The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 314

Swan Lake Villa.

Wei Yichen also lived in Swan Lake Villa, so he was familiar with the road, and soon brought Lin Feng to Swan Lake Villa.

Lin Feng didn't let her come to the place where he and Su Jing lived, because he didn't know what danger Su Jing was in, and it would be bad for Wei Yichen to be affected.

After Lin Feng got off the bus, he walked along the path to his villa.

He saw a white Iveco parked in front of his house.

On the lawn in front of the door, two security guards were knocked to the ground. One was covered with blood and the other was holding his head. It seemed that they were also injured.

More than a dozen strong men, carrying Aunt Liu and Aunt Liu's husband, went out, shouting: "NIMA, hurry up, I'll break your legs if you don't go again!"

Su Jing called out from behind: "what are you doing? Break into the house in broad daylight, hurt the security guard and arrest people? Is there any royal law? "

"Oh, how dare you shout? Don't worry, it's your turn in a minute

With that, a group of people in front of her pushed her husband into the car, and then they rushed to Su Jing. They lifted up Su Jing's two arms and sent them to the car!

"You let go of me, asshole!"

Su Jing struggled hard. Her floral skirt was torn several places, revealing her fair skin.

Those people were even more crazy when they saw it. One of them said with a laugh:

"beauty, don't struggle, you can rest assured. Today you let our brothers have a good time, and tomorrow we will let you back!"

"You let me go!"

Su Jing struggled so hard that her pretty face turned red, but her strength was still so much different from that of her counterpart that she struggled so hard that it was no effect at all.

"Hello, what are you doing?"

At this time, Lin Feng suddenly appeared in front of the crowd. He looked at the gangsters with a smile.

"Who are you? Don't watch your mother here. Get away from me, or I'll kill you! " A scabby face gangster scolded Lin Feng fiercely.

As soon as Su Jing saw that it was Lin Feng, she quickly yelled, "Lin Feng, they are bad people. Call the police!"

Lin Feng suddenly looked serious: "ah? Are they bad guys? OK, I'll call the police right now. Don't worry, I have a sense of justice. If I encounter bad people, I must ask Uncle police to kill them! "

Lin Feng will call the police when he picks up his mobile phone.

"Boy, we are members of the eagle society. You dare to manage the affairs of the eagle society. Are you tired of living?"

That scar face to see Lin Feng actually took out a mobile phone, can't help but ferocious threat way.

"What, what eagle?" Lin Feng put his hand beside his ear, pretending not to hear clearly.

"Eagle!" Scar face said fiercely.

"Oh, Eagle! This name is not suitable for you Lin Feng said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Scar face cold.

"You are a group of people chattering people upset, I think it should be called sparrow, the kind of sparrow on the pole. By the way, quail is also good. It tastes chewy! What an eagle is it? It's not in line with Lou B's temperament

"Sparrow, quail?" Scar's face and the corner of his mouth were very angry and said: "lying in a groove, NIMA, dare to make fun of our Eagle society? See if I don't kill you

Lin Feng said: "brother, don't do this, it's just a joke, harmonious society, don't always shout to kill!"

Scar face didn't want to make trouble out of the ordinary. He scolded: "you know it's good to be afraid. Get out of here! If you dare to report to the police, I will definitely want you to look good! "

With that, he turned his head and continued to drag Su Jing into the car.

"I said, I have a sense of justice, if you call the police, you still have to report it!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Slumber NIMA, are you mentally retarded?" Scar face is angry and helpless. How can such a wonderful flower come from? I really don't know how cruel I am?

"I called the police for your good." "Make you safer!" said Lin Feng

Scar face mouth a draw: "what? Call the police for our good? What the hell are you doing here

This man is absolutely out of his mind. We are so fierce. He is still smiling here and helping others call the police. Aren't you afraid we'll make him? It's not stupid. What is it?

In scar face's impression, people are very indifferent. They have done a lot of evil things in public. However, other pedestrians are far away from each other. No one comes to see the excitement, and no one dares to help!

So now he is more and more reckless, dare to do these criminal activities in broad daylight.

People are indifferent, laugh at others' life and death, it's none of your own, choose to hang up high, that's the performance of normal people!

As for this guy, he's not normal!

"I'll warn you for the last time. Get out of here, or I'll be rude to you!" Scar face spat a yellow phlegm: "you silly B!"

"Well, in this society, there are always people who don't know what's good or bad. OK! Then I won't call the police! " Lin Feng Road.

"Well, you are wise! Get out of here and don't interfere with my work Scar face said, looked at Su Jing, and said with a smile: "this woman is so beautiful. I'll get on the car and shoot him first."As soon as his voice fell, he saw that Lin Feng didn't go, instead he came to him.

"NIMA! You can't see the coffin and cry Scar face releases Su Jing, pulls out a dagger from her trouser waist and walks towards Lin Feng.

"I'll give you a chance to go. If you don't, you can't blame me this time."

Scar face said, toward Lin Feng's abdomen, a knife stabbed past.

"Ah --"

I heard a shrill cry, but the knife in scar face fell to the ground in an instant, and his wrist was held by Lin Feng.

"You let go of my hand!" Scar face face painful drink a way, he was wriggled by Lin Feng wrist, feel the next second will be broken.

"I said to the police, you may be safer, but you don't like to call the police. OK, I'll greet you in the way you like!"

Lin Feng said, the hand not only did not loosen, but suddenly a force, listen to "click" a sound, the other side's wrist was suddenly pinched to pieces.

"Ah --"

the shrill cry of scar's face resounded through the sky.

"Big brother!"

"Big brother!"

One side of the younger brother because of kidnapping Su Jing and Aunt Liu and others, think scar face alone to deal with Lin Feng, did not expect, but was abused by Lin Feng.

"You all give me, together, kill him!" Shouts scar face.

The rest of the younger brother put down their work and began to approach Lin Feng.

Su Jing and Aunt Liu were able to get out of the way and quickly ran behind Lin Feng. Su Jing took the opportunity to secretly report to the police.

"General manager Su and Aunt Liu, you'd better stay away from here. Yes, go back a little bit, and let me face this evil gang alone." Lin Feng said solemnly to Su Jing.

"Lin Feng, don't insist on it!" Su Jing said worried.

After all, nearly ten people came to the eagle club, all of them were strong and strong. They all had practiced.

Lin Feng is able to fight again, more than a dozen people on the other side together, he is not necessarily the opponent of the other side!

Lin Feng said with a face of grievance: "general manager Su, it's not that I want to be tough, it's the opposite! You have to make it clear that they are going to bully me

"So... What about that?" Su Jing was in a hurry. If the police wanted to, she might be there soon. But now those people are so fierce that they can't wait for the police!

However, at this time, Lin Feng is a smile: "how to do? I'll tell you a way. Listen to my command, stand at attention, rotate 180 degrees in place, and turn left! "

"Well, what is this for?" Su Jing asked.

"Because the next scene may cause you discomfort, the scene will be extremely violent and cruel, for the sake of physical and mental health, please turn around and don't watch it!" Lin Feng Road.

Su Jing and Aunt Liu looked at each other, and then they really turned around.

At this time, Lin Feng roared: "villains, come here, even if I sacrifice today, I will fight with you for justice, ah, rush --" , the fastest update of the webnovel!