The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 315

Aunt Liu almost choked and said to Su Jing, "Mr. Lin, it's really not easy."

Su Jing is also dignified. Hearing that Lin Feng and the group of people behind her seem to have a fight, her heart is tied together.

All kinds of crackling sounds make the scene very hot.

At this time, Su Jing felt guilty and said to Aunt Liu, "I didn't expect Lin Feng to be so just. There were so many people on the other side that he rushed directly. He really didn't like the evil forces doing evil!"

"Who said no!" Aunt Liu wiped her tears: "Mr. Lin asked us to turn around. I don't think we want us to see him beaten. He is a man!"

"I hope it will be OK," Su Jing said. "The police will be here soon."

Although she said that, she knew that Lin Feng was a human being, not a God. He was worried and wanted to look back. But he knew that even if he did, he couldn't help. Moreover, if Lin Feng didn't let him look, he must be afraid to see his embarrassed appearance. Otherwise, how could Lin Feng, who loves to pretend, not to let himself see it!

Su Jing was worried for a while, but after a moment, a wail was heard behind him.

"Mr. Su, listen to my command, 180 degrees, right turn -" Lin Feng said.

Su Jing was so nervous that she quickly looked back, only to find that Lin Feng was sitting on the steps at the door of the villa smoking with a pleasant face.

The rest of those people, one by one, were bruised, hands and feet were interrupted, and some people were seriously injured, and their flesh and blood were turned out. It was very terrible!

In short, there was no one standing on the ground, and the scene was extremely cruel.

"This..." Su Jing was shocked. How could these people be knocked down by Lin Feng in an instant?

"Lin Feng, are you ok?"

Su Jing was surprised to see that Lin Feng was smoking as if nothing had happened.

"Why, do you think I have something to do?" Lin Feng asked.

"Oh, of course not. I mean, are you not hurt?" Su Jing was incoherent.

"Oh, I'm ok. They are all reasonable people. They can't bear to beat me when they know they are wrong!" Lin Feng laughs: "so I escaped a robbery!"

"Ah Su Jing said, "they can't bear to beat you, so you beat them like this, right?"

"What does it have to do with me that they're bumping around themselves?" Lin Feng said and asked a person lying on the ground beside him: "did you knock yourself?"

The man cried out, he could not recall the scene just now. If Lin Feng tried harder, he would not see the sun tomorrow.

However, he was beaten because he was not careful. He felt aggrieved and didn't want to speak. He was a little stubborn.

Lin Feng saw that person did not speak, deliberately forced a stab that person's wound: "I ask you words!"

"Ah -" the man's scalp was numb with pain. Seeing that his wound was poked a little bigger, and the blood gurgled out, he quickly put his clothes around the wound and said, "yes, I accidentally bumped into it!"

"And the rest of you? Did you knock it yourself? " Lin Feng asked.



All of them answered crisply, no one wants to be tormented by this demon.

At this time, they really understood the meaning of Lin Feng's words: I called the police to help you, for your safety.

Indeed, the police will take them into custody for a few days when they come, but fighting with Lin Feng has become a nightmare of their life!

At this time, a brand-new white Cadillac car came at a gallop. It stopped in front of the door of Linfeng villa, opened the door, jumped down from the car and walked to the public in a few steps.

It's Shen man, not anyone else.

Shen man is wearing a sportswear and a white cap. His beautiful face is full of vigor and vitality.

She had a rest today, but Su Jing was in a hurry to call the police. The company knew that Shen man lived in Swan Lake Villa, so she directly asked Shen man to go to the villa for maintenance.

SHEN man also moved to Swan Lake Villa not long ago. It is the first choice for many rich people in Jincheng. Her father Shen Yunhai bought a villa for Shen man here He made atonement for the bad things he had done to Shen man.

At this time, Shen man glanced at the scene and asked, "who called the police?"

"It's me!" Su Jing said.

"Where are the gangsters who break into houses, beat people and kidnap people?" Shen man asked.

"It's all here!"

Su Jing pointed to the man lying on the lawn whining.

"Lin Feng?"

Shen man saw Lin Feng smoking on the steps for the first time.

"Yes, it's me. My younger sister has good eyesight."

Lin Feng comes to Shen man with a smile.

"Lin Feng, you beat people and kidnap them? You bastardShen man is going to handcuff Lin Feng.

"Well, I said," can you stop being so excited when you see me? It's not me that makes them break into houses without permission. " Lin Feng said.

"Officer, it's not Lin Feng!" Su Jing said.

"What are you doing here?" Shen man asked.

"This is my home." "Can't I go home yet?" said Lin Feng

"Your home?" Shen man was stunned.

She didn't expect that Lin Feng would also live here. "You, Miss Su, and the nanny you hired were kidnapped, right?"

"That's right!" Lin Feng said.

"What's the matter with these people? Who did it? " Shen man looked at the group of people on the ground, one by one in agony, obviously injured all unclear: "who hit people, also have to bear responsibility!"

Lin Feng said, "ask yourself, who beat them!"

Shen man went to the group of people and asked casually, "who are you hurting? Say it

"I bumped it myself by accident!" Said the man, biting his lips in tears.

"Hit yourself?" Shen man is speechless for a while. He bumps himself into this. How much hatred does he have with himself?

"And you?"

"I hit myself too!"

"You, did you hit yourself?"

"Well, you're right!"


SHEN man asked for a round, but she was not stupid. She knew that it must have been beaten by someone, probably by Lin Feng.

But these people dare not tell the truth. What's going on?

At this time, Lin Feng smashed his mouth and said, "well, they are all very honest people."

"Lin Feng, don't be complacent. I think it may have something to do with you." Shen man Dao.

"Oh, what are you talking about? Oh, my head is a little dizzy Lin Feng said, and then he fell to Shen man.

"Stop!" Shen manjiao's body was withdrawn, and her slender hand pushed Lin Feng: "come closer, I'll sue you to attack the police!"

"Cut, no fun!" Lin Feng rolled his eyes and went to one side.

Next, the police officers at the back also arrived at the scene and took all these people away. Shen man did some evidence collection and record at the scene, and then went to the police station.

A soul stirring kidnapping, Leng is done by Lin Feng like a family!

At this time, Su Jing and Lin Feng are sitting in the hall on the first floor of the villa and talking about the matter just now.

There was a cup of cappuccino on the table. Su Jing had taken a few sips with a straw before, and the group burst in.

Lin Feng pointed to the cup of coffee: "Mr. Su, do you still drink this coffee?"

"No more!" Su Jing said.


"It's cold. It's not good to drink!"

"Oh, how wasteful! I'm thirsty Lin Feng took the coffee directly and drank it with a straw in its mouth.

"You..." Su Jing didn't know what to say.

This Lin Feng, this is not equal to kiss indirectly with oneself! , the fastest update of the webnovel!