The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 316

However, seeing that Lin Feng saved his face, Su Jing still resisted and did not care.

Lin Feng drank coffee as if nothing happened and said, "by the way, this eagle club is not a community in Songjiang city? Have you offended them? "

Lin Feng once heard Jin Wan'er say that there is a very domineering society in Songjiang, which is called the eagle society. The president is a ruthless person and has a high status in Songjiang city. How could Su Jing become an enemy with the eagle society?

Su Jing said, "we have no enmity with the eagle society."

"What's the matter with that? Why did he arrest you?"

"They are actually here to avenge fourth master Tian!" Su Jing said.

"And such things?" Lin Feng Road.

"They are very rampant. They say that fourth master Tian is their friend of Eagle society. They come here to seek justice for him!" Su Jing said.

"That's not right. Why don't you ask me for justice? I beat up the old four of the field Lin Feng Road.

"Who knows? They may think that we are easy to bully. When they see you are not there, they will attack us directly! " Su Jing said.

Finish saying, still have a trace of complaint way: "where did you go recently, how can't see you in the company?"? I have something else to discuss with you. "

"What's the matter?"

"They are not familiar with Jincheng mining company. They want to find a local mining company to cooperate with them." Su Jing said.

"Oh? How do you know that? " Lin Feng asked.

"Dongsheng Group is one of the three largest groups in Jincheng. It has no commercial alertness. Can it still have a foothold in society?" Su Jingmei's eyes glared and she said in a bad mood.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I underestimated you!" Lin Feng said with a smile, "what are you going to do next?"

Su Jing said: "the Jin family gave the business to Changsheng Group. Changsheng Group made it clear that it would not undertake the business of Jinjia. Frankly speaking, they did not have the energy to take over the business at this time. Therefore, this is our opportunity! I believe not only we, but also many competitors are staring at this cake

"Well, which other competitor, for example!" Lin Feng is mean.

"For example, the boss of the fourth master Tian, the mountain Gang, is spying on the cake. According to the news, Cui Bing, the leader of the mountain group, repeatedly called Wei Yunlong to try to cooperate with the Jin family. The backer's feet are not clean. Who knows what he will do in private, so he will be a very strong competitor!" Su Jing analyzed.

As soon as Su Jing talked about her work, she devoted herself to it every minute. She was very professional.

Looking at Su Jing's chatting manner, Lin Feng couldn't help but smile. This woman looks beautiful when she gets serious. Of course, when it gets cold, it's enough for people to drink!

"Is this business very important to Dongsheng Group?" Lin Feng asked.

"The development of Dongsheng mining company is now in a rising period. If we can win this project, it will greatly help Dongsheng Group's development. Dongsheng Group will rise rapidly in a short period of time and become the top of Jincheng financial group." Su Jing said: "without this business, Dongsheng mining will need to develop step by step. In terms of time, it will be much slower!"

Lin Feng shook his head with a bitter smile and suddenly asked, "are you really a workaholic by nature, or do you work so hard because Dongsheng Group is your father's company?"

Su Jing took a look at Lin Feng. Her eyes were cold and said, "is there any reason to love your work?"

"Well, you don't want to say it, and I don't force it!"

Lin Feng smiles faintly. Su Jing has a crazy paranoia about strengthening Dongsheng Group. His feeling tells him that Su Jing's paranoia must have hidden secrets that no one else knows.

But, as Lin Feng said, if you don't say it, I don't ask. Everyone has his own secret, right?

"Lin Feng, do you have any good suggestions on this matter! How do you think we should get this business? " Su Jing asked.

At the last bidding meeting, Su Jing fully realized Lin Feng's business ability, so after she failed to communicate with sales director Ye Yuwei, she planned to talk to Lin Feng carefully.

"You want my advice?" Lin Feng asked.

"Yes Su Jing said.

"Well, then you only need to do one thing!" Lin Feng said.

"What's the matter?" Su Jing asked seriously.

"It's OK to serve me and be happy!" Lin Feng spread his hands and laughed.

"Lin Feng, I'm serious with you." Su Jing was helpless.

"Yes, I'm serious with you, too." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Lin Feng --" Su Jing was a little upset. She murmured and looked angry. She said, "if you talk to me again, I will deduct your salary. Don't forget that I am your boss!"

"You, you, you!" Lin Feng said: "you are bullying subordinates, office violence, I go to the chairman that sue you!""You go. Anyway, the chairman of the board is on a business trip. You can't come back in a month or two!" Su Jing said.

"Oh, you had a plan Lin Feng said.

"Don't talk so bad. It's just a coincidence." Su Jing said, "well, stop it. Why are you so busy recently? You haven't been to the company for a long time! "

"Yes, I'm really busy recently. Oh, I'm so busy that I almost smoke!" Lin Feng Road.

"What are you up to?" Su Jing asked.

"I'm busy helping others to drink red wine, teach others to race cars, help students to seek justice, and help the elderly see doctors..." Lin Feng calculated with his finger.

"Got it!" Su Jing said, "if you don't brag, we can still live together upstairs and downstairs."

"Well, I'm really busy with this!" Lin Feng couldn't laugh or cry. She believed the lies before, but she didn't believe the truth now!

Su Jing pursed her mouth, stroked her hair with one hand from her forehead, and then stared at Lin Feng with her eyes, and did not speak, showing that she still did not believe.

At this time, Lin Feng's phone rang.

When Lin Feng saw it, it was Liu qianyun.

When we had coffee, we added phone numbers.

Lin Feng picked up the phone, but also very clever to open the hands-free.

"Hello, beauty

"Lin Feng, thank you for helping me and Chu Yuqi get justice today, otherwise we can't get along in school. Thank you very much! So I want to treat you to dinner! "

"Oh, you're welcome to raise your hand!"

"Thank you very much. Don't refuse. Let's go to noon tomorrow, OK?"

"Why are you so polite? OK, I'll send the address back to you


Lin Feng hung up the phone and said to Su Jing with a smile, "look, I've helped my students get justice. People come to thank me!"

"Hmmm!" Su Jing did not comment.

At this time, the phone rang again, Lin Feng a look, is the Golden Phoenix call.

When he answered the phone, the Golden Phoenix directly asked, "Lin Feng, you even live in Swan Lake Villa?"

"Ah, how do you know that?" Lin Feng asked.

"Because I also have a villa here. I came to live in Swan Lake Villa today. I heard from the guard that a family was kidnapped by bad people and that the head of the house was Lin Feng!" "Is that you?" said the Golden Phoenix

"Oh, yes! Yes Lin Feng Road.

"How are you now? Do you want me to send someone to help you?" Asked the Golden Phoenix.

"Oh, no, no! It's all done! "

"Oh, since it's OK!" Golden Phoenix said: "when you have time, I'll treat you to dinner, and ask you how to race?"

Lin Feng whispered to Su Jing, "look, I'll learn how to race!"

Then he said to the phone, "Oh, yes, yes, when I have time to find you!"

"Well, don't always break the appointment. Now we are residents of a community. I'm going to kill my sister one day if I'm upset." Golden Phoenix Road.

"No, no, I'm sure I'll save time!" Lin Feng said.

"Good! Goodbye Jin Fenghuang hung up.


"how about that? I said I taught people how to race cars, right? You don't believe it, cut it Lin Feng said.

"Hmmm!" Su Jing continued to be noncommittal.

But as soon as I hung up, the phone rang again.

Lin Feng a look, is Wei Yichen, he picked up the phone, asked: "morning ah, what's the matter?"

Wei Yichen said: "boss, I didn't know that you also live in Swan Lake Villa Community. Just now the guard told me that a family was almost kidnapped, and the owner of the house was Lin Feng..."

"it's the guard again. I wonder that the guard has such a big mouth?" Lin Feng couldn't cry or laugh: "that what, that nearly kidnapped Lin Feng is me, yes, but I'm ok, you don't have to worry about it!"

"Of course you're OK! Can anyone kidnap my boss? You're kidding Wei Yichen said.

"Ah Lin Feng is speechless. What makes you so confident in me?

"Boss, since they are all from a community, welcome to join Swan Lake. Do you have time? I'll treat you to dinner. Thank you for helping me today. Thank you for saving my grandfather today

"Morning, we're welcome..."

"boss, don't refuse. Just say that. I'll find you sometime. Ha, I have something else to do. Bye!"


Lin Feng is speechless again!

He said to Su Jing, "look, this is me helping the elderly see a doctor. The family members have come to thank me!"

As Lin Feng's telephone was loud, all her words were heard by Su Jing. Su Jing said coldly, "it's not bad. It's all women."Seeing Su Jing staring at herself, Lin Feng felt cold. Then, he spread his hands and said, "it's too popular. What's the solution?"

And his voice just dropped, Shen man's phone also came.

Lin Feng's head is buzzing. What day is it today? How come everyone seems to have made an appointment?

Lin Feng picked up the phone, Shen man at the other end said, "Lin Feng, I'll treat you to dinner, give me face!"

"Er..." Lin Feng collapsed on the sofa, so that a listen to eat two words, head pain.

Su Jing looked at Lin Feng coldly and squeezed out a few words from her teeth: "Lin Feng, you are really busy!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!