The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 323

Liuqianyun tears brush left, she covered her mouth, not let her cry out of the voice.

"You're still aggrieved?" Zhao Linglan scolded: "who gives you the courage to be late? And bring outsiders to the nurse's rest area? Did you run your home when you were a hospital? Get out of here! Don't get in the way! "

Liu Qian cloud also did not know what to do, wipe tears, turn to go.

At this time, her arm was caught by Lin Feng.

"I'm not late, we're not breaking the rules. Why go?" "I will not go," Lin Feng said

Zhao Linglan listened, cold face said: "she takes you into the nurse's rest area, is the violation of discipline!"

"I was outside just now. I heard you bully people, and I came in!" Said Lin Feng.

"Who do you mean to bully?" Zhao Linglan angrily said: "which eye did you see me bullying?"

"Oh, a woman is not good at her skin!" Lin Feng said: "you first dissipate the spirit, actually I come here today, is to talk to you about something!"

"You talk to me? What's the talk about? " Zhao Linglan was surprised.

The rest of the small nurses also cast puzzled eyes, especially those who support Zhao Linglan, in which more despise and disdain.

Zhao Linglan is the head nurse of Qingshan hospital. This kid feels ordinary and is a hanging silk. Do you think anyone can talk to the head nurse about things?

Head nurse Zhao, but very busy.

Indeed, Zhao Linglan said, "sorry, we have nothing to talk about. Please go out!"

She just saw Lin Feng riding a bicycle to bring liuqianyun, and despised Lin Feng's identity very much. Besides, Liu qianyun, the girl, would not have happened at all. So far, no gift has been sent. The people she brought, she must be poor and light, and have a head of elm. What can be said?

"No, we have something to talk about, about liuqianyun entering the probation period!" Said Lin Feng.

"I don't say it. We will not give you a chance to enter the probation period for such lawless people. Don't dream!" Zhao Ling LAN Dao.

"No, I think it's OK to talk!" "I believe you saw the bicycle I rode when I came. To tell you the truth, the bicycle was made of pure gold, and there were only ten in the world."

Zhao Linglan is surprised. A bicycle is made by all gold? How much money does this man have?

"Do you think we can talk about it now?" Lin Feng smiled and squinted.

Zhao Linglan thought, he deliberately showed that he had money, which means he was an understanding person.

Although he is not satisfied, who will not go with the money?

Thinking of this, Zhao Linglan said, "OK, then you come to my office! Let's talk about Liu qianyun's probation! "


The nurses around them were all surprised. In their impression, Zhao Linglan was the very bad speaker. Unexpectedly, Lin Feng whispered a few words in her ear, and took him to the office to talk about it?

Liu qianyun was even more surprised. She was afraid that Zhao Linglan was furious at Lin Feng just now, but the result was totally unexpected.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Linglan gave Lin Feng a chance to talk.

But what can Lin Feng say? It's not the same result!

Thinking of this, liuqianyun's eyes are dim again.

"Qian Yun, wait for me here ha, I and your sister Zhao, have a good talk!" Lin Feng laughs and follows Zhao Linglan and enters the office.

The office and the rest room are separated by a door. When the door is closed, the nurses in the duty room begin to chatter.

Especially those nurses who pay for gifts, they are not shy of pointing to liuqianyun.

"No money, want to be a nurse? What is this good thing? "

"Yes, you see that he brought the man and a poor hanging silk. I noticed his shoes just now. A proper stall is really someone who looks for someone, and the poor will pile up with the poor!"


are you enough to speak so loudly and listen to others intentionally May can't see it anymore, she said loudly to the nurses.

Then Fei Fei went to liuqianyun and said, "Qian Yun, don't listen to their nonsense, we are not afraid of shadow skew!"

Actually, Amy and Fei have been corrected. They are both parents who gave gifts to get right. But they despised Zhao Linglan in their hearts, so they were very reluctant to see the nurses who support Zhao Linglan.

If not these nurses behind the gift into a wind, to help the tyranny, Zhao Linglan how can such arrogance?

Even though Zhao Linglan has a growing appetite, she had only a few thousand yuan to send gifts to nurses before. Now tens of thousands of her eyes are missing.

"Ah Mei and Fei Fei's actions, irritated a lot of nurses, one of the nurses who made up a lot of makeup said," Yo, we here, there is no body right, what kind of decent people are you

"Yes, it seems that you have not given private benefits, or you can still stand here now? It was banished long ago. ""Yes, we all spend money on garlic. We don't want to spend money, but we want to have the same treatment as us. Daydream!"


"you..." Feifei blushed.

"Sister Feifei, don't quarrel with them, it's me who is not good, it's me who is not good!" Liu qianyun is afraid of making trouble, so she quickly pulls Feifei and may aside.

Meanwhile, in the head nurse's office.

Zhao Linglan closed the door tightly and said to Lin Feng, "tell me, what do you want to talk about?"

Lin Feng said: "you see, Liu qianyun has achieved excellent results in the University of traditional Chinese medicine, and has been practicing in your hospital for several months. Others seem to have become probationary nurses. In a few months, they will become formal nurses. However, Liu qianyun is still in the internship period. You can give me an opportunity! It's not easy for a little girl! "

"She's not easy? Is that easy for me Zhao Linglan said impatiently, "if you talk like this, then we won't talk about it. There's no need to talk about it!"

Zhao Linglan thought that Lin Feng was a man who knew the rules. As a result, he talked about it directly and didn't bring out any benefits. What the hell is this?

Lin Feng had already seen Zhao Linglan's meaning. He put his hand into his pocket, took out his mobile phone, and said, "sister Zhao, it's a little bit of meaning. I don't want to pay homage to her!"

Zhao Linglan was stunned: "what are you doing? I don't accept gifts, take back your mobile phone, I don't lack mobile phone! "

Zhao Linglan thought Lin Feng was going to give her a mobile phone. She was so angry. Your broken cell phone was not as good as the old neighbor's one. What do you think, young man? This is also a gift? What do you think of me?

Lin Feng said: "no, I'm using my mobile phone to transfer money to you."

Zhao Linglan a listen, immediately happy, this boy still knows the rules.

But Zhao Linglan is very cautious, deliberately cold face said: "I said no gifts, what's more, who gives gifts without cash? What do you transfer? You want to expose me with the transfer records? "

Hearing this, Lin Feng couldn't help but sneer at him. Zhao Linglan's words were all insinuating. He deliberately warned others that there was a record of transfer and that people would prepare cash. This old fox spirit is really cunning!

How many gifts have you received? Have practiced a pair of very professional gift set words! What a greedy kid!

Lin Feng said: "Oh, unfortunately, I didn't bring any cash today! If you transfer money, I'll give you two million! "

"Two million?"

Zhao Linglan, the whole person is excited, so many?

He has received such a big gift every time since he took office? For her, it's a super gift bag! It's so tempting!

"Oh, no, sister Zhao doesn't want to transfer money. She wants cash. I'll come back another day." Lin Feng said.

"You wait!" Zhao Linglan saw that it was not easy to kill a fat sheep for herself. How could she let go of this opportunity easily? She said to Lin Feng with a smile on her face: "Oh, actually, it's not necessary to ask for cash, but after you transfer money, you have to clear the record!"

"No problem with this one." "Come on, I'll add your friend!" said Lin Feng

Two people added friends, Lin Feng said: "OK, ready to accept my red envelope! WOW

"Red envelope?" Zhao Linglan a Zheng, red envelope can't send 200 yuan at most?

"Ding Dong!"

At this time, Zhao Linglan's mobile phone had a red envelope, which was sent by Lin Feng.

She opened the red envelope, a look, red envelope amount: 2.00, red envelope Name: 10000!

Two million?

"This is your two million?" Zhao Linglan's face was flushed and her neck was thick, and you tossed about with friends and red envelopes for half a day, and the result was two yuan?

Who do you think I am? Two dollars want to kill me? Beggars are getting more than that!

Zhao Linglan thought more and more angry, directly roared to Lin Feng: "we don't have to talk, you get the hell out of here, get out of here!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!