The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 322

At this time, the dishes are served one by one, which is really a vegetarian feast.

Liu qianyun felt very embarrassed and invited Lin Feng to have a meal. As a result, Lin Feng ordered some cheap vegetables.

But Lin Feng is eating with relish, his mouth is still bar Ji: "mm-hmm, delicious, mountain delicacies I still can't get used to, on this home vegetable, the most and my appetite!"

Seeing Lin Feng gobbling, Liu qianyun couldn't help laughing. This man can give himself a very safe and warm feeling. It's very nice to be with him and feel happy and comfortable!

While eating and chatting, Lin Feng gave full play to his humorous features, which made Liu qianyun laugh and not close his mouth. He had a very happy meal.

After finishing the meal, they settled the account and went out. Liu qianyun was still reluctant to part with her. This feeling has not been passed for a long time. It's really comfortable to be with Lin Feng.

At this time, Lin Feng suddenly said, "qianyun beauty, sit on my big bar."

"Your big bar?" Liu qianyun took a look at Lin Feng's waist and seemed to understand something. His face turned red in an instant.

"Yes, my big bar! Hey, hey, hey Lin Feng said with a smile: "my big bar, thick and strong, fairy sitting, spring heart rippling!"

Liu qianyun suddenly blushed to the root of his neck and quickly turned his head with shame: "Lin Feng, don't do this, we just know each other!"

"How am I?" Lin Feng asked.

"You, let me sit on your... Oh, you are good or bad!" Liu qianyun stamped her feet shyly, her face burning and her heart beating wildly.

Lin Feng chuckled, pushed the bicycle over, patted the bar, and said, "what's wrong with this? My big bar can be comfortable to sit up and protect you from dying."

"Ah Liu qianyun was suddenly covered with black lines. What he originally said was a bicycle?

What's the matter? When did I become so dirty?

Liu qianyun blushed again and quickly said, "is this... Appropriate?"

"Of course. Castle Peak Hospital is just a few miles away from here. Don't you say you have to work in the afternoon? I'll take you to the hospital!" Lin Feng said and patted the big bar: "on the bar!"

"Well! All right. "Liu qianyun, seeing that she was in a difficult situation, sat down.

Liu qianyun looked at her watch. She ate too much just now, which made her unable to catch up with the work time in the afternoon.

"Lin Feng, can you make it a little faster?"

"I didn't expect that qianyun beauty likes fast rhythm, no problem!" Lin Feng smiles.

Seeing Liu qianyun sitting up, Lin Feng said, "don't be stiff. Go back a little bit. Yes, close to my chest. Yes, if you are afraid, you can hold my strong arms with your hands. Yes, that's it. Hahaha "Let's go!" Lin Feng said with a smile

The car creaks, two people in a burst of extremely ambiguous atmosphere, up and down forward.

Lin Feng rides a bike very fast. In a blink of an eye, he arrives at Qingshan hospital.

Because Liu qianyun was in a hurry to go to work, Lin Feng did not stop at the gate, but directly rode to the inside. When he got to the door of the building, he put Liu qianyun down.

"Lin Feng, thank you. I'm really happy today. I'm going to work!" Liu qianyun said.

"Wait!" Lin Feng locked the car and said, "I'll go with you! You promised to show me around! I'm still trying to help you become a regular. "

"What? Help me to become a regular Liu qianyun was surprised. He just thought Lin Feng was joking before, but he didn't expect that what Lin Feng said was true!

However, it is not so easy to become a full-time official? The head nurse can get a few reasons at will, and he will be stuck, so it is basically useless.

Lin Feng is locked the car, a face seriously said: "let's go qianyun, I'll go with you to go shopping!"

"Ah Liu qianyun heart said that the hospital has what to stroll about, but still can not resist the enthusiasm of Lin Feng, with Lin Feng into the building.

Come to the nurse's lounge, Liu qianyun let Lin Feng sit outside the door, she wants to change the nurse's clothes inside.

However, at this time, another Liu qianyun extremely frightened figure appeared.

Zhao Linglan, head nurse of the nursing department of Qingshan hospital.

Zhao Linglan, nearly 40 years old, was freckled and overcast all day long, as if others owed her 200 yuan.

She stood in front of Liu qianyun, Liu qianyun said in a hurry: "Hello, sister Zhao!"

Then, we have to go around to change nurses' clothes.

"Come back to me!" Zhao Linglan said.

"What's the matter? Sister Zhao Liu qianyun trembled with fear.

"You're late for work, don't you know? Is there a job in your eyes? " Zhao Linglan asked.

"Sister Zhao, I just stepped in. I'm not late?" Liu qianyun said very wrongly.

"Well, look now, isn't it two minutes?" Zhao Linglan pointed to the wall clock and said.

"But I didn't have time when I came in just now...""You're too late to argue? How did you go to college? Don't you have the minimum concept of time? Besides, don't you blush when you lie? " Zhao Linglan mouth like a machine gun, Liu qianyun said pale face.

"Sister Zhao..."

"who allowed you to call me sister Zhao?" Zhao Linglan drank and asked, "call me head nurse!"

She asked, the nurses around were scared, usually they call Zhao Linglan Zhao sister.

Alas, Liu qianyun is not sensible. He doesn't give gifts to the head nurse, and he occupies a internship seat in vain. If he changes to another person, the head nurse will definitely get a lot of income. You block the other people's financial way. Of course, they will make you.

All the nurses around did not dare to make a noise, holding the attitude of watching the excitement one by one.

"Head nurse, I'm wrong!" Liu qianyun really can't help it. She has to admit her wrongs. She hopes Zhao Linglan won't be investigated any more.

But Zhao Linglan said: "wrong? Is it over if you're wrong? Is the system of your hospital a decoration? You want to go to the hospital to work? You dream, this life you don't want to think! Hum

Every word she said went into Liu qianyun's heart. Liu qianyun felt a sharp pain, her face was extremely ugly, and she couldn't stop shaking.

What a bully, a bully!

So many nurses are still watching, Liu qianyun just want to find a seam to drill in, a good cry!

At this time, Lin Feng came in and said, "I'll prove for Liu qianyun that he is not late."

"You, who are you?" Zhao Linglan asked coldly.

"I'm Qian Yun's friend!" Lin Feng Road.

"Well, Liu qianyun, you are not only late for work, but also bring men to the nurse's rest room. What's your style?" Zhao Linglan grinned with big mouth and spit, and the angry way of Xingzi flying.

However, at this time, the two nurses on one side saw Lin Feng, but their eyes suddenly lit up.

The two nurses, one is May and the other is Feifei. At that time, Lin Feng was in Wei Zhentian's ward and personally rescued Wei Zhentian from the desperate situation. They both witnessed it with their own eyes.

This man in the ward strategizing, stand out from the crowd, absolutely not mortal!

Today, I don't want him to come here. Moreover, he is Liu qianyun's friend.

My God, Liu qianyun is so lucky!

But, it seems that Zhao Linglan doesn't know Lin Feng!

At this time, Zhao Linglan roared: "Liu qianyun, you are late for work, and you bring outsiders here. What are you when you are a hospital? You don't want to come this afternoon. You are absent from work. Go back and reflect on yourself. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!