The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 312

"This time, you must smell carefully." Lin Feng said.

Wei Hao took down the plastic bag and said with a cry: "can you change someone? I can't stand it!"

"For whom?" Lin Feng asked.

"Wei Yi Chen, let Wei Yi Chen go. Isn't my grandfather her grandfather?" Wei Hao pushes Wei Yicheng.

"Oh, you grandson, do you have any common sense? Men and women have different reactions to the smell of the same thing! Your grandfather is a man. He needs a man. Only a woman needs a woman to smell it. So don't push it. Hurry up, or you'll hurt your grandfather if you delay the treatment Lin Feng urged.

"Dad --"

Wei Hao looks at Wei Yunhu for help. He wants his father to come for him.

Wei Yunhu, however, took a step back and waved his hand and said, "Xiao Hao, a big husband can bend and stretch. Go, dad will support you!"

"Dad, I want to support you too!" Wei Hao said.

"No! Don't use it. Dad has always been your patron. He'll support you steadily in the back. Go on, son Wei Yunhu said with a firm face.

Wei Hao looks desperate. At the critical moment, his father doesn't help himself. What should I do?

"Come on! You can't die again. If you really delay your illness, you can regret it too late! " Lin Feng said.

Wei Hao shook his head helplessly and glared at Lin Feng.

At this time, the two little girls were still covering their mouths and laughing. It was the first time for them to see someone who was fainted by fart!

"What are you laughing at?" Wei Hao was a little angry.

"Oh, can't they cry if they don't laugh? You should put it on quickly Lin Feng put the plastic bag on Wei Hao's head and said to the two nurse beauties on the side: "two little sisters, don't hold back and laugh. Such a quiet environment needs laughter to break through."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Those two girls couldn't hold back for a long time. They laughed out loud, and Wei Hao almost died of anger!

Wei Hao was very angry. He cursed in the plastic bag: "if you two laugh again, I'll let my grandfather dismiss..."

but before he finished his words, Lin Feng suddenly pulled out all the silver needles.

Just listen to the "crackling" a series of farts, which is almost equivalent to the sound of firecrackers during the Chinese New Year. A jet of dark green gas instantly fills the plastic bag.

"Ah lying trough -" Wei Hao's face was extremely painful, like eating excrement.

Then, it is again a white eye, again a head in the head of the bed, dizzy past.

Lin Feng shook his head and said, "brother, you are not useful either!"

He opened the plastic bag. This time, the stench was several times worse than the last time. Some people simply couldn't stand it. They went out directly and listened to a burst of coughing in the corridor.

After the smell of fart diffuses, and still so, God knows what kind of life peak Wei haogang has just experienced!

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!" Lin Feng patted Wei Hao's face again: "Hey, brother, wake up!"

This time, Wei Hao didn't wake up immediately. After about half a minute, his fingers moved slightly, and then he opened his eyes slowly.

However, when he opened his eyes and saw Lin Feng for the first time, Lin Feng was concerned and asked, "how brother, did you smell this time?"

"Poop Wei Hao's legs a soft kneeling on the ground: "Rao me, this how smell ah, all of a sudden I tie Meng circle ah!"

"Oh, how can I do that? Come again!" Lin Feng picked up the plastic bag to make a gesture, which was to buckle on Wei Hao's head.

"Please, please don't come!"

Wei Hao left two lines of muddy tears and kept begging for mercy. He felt that life was more than death.

"Who told you not to smell more carefully every time?" Lin Feng said: "you can't smell it again and again. Everyone suffers with you, do you know? You see, these people are choking. Why don't you take out your real ability and smell this fart clearly? "

"I can't do it. If I go on like this, I'll die. Please, don't let me smell it!" Wei Hao said nothing!

Lin Feng listened and laughed.

He had already pulled out all the needles, and the old man's internal Qi was exhausted, and there was no fart to let go.

And these two times, Lin Feng also smelled a little bit of flavor, so basically can be concluded.

But Lin Feng pretended to be disappointed and said, "well, I thought you could resist the pressure and swear to smell your fart clearly. As a result, your filial grandson is useless! But fortunately, I also judged some clues from the taste of these two times. I'll prescribe the medicine for the old man now

"Good!" At this time, the Wei family rushed forward, and Gao Qingshan also came.

"Listen, I'll just say it once," said Lin Feng

Wei Yunlong quickly took out his mobile phone recording, just as seriously as listening to an important big man's speech.

Even Gao Qingshan seriously picked up the medical record book at the head of the bed and drew out a pen to take notes.

May and Feifei are surprised. This is the hospital, and Gao Qingshan is the dean. How can it look like a special performance of Lin Feng? A group of big men in the room are like primary school students waiting for Lin Feng to give a speech.At this time, Lin Feng said solemnly:

"the fart tastes strong and stinky, it's chilly and pungent, the color is dark green, and the disease of deep cold. The old man's toxin is nine times the poison of water cold!"

"Well!" Gao Qingshan nodded. The man who smelled the fart was cold. It should be what Lin Feng said.

He wrote down the word "cold water" in his book.

Lin Feng continued: "the five elements interact with each other and block each other. The circulation is endless. Gold conquers wood, wood controls soil, soil controls water, water suppresses fire, and fire suppresses gold. Therefore, the old man's cold water poison must be cleaned up by herbs with soil properties!"

"That's right, but what kind of medicinal materials are native?" Asked Gao Qingshan.

"A lot of it!" Lin Feng said: "in fact, traditional Chinese medicine is based on Yin and Yang and five elements, so every medicine has its Yin-Yang and five elements attributes. The characteristics of soil property of traditional Chinese medicine are warm nature, yellow color, sweet taste, entering the spleen and stomach meridian, good at harmonizing. The representatives of this kind of medicine are licorice and Atractylodes macrocephala!"

"Licorice, Atractylodes macrocephala!" Gao Qingshan murmured and took the pen seriously.

It's hard to imagine that the president of Castle Peak Hospital actually stood there and listened respectfully to other people talking about medicine.

Lin Feng continued: "two liang of licorice, half a kilogram of Atractylodes macrocephala, plus three Qian Huang Yi, a wild ginseng, smash and stir, rub into three pills, take one every two hours, the first one, temporarily save life, two, can wake up, three, can sit and eat!"

"What do you mean?" Wei Yunhu asked.

"If you take one, you can keep the old man safe. If you take the second one, the old man will wake up. If you eat the third, you can eat and drink." Gao Qingshan said.

"So amazing?" Wei Yunhu was surprised.

"Of course! What Mr. Lin said is reasonable, absolutely right! " Gao Qingshan said.

At this time, the other people present were also admirable. Lin Feng was worthy of being a miracle doctor. He was so powerful that the president was helpless. He finished it in a few words.

Moreover, in the speech displays the profession, lets the human listen to clap a case, incomparably convincing!

May and Feifei's surprised mouth can't close. They bravely ask Wei Yichen: "beauty, what's Lin Feng's handsome man for? How can it be so powerful

Two beauties guess that Lin Feng is not an international famous doctor, or after a famous family, or a talented pharmacist.

But Wei Yi Chen but a face complacent laugh: "he ah, he is a security guard!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!