The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 307

"Why, I just want to play a game with you. Look at you, why are you broken?" Lin Feng said.

"Don't torture us, please! We do it, we do everything! " Xu Guofu cried.

Lin Feng nibbled at their hearts little by little. He couldn't bear the torment of the soul. Xu Guofu just wanted to recruit everything at this time, and then escape from the hot eyes of all people, especially from Lin Feng, who seemed like a big devil.

"Come on, tell the truth!" Lin Feng said.

"I'm not good, we forced these two girls..."

Xu Guofu told us everything.

However, he also said that it was all the idea of his nephew Liu Hengyi. He did not directly force the two girls from the beginning to the end. Liu Hengyi forced others by taking advantage of the fox and the tiger's power, but he was just the tiger standing behind Liu Hengyi.

At this point, he doesn't have to take responsibility for others. In this way, he may be punished a little less.

It has to be said that people always cheat horses, but Xu Guofu did not say a word that forced the two girls. Only when he threatened Lin Feng later, did he speak hard.

After Liu Hengyi reacted, he was immediately angry. His cousin even left a hand and put a lot of responsibility on him. It was too treacherous. He angrily rebuked: "Xu Guofu, you farted. Which time didn't you let me do it? Which time wasn't the last time you picked up a big bargain? "

"Why? More than once! And the windfall! " Lin Feng sneered: "Heng Yi ah, say, all speak out, break the non-toxic, do not hold back!"

Liu Hengyi was already angry at this time. He yelled: "I don't know what Xu Guofu was like before. But since I came to this school for four years, he has encouraged me to threaten girls for more than 20 times. Every time, he went to do it, and then he gave me the rest. Once he got pregnant, he said it was me. Bah, you old lecher!"

"Beast Headmaster Li Cheng couldn't listen any more. He didn't expect that he had such a tumor under his command. He really wanted to slap himself hard and hurt so many people. What a sin!

"Liu Hengyi, do you think you can get any benefits from exposing? You silly, you don't have any black history? You are more excessive than mine. You have made more than 20 girlfriends. How many of them are really with you? I'm not cheating people with my name, or I'm looking for students from the sports institute to threaten others. Are you still talking about me? " Xu Guofu sneered.

"Beautiful!" Lin Feng snapped his finger: "dog bite dog, OK! Come on, don't stop, continue to hurt each other

The two men were angry and angry.

Li Cheng, who was watching this scene, was even more annoyed. He yelled: "enough, you two, what's the matter? Go to the police station and tell me all the evidence of the crime."

With that, Li Cheng called the police.

Then Li Cheng suddenly thought of something. He suddenly looked at his horse's face and said, "and this classmate, did you help Xu Guofu lie just now?"

Ma's face immediately burst into tears. He said to Li Cheng, "I'm wrong, headmaster. I'm damned. I'm sorry for brother Lin Feng. I'm such a scum."

It's hard to imagine that the man with a height of more than nine meters turned into a shy tearful man, and the scene was extremely hot.

"No, you are not sorry for me, you are sorry for the two beauties behind me!" Lin Feng said: "If today's matter is not clarified, the two beauties will be wrongly killed by you!"

"Yes, I'm really too scum. It's all you, Xu Guofu. You scum. You can't graduate and threaten us. You're not worthy to be a person!" At the end, Ma's face was very excited.

He directly rushed to Xu Guofu and punched Xu Guofu in the face: "I grass NIMA!"

"Bang", Xu Guofu was hit a stagger, mouth Ya Zi bleeding, the whole person lying on the ground, dizzy.

Ma's face was so angry that he wanted to release all his pent up emotions.

"And you! Liu Hengyi The horse's face kicked Liu Hengyi's stomach with a kick, and gave Liu Hengyi a loud kick. He covered his stomach and knelt on the ground, unable to stand up. He spat green water in his mouth, which obviously hurt his internal organs.

"Come on, get him!" Li Cheng is in a panic.

People are also a flurry, if this horse face starts to rush, really nobody dares to stop.

Seeing that Ma Lian has fallen into madness, he punches and kicks at the two men, and other people dare not go up to stop him, for fear of affecting himself. Li Cheng is confused and powerless.

At this time, he heard Lin Feng shout: "horse face, stop!"

Amazingly, Ma's face still looks like a tyrannical Hulk one second ago. After listening to Lin Feng's drink, he suddenly became a little boy. He stopped immediately, and then went to Lin Feng and knelt down on his knees: "brother Lin Feng, this time I'm sorry for you. You have to fight and scold, and do whatever you want!"

"Oh, I know you have difficulties. You are also forced by them. Understandably, who doesn't want to graduate well?" Lin Feng said.Ma's face was moved and hugged Lin Feng's thigh and cried, "brother Lin Feng, Wuwu, Wuwu, you are the real good man. I'm so impressed by lard that I even gave false testimony for them. Brother Lin Feng, I'm sorry for you! I'm not a man

"It doesn't matter to me. You go and apologize to the two beauties." Lin Feng said.

"Good!" Ma's face knelt down and moved to Liu qianyun and Chu Yuqi. Facing his face, he began to smoke. Every time, he snapped, and his face swelled in an instant.

"I'm sorry, I'm not human, I'm damned, I'm sorry, you don't forgive me, I've been smoking, I'm sorry..."

Chu Yuqi couldn't look down and said, "don't fan, get up, we're all afraid that we can't graduate. I understand you!"

"Woo Hoo Hoo!"

Horse face, which is not striving for success, cried again, like a broken bellows.

Only now did he understand that birds of a feather flock together. As expected, elder brother Lin Feng and sister-in-law Lin Feng are so kind and considerate. If you look at Liu Hengyi and Xu Guofu, they are just a pile of rubbish and stink.

"All right, all right, you will be punished by the school when you come back!" Wei Yunlong road.

After this series of events, Wei Yunlong was filled with emotion. He said:

"if I was not present in person, I would never have thought that such a thing would have happened. If Mr. Lin had not proved the two girls and saved the recording evidence, the villains would not have been punished accordingly. First of all, I said sorry to Mr. Lin for my negligence in my work Thank you, Mr. Lin, for coming into the campus and speaking for the students. In the end, the bad guys must be severely punished, and the two girls must be given certain compensation! "

After hearing this, Li Cheng quickly said: "you can rest assured that Xu Guofu and Liu Hengyi will take over the judicial organs, and I will give them some academic compensation within the scope of control, and we will investigate all the students who have been infringed by these two people, and communicate compensation in private one by one."

"Well!" Wei Yunlong nodded with a cold face.

Li Cheng continued: "in our school, it is my lax discipline and dereliction of duty. I urge the organization to deal with it seriously."

"Don't worry, you must be jointly and severally liable!" Wei Yunlong said.

"I accept all punishment!" Headmaster Li Cheng said sincerely.

"All right, it's all right!" Lin Feng smiles at Liu qianyun and Chu Yuqi and says, "wipe your eyes quickly. Girls, just smile to look good."

Liu qianyun and Chu Yuqi broke their tears to smile. Liu qianyun had little contact with Lin Feng before. This time, she found herself deeply attracted by this wise and humorous man.

She secretly said to Chu Yuqi, "Yuqi, your boyfriend, is really excellent!"

Chu Yuqi blushed and said, "he... Is not my boyfriend yet."

Liu qianyun said happily, "ah, I still have a chance! I want to compete fairly with you! "

Chu Yuqi smile: "good, good, who are not afraid!"

At this time, Wei Yunlong went to Lin Feng again and said respectfully, "Mr. Lin, can I have the cheek to let you go with me?"

Lin Feng smile, very modest said: "can't!"


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