The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 317

"Lin Feng, you are really busy!" Su Jing said, "but I heard what you said about helping college students to seek justice, cure patients, and teach people to race. In fact, they are all the same thing."

Lin Feng covered the phone and asked, "how can it be the same thing?"

"Is there a difference? In essence, isn't it all about chasing girls? " Su Jing said.

In fact, Su Jing was very angry and upset.

Su Jing also wondered why I was so upset when I heard that Lin Feng had a date with a girl for dinner?

I like Lin Feng!

"No - no way!" Su Jing cried in her heart: "I can't like any man. No man is a good thing. They are all inferior products. "

But why am I so angry?

At this time, Lin Feng continued to communicate with Shen man on the phone: "morning younger sister, why do you want to invite me to dinner?"

Shen man said: "there are two reasons. First, I wrongly blame you today. That group of people said it was really their own bumping, it's none of your business! Second, in the name of my father, you promised to invite you to dinner last time. You said you would not eat greasy and spicy food. Don't you remember that? "

"Oh, I remember!" Last time, Lin Feng saved Shen man and Shen Yunhai in the unfinished building on the abandoned construction site. Shen Yunhai asked Shen man to invite him to dinner!

It's just, why do you all come together to invite me to dinner?

Besides, in front of Su Jing, it seems that I'm not doing my job every day!

But then again, it should be a real business for me.

"Well, let's make an appointment for the dinner party. I can't go there for a few days. I know you're determined to invite me to dinner. If you don't invite me to dinner, you won't give up. So, I may have a little time recently. You have to endure loneliness. After all, waiting is a long process, because I'm really busy recently...

" doodle doodle There was a busy tone on the other end of the phone.

"Crouch, you... Don't give face!" Lin Feng Road.

At this time, a message was received on the mobile phone: "I'm sorry, my ears hurt recently, so it's rude!"

Your sister, hang up when you hang up.

Lin Feng also laughed back: "OK, next time remember to bring earplugs Oh!"

Su Jing was really angry and didn't want to stay downstairs any more. She got up and was going upstairs.

At this time, she felt a pain in her ankle, and almost fell to the ground!

She looked down and saw that her ankle was swollen. She must have sprained her ankle just now in the confrontation with those villains.

"It hurts Su Jing is holding her ankle. She finds it hard to go upstairs!

At this time, she suddenly stretched out a pair of powerful hands behind her and held it around her waist. Lin Feng came up with a smile and said: "you are seriously injured. I should escort you up!"

"Sorry, no more!"

Su Jing pushed Lin Feng's hand away, but she couldn't use her strength at her feet. She screamed again and threw herself back. She fell into Lin Feng's arms.

"President Su, is it a good one? I like to go to huailiza Lin Feng Road.

"Go away!"

Su Jing was not angry, but because of Lin Feng's support, she managed to stand still.

"Let's go! I'll send you up Lin Feng directly pulled Su Jing and carried Su Jing on his back.

"Ah -" Su Jing felt flustered.

Lin Feng that generous and powerful back, let her very at ease, lying on the top, very comfortable.

Su Jing has never asked a man to carry her back. At this time, she is surrounded by her legs by Lin Feng, and her body is tightly pressed together. When she walks, there is still some friction. The feeling makes her feel a little palpitating and nervous, but more importantly, it is a kind of inexplicable comfortable pleasure.

When Su Jing was still in deep trouble and didn't respond, they had already arrived on the third floor.

Lin Feng went to Su Jing's bedroom, put Su Jing by the bed and said, "well, I'm satisfied with this man's climbing machine! If you are yourself, you may not be upstairs before sunset! "

"There is no such exaggeration!" Su Jing blushed and her heart beat.

At this time, Lin Feng went to Su Jing and helped her take off her shoes.

"Oh, no, I'll do it myself." Su Jing retreated.

"Oh, your feet are swollen like this. If you don't have a good massage, you won't be able to walk tomorrow!" Lin Feng Road.

"Can you... Massage?" Su Jing asked.

"Of course Lin Feng gently took off Su Jing's shoes, put his hand on his ankle and said, "I massage, but it's very professional."

"Did you take a massage course?" Su Jing asked.

"No!" Lin Feng said: "I told you that I have a strong learning ability?"

"Well, as I said, you can learn when you watch TV!" Su Jing said."Yes, I learned this massage from a lot of people, such as the little Impatiens in Yanliu lane and ah Hua in May tower. By the way, sister Cui has the best massage, and all male guests like to order her. Although everyone doesn't value her massage, I still think her massage is good and it's good!"

"What? You learned massage from massage girls? Don't you touch me? " Su Jing felt a chill in her heart, so she would kick Lin Feng away.

However, she suddenly felt an extremely comfortable feeling from her ankle.

It felt very comfortable, just like his swollen place, all of them were taken care of. Moreover, Lin Feng's hands kept going to help him activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis. He felt the numbness coming from his feet, but it was not painful. Instead, it was very comfortable.

Su Jing sighed in her heart, how amazing!

But Lin Feng raised his head with a smile and said, "look, I said I can massage it!"

"Hum!" Su Jing pouted and was very proud.

"Mr. Su, relax and lie down!" Lin Feng said.

Su Jing resisted a little, but she thought it was comfortable to press her foot, so she did the same and lay on the bed.

Lin Feng carefully helped him massage, massage, a few fingers like elastic sticks in his ankle back and forth, thump, swim!

Su Jing felt very comfortable. She even closed her eyes and occasionally gave a comfortable hum.

At this time, she happened to catch up with Aunt Liu and her husband downstairs to thank Lin Feng. But when they came to Su Jing's door, they heard Su Jing's "ah -" cry.

Cry very enchanting, enough to make men instantly congested.

Aunt Liu and her husband are both from the past. They look at each other and dare not go any further.

At this time, listen to inside Lin Feng said: "Su Zong, comfortable?"

"Comfortable... Ah... Comfortable!" Su Jing's voice is very soft.

"That's good!" Lin Feng's voice came out: "I'm going to exert myself, and the rhythm will be faster. Can you take it?"

"Well... Yes!" Su Jing said.

"OK, get ready, I'm coming!"

"Come on Su Jing said.

"Ah... It's so exciting. I... ah... I can't stand it... Ah... Be gentle!"

"Well, what about that?"

"Well, it's so comfortable!"




Aunt Liu and her husband looked at each other again, their eyes showed a look of indecency, and then, without saying a word, they turned their heads and went downstairs! , the fastest update of the webnovel!