The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 313

The two girls were suddenly surprised and could not close their mouths. This man stood out among a group of bigwigs, standing out in the first place. Unexpectedly, he was just a security guard?

Oh, my God!

What kind of security guard is this? Give me a dozen!

Of course, two beauties in the heart a burst of masturbation, or full of surprise and reverence quietly looking at Lin Feng.

At this time, Gao Qingshan had written down the prescription. He picked up the phone and called the person in charge of the Chinese medicine department on the first floor of the hospital. He told the important prescription again and asked him to make the pill as quickly as possible.

All of them were relieved. It seems that the old man is OK!

But at this time, Lin Feng said with a smile: "ladies and gentlemen, please don't relax too early. The medicine I prescribed, together with the pills I gave the old man before, can only relieve the urgent need, but not cure the old man's" progressive freezing disease "!"

"What? So you mean, my dad's still in danger? " Wei Yunlong said anxiously.

"Yes Lin Feng Road.

"Well, what can I do?" Wei Yunlong just relaxed heart, has mentioned the throat.

Lin Feng looked at Wei Yichen and said with a smile, "but I promised Chenchen to save his grandfather, and I will save him to the end. So, next, I will give you this prescription to treat the root of the disease of the old man. But you have to be prepared in mind. It is very difficult to get every medicine. Many of them can't be seen in China. Within a month, we must collect all these things!"

"Our family runs a hospital. As long as there are Chinese herbal medicines in Huaxia, we can get them. If overseas, we also have many friends and partners who do very well. Through them, we can also get them!" Wei Yunlong said confidently.

"Yes, I have a lot of fellow teachers and brothers who are also developing overseas. I believe they can help us!" Gao Qingshan said.

"Good!" Instead of saying anything more, Lin Feng took a pen and paper from Gao Qingshan and wrote down about a dozen kinds of medicinal materials on them.

Gao Qingshan came over to see that the herbs were either foreign words or the most obscure in Chinese literature, such as the first "niangao", which Gao Qingshan had never heard of. And what kind of "iceberg violets" and other herbs in it, it seems really difficult to get.

But when Gao Qingshan got the prescription, his hand was shaking.

It's not just him, everyone in the room knows what this prescription means.

This not only means that the old man's disease has been cured, but also means that there is an antidote in China, one of the world's five incurable diseases!

This is a great miracle in the history of medicine!

If this prescription works, it will immediately cause a stir around the world. Let alone the Wei family, Castle Peak Hospital, and even the whole Jincheng, will be well known and remembered by the whole world.

This honor is just too great!

Everyone was so excited that they couldn't believe it.

But Lin Feng naturally knew that they were careful, so he said with a faint smile: "don't think about it. The most difficult thing about this pair of medicine is the introduction. Even if you have collected all the herbs, it will be in vain if there is no drug guide!"

"What? Drug guide Gao Qingshan was stunned: "these herbs are hard enough to get, and even more difficult to get the drug introduction?"

"Yes, it's more difficult to introduce drugs!" Lin Feng said: "I give you the prescription, you can't directly use to treat progressive frostbite, only with my introduction, can it work!"

"What's the introduction?" Asked Gao Qingshan.

"Human blood!" Lin Feng said.

"Human blood?"

Gao Qingshan trembled for a while. It has been said that in ancient times, some people used the menstrual blood of women as a drug guide, but the Doctor Lin even wanted to use human blood as an introduction.

Imagine Mr. Wei drinking some human blood as a drug guide before taking medicine. The scene is a little unbearable.

Drug introduction, as the name implies, is to let the medicine reach the diseased part through this introduction. The drug introduction itself can not cure the disease. Its function is to make the medicine play the greatest role. Some drugs rely on the drug introduction, and without it, it is a waste medicine.

Gao Qingshan said: "although human blood sounds terrible, we all have blood banks in our hospitals, so we can find a matching blood type for Wei Lao."

Hearing this, Lin Feng shook his head and said, "it's not a blood type problem."

"What's the problem?" Asked Gao Qingshan.

"This person's blood can only be used by one person's blood, but not by others!" Lin Feng said: "the difficulty is that this person is extremely difficult to deal with. It is very difficult for you to want his blood."

"Who is that man? Do we know each other? " Asked Gao Qingshan.

"Keep this secret for the time being. First get the medicinal materials. I'll tell you when I get them within a month. Otherwise, it's useless for me to tell you!" Lin Feng said.

"OK, I'll contact my martial brothers right now, and go to look for the medicine you said quickly!" High Castle Peak Road.

"Well, good!" Lin Feng nodded and saw nothing more. He called Wei Yichen to come over and whispered a few words.After that, Lin Feng said goodbye to the Wei family and then left.

"Mr. Lin, don't go in a hurry!" Wei Yunlong caught up and said, "you have helped us so much for Changsheng Group. I should thank you for that!"

"Oh? Thank you? " Lin Feng raised his eyebrows.

"Of course, I know that people like you generally abandon the secular world, regard money as dung, when power is like sand and dust, and do good deeds without asking for return..." Wei Yunlong said.

"No, no, no, I'm vulgar, so what good things do you want to give me?" Lin Feng's eyes blink fast!

"Ah Wei Yunlong is speechless for a while. Mr. Lin doesn't play cards according to the routine!

He also thought about how to let Lin Feng accept his reward. He was a bit surprised when he accepted it.

"Well, Mr. Lin, I had thought of giving you a sum of money before, but I think that no matter how much money is spent, it will be meaningless. Just recently, we Wei family has received a large project, which is an investment. I think this gift is most suitable for you!" Wei Yunlong said.

"Oh, if you just give me a huge sum of money, it will be over. What kind of project can you tell me?" Lin Feng Road.

Wei Yunlong said: "the gold family of Songjiang city wants to open a mining company in Jincheng, but they have no foundation in Jincheng, so they want to cooperate with us. He invests and we help him to take root in Jincheng."

Kim family!

Lin Feng was touched.

The Jin family is the family of his girlfriend Jin Wan'er. He wanted to dig it out, but he didn't expect that the Jin family actually extended its tentacles to Jincheng. What's the purpose?

Lin Feng was surprised, but on the surface, he said, "well, the gold family is going to open a mine. What's the matter? What's the use of it?"

"It's useful. It's a great opportunity." Wei Yunlong said: "this is a big project. He wants to cooperate with us to carry out a geological exploration in the whole process. The relevant procedures have been completed. This kind of large-scale geological exploration is unprecedented. Except for the prosperous areas, other places need to be surveyed once. Therefore, the investment cost of Jinjia this time is quite considerable, which is not a small sum of money!"

"Oh! And then? " Lin Feng asked.

"Instead of a partner from Changsheng Group, we chose a partner from Changsheng Group to take over the project." Wei Yunlong road.

"Well, go on!"

"Well!" Wei Yunlong said: "next, I can give you this project. You only need to register a company and invite a few experienced people to undertake this project. With the investment of Jinjia, your company will expand rapidly in a short period of time, and may even become the fourth largest financial group company in Jincheng city!"

For ordinary people, this is a great opportunity to make a great success. With this, a sparrow can become a Phoenix.

Lin Feng said with a smile: "such a good opportunity, such a large investment, why don't you Changsheng Group eat it, but give it to me?"

Wei Yunlong said: "Mr. Lin, to tell you the truth, we have been engaged in education and medical industry, but not involved in the mineral industry. We do not know much about mining industry. In addition, the old man is not in good health recently, and my second brother is looking after his family. I also have my own education work, which is beyond my ability. And you have the background of Dongsheng mining industry. I also heard from Yichen that you helped Dongsheng mining win a crucial bidding. You must also be a knowledgeable person! So, I'll leave it to you, I'll rest assured. "

"Well, actually I don't want this kind of investment. I'm not interested in investment." Lin Feng said.

"Ah Wei Yunlong was embarrassed for a while, and he said that he was spitting stars flying all over the place. The result was self hi!

"However, most people in the world are doing things they are not interested in, so it's OK not to be interested. I can think about it!" Lin Feng Road.

"Ah Wei Yunlong is full of black lines. Lin Feng, as expected, doesn't play according to the routine!

In fact, Lin Feng has his own plan. He really doesn't care what kind of investment he doesn't invest, but one of them is too attractive: Geological Exploration in Jincheng!

This means that we can take this opportunity to search for clues of blood jade in the whole city with the most advanced instruments, regardless of personnel and expenditure!

This is a great opportunity.

For example, tell the Golden Phoenix to see if there are any mineral deposits under the Yuexin lake, and then send someone down to investigate, and you will know what is under there.

But at the same time, Lin Feng was also very surprised. He was surprised that the Jin family was a big family in Songjiang city. Why did he have to come to Jincheng?

The financial resources of the Jin family are no worse than any of these consortia in Jincheng. On the contrary, their strength is still more powerful. Shouldn't they run for a bigger city to develop?

And they do more trade. Why do they do mining? This is very strange!Unless, they come to Jincheng, also have secret!

It must be. If you really want to do mineral business, you can buy Mineral spots directly. Why do you have to spend a lot of money to explore the whole city?

There are problems in the whole city exploration. I feel like I want to turn Jincheng upside down.

So, the gold family is looking for something!

Maybe they are looking for clues to the blood jade. After all, the gold family paid Chu Yuqi's father to steal the blood jade.

Therefore, Lin Feng must take part in this project and lead it.

Fortunately, I got the first place. If this project was taken by the backers, it would not be fun. After all, the people of the mysterious organization are now lying in the backers.

"Well, this project, I will think about it carefully!" Lin Feng Road.

"Mr. Lin, as long as you speak, this project is absolutely yours!" Wei Yunlong road.

"Good!" Lin Feng made a OK gesture.

At this time, his mobile phone rang suddenly. It was Su Jing calling. Lin Feng picked it up. Su Jing said in a hurry, "Lin Feng, come back quickly!"

"What's so urgent?" Lin Feng said.

"Ah -" Su Jing yelled, "you let me go...

then, a busy tone of" Dudu Du "came from the phone.

"No, Su Jing is in trouble!" Lin Feng quickly said to Wei Yichen, "morning, drive me to Swan Lake Villa, quick!"

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