy you!" Lin Feng said,

"ha ha Zhao Linglan covered her stomach and laughed: "you child, you are so funny!"

At this time, Zhu you was very angry and gave Zhao Linglan a big drink: "shut up, can you still laugh?"

Zhao Linglan was frightened and stopped talking.

Zhu you said he picked up Lin Feng's mobile phone, opened the video and showed it to Zhao Linglan. He said, "look, you've been photographed. What are you doing?"

Zhao Linglan was frightened. After a look, she was in a cold sweat.

She said in her heart that I paid attention to it! When was this taken?

But helpless, the picture that the mobile phone shoots is very clear, she wants to deny all cannot resist.

"Lin Feng, you are so cunning that you dare to shoot me?" Zhao Linglan grinned at Lin Feng.

"Why, are you afraid of being photographed? Then who, director Zhu you, help me make decisions Lin Feng said.

Zhu you took a deep breath and said, "Lin Feng, this is not what you think. You have to think about it for a long time."

"Why?" Lin Feng said.

Zhu you sneered and directly pressed the delete button to delete the video from Lin Feng's mobile phone. Then he said, "nurse Zhao was joking with you just now. Don't take it seriously. Although we are a private hospital, the moral quality of the staff is still very high. What you said does not exist at all! Take your cell phone and go back! "

"Ah Lin Feng took back his mobile phone and said, "how can you do this? She is clearly abusing her power to bully new people!"

After hearing this, Zhu you's face was a little angry. He completely lost his mild state just now. He cried out: "Lin Feng, if you slander head nurse Zhao again, we will sue you for slander."

"Yes, if you say one more word, I'll sue you!" Zhao Linglan pretended to be a tiger.

"Oh, you are a group. I said why I deleted my video to destroy the evidence. Yes, I had a good time!" Lin Feng Road.

Zhao Linglan is also proud of a smile, said: "young man, you are too young? It's impossible to report me

Lin Feng also a smile, said: "you are too old, even the function of the mobile phone are not clear? Don't you see there's a recycle bin on my phone? You deleted the video, I click in the recycle bin to restore, and then come back! Ha ha ha, also called Zhu you, I see you, call pig head directly! How stupid


Zhu you listen, heart big Lin, quickly said to Zhao Linglan: "lock the door, don't let him out!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!