The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 308

The fragrance of coffee lingers and the soothing music caresses the ears like tulle, which makes people very comfortable.

Lin Feng, Chu Yuqi and Liu qianyun are sitting in the Xingqing Cafe opposite the Medical University.

An hour ago, thanks to Lin Feng's wisdom in fighting Xu Guofu and Liu Hengyi, Liu qianyun and Chu Yuqi were innocent, so in order to thank Lin Feng, Liu qianyun specially invited Lin Feng to have coffee.

Just now, Chu Yuqi also solved her own problems, that is, about his cheating. Originally, he was not involved in cheating. He was passively dragged down by others. Therefore, the University gave chuyuqi lenient treatment, which would not affect his graduation.

All of these are due to Lin Feng, and Chu Yuqi doesn't know how to thank Lin Feng. In short, up to now, he owes Lin Feng too much, which seems to be unclear.

Every time she said thanks to Lin Feng, Lin Feng would smile and say to her, if you want to thank me, please make a promise. You are beautiful as a flower, I want to arrange flowers!

Chu Yuqi would scold him with shame every time: "hooligan", and then run away.

This incident, however, let Liu qianyunche thoroughly notice Lin Feng. Lin Feng's humor and wisdom, willing to contribute and the spirit of fighting the evil forces, are deeply attracted to her.

So the atmosphere of three people drinking coffee and chatting is also very ambiguous and brisk. The male animals around me have straight eyes and dry mouth. It's OK to give one of these two beauties!

Then one after another to Lin Feng to envy envy hate eyes!

How can this society be like this? Some people are drowned in the water, some people are thirsty. Can you balance them?

The two beauties did not pay attention to anyone's eyes. Their eyes were all attracted by Lin Feng.

Chu Yuqi asked, "Lin Feng, why didn't you bring out the evidence earlier? Hurt me and sister qianyun experienced the same psychological journey as the roller coaster

Lin Feng said with a smile: "important evidence must be used at the critical moment to play the greatest role. Originally, I wanted to wait for the police to come and then give Xu Guofu a surprise. But who would have thought that Wei Yunlong would come, it would be OK. After all, it is also a leader!"

"Oh, so!" Chu Yuqi and Liu qianyun nodded thoughtfully.

At this time, the door of the coffee shop opened, and a man came in. It was Wei Yunlong.

After Wei Yunlong dealt with the school affairs, he came to find Lin Feng at the first time.

Because Lin Feng came out just now, Wei Yunlong asked Xiao Wu to follow him, so he immediately came here.

Wei Yunlong went to Lin Feng's table and said respectfully, "Mr. Lin, please, my father is a human life. You won't be saved by death?"

As soon as Wei Yunlong arrives, Liu qianyun and Chu Yuqi suddenly get nervous. They don't usually have a chance to talk to this big man. Today, the big man is standing by his side, which makes people feel nervous and excited, like a dream.

"Mr. Wei, please sit down and speak first." Liu qianyun said timidly.

"Yes, thank you." Wei Yunlong sat down and said, "Mr. Lin...

" did I let you sit here? " Lin Feng cold channel.

"Ah Wei Yunlong quickly stood up, like a child who did something wrong.

This scene makes Liu qianyun and Chu Yuqi embarrassed and nervous, inexplicably but also feel very excited.

Such a big man, even in front of his own obedience, let people have a very proud feeling! Although not because of himself, but Lin Feng is our friend! What a face!

Seeing Wei Yunlong's embarrassed appearance, Lin Feng couldn't bear to embarrass him. He said, "OK, I'll let you sit now! Sit down

"Oh, good!" Wei Yunlong quickly sat down and said, "Mr. Lin, please do not hesitate to mention the conditions, as long as you can save my father..."

at this time, a waiter came by and said to Wei Yunlong, "what would you like, sir?"

"Give him a cup of cold, ah, eat tuou!" Lin Feng Road.

"What?" The waiter said, "I'm sorry, sir. Your drink may be too high-end. We don't have it for the time being."

Lin Feng said: "not high-grade, ah eat tuou, is the chemical name of H2O, the common name is, liangbaikai!"

"Ah Chu Yuqi and Liu qianyun are embarrassed for a while. Such a big man would like to give someone a cup of boiled water?

But Wei Yunlong also said gratefully, "thank you, thank you, Mr. Lin!"

This scene is to see the second daughter speechless, the heart said that today's incredible things happened too much, maybe go back to write a diary, the name is called, today my experience is a bit hi to blast!

But the waiter is a bright eye, suddenly understand why Lin Feng at the same time bubble to two beautiful women.

Even talking about a glass of water, are so learned, even chemical equations are used, great.

No wonder I'm single and have to learn from others!

The waiter said to the backstage, "would that gentleman over there have a cup of toast?"

"What?""It's just plain water. Why are you so uneducated! Learn from me in the future, and save on being a single dog! "

"Go away!"

... ...

... ...

over here, Wei Yunlong tried to persuade Lin Feng to go back with himself to see the old man. Lin Feng just said without raising his head and eyes: "today, I see your integrity and character in dealing with things, and I appreciate your conduct. So this cup of boiled water, I invite you, but don't think about anything else. I said that you asked me, and I would not go to the hospital What you say

Wei Yunlong's heart is cool, yes, you are too good to say, there is no change at all!

He is still the first time to meet such a difficult person. Does the heart say that experts are a little paranoid? It's a bit too stubborn!

At this time, Wei Yunlong's phone rang. He picked it up and looked at it. It was Wei Yicheng who called.

Wei Yunlong answered the phone: "Yi Chen, what's the matter?"

"Where are you now?" Wei asked? My grandfather's illness can't be delayed any more. It's the next day today. It's very likely to attack at any time. Have you invited my boss here? "

"I'm negotiating!" Wei Yunlong said.

But his heart is very bitter B, this negotiation seems to be useless!

"What was the result of the negotiation?" Wei asked.

"No, your boss just won't go back with me to see your grandfather!" Wei Yunlong road.

"I knew it was like this. You were too bad to speak that day, which made my old atmosphere bad. I blame you for being short-sighted!" Wei Yichen has never had a good attitude towards Wei Yunlong.

Wei Yunlong also looks aggrieved. It's good. My father hates me, Lin Feng hates me, and my daughter hates me. What am I doing?

At this time, however, another phone call from Wei Yunlong rang.

He quickly took it out to have a look. It was President Gao Qingshan calling.

He immediately got up, and the head of gaoqingshan said, "no, boss Wei, your father is in critical condition."

"What? My father is critically ill? " Wei Yunlong looks startled.

This was heard by Wei Yicheng at the other end of the phone and said quickly, "is grandfather in critical condition? Come on, give me the phone, boss

Wei Yunlong did not dare to neglect him. He handed the phone to Lin Feng and said to him, "my daughter's phone number!"

"Well?" Lin Feng was stunned.

"Oh, it's your younger brother or younger sister. Oh, whatever, it's morning. I want to talk to you on the phone!"

Wei Yunlong is incoherent!

When Lin Feng heard that it was Wei Yicheng, he took the phone with a smile on his face and said, "Hello, morning? Do you miss me

Wei Yichen said with a cry: "boss, my grandfather is dying, I beg you, please go and save my grandfather!"

Originally Wei Yi Chen wanted to listen to his grandfather's words, not to ask the eldest brother, let his father and second uncle to do it, but in a critical moment, he had to do it!

Lin Feng waved his hand and said: "morning, don't ask me this kind of words, as long as you open your mouth, I'll go to the hospital at any time, don't say it, now I'll go to the hospital!"

With that, he said to Liu qianyun and Chu Yuqi, "I'm sorry, I've got or lost to accompany you for a while."

"Well, go! It's important to save people! " Liu qianyun said softly.

But at this time, Wei Yunlong was stunned. His other mobile phone, which was used to communicate with Gao Qingshan, was "pa!" It fell to the ground with a sound.

He asked for half a day's time, he was motionless, as a result, he got up without saying a word in the morning.

Is this... So principled?

However, Lin Feng looked at Wei Yunlong and said, "what are you doing? Take me to the hospital

"Ah, ah, good, good!" Wei Yun's head points like pounding garlic, and quickly takes Lin Feng out, forgetting to pick up the phone on the ground.

Only left in the phone, Gao Qingshan kept shouting: "Hello, Hello, boss Wei, are you listening to me? Hello, hello...

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