The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 309

Xiao Wu is very good at driving and arrived at the hospital within half an hour.

When we arrived at the hospital, Wei Yunhu, Wei Yunmei and Wei Hao had already been there, and Wei Yichan also came quickly.

Wei Zhentian is short of breath, his face is red, and he is extremely uncomfortable.

"Dean Gao, what's wrong with my father?" Wei Yunlong asked.

"Mr. Wei was suddenly short of breath and his muscles were atrophied and weak. Even his breathing muscles almost stopped working. Therefore, he might stop breathing or shock to death at any time." Gao Qingshan said.

"Dad Wei Yunlong cried and rushed over and said, "Dad, don't worry. I've brought the miracle doctor here. I'll see you now!"

"Mr. Lin, please help my old man to see if there is any help?" Wei Yunlong said.

Lin Feng walked over to the others and said, "get out of the way!"

Everyone got out of the way and didn't dare to get close to him, for fear that he would make the doctor angry like last time!

When Gao Qingshan, the director of the hospital, heard that Lin Feng was the one who gave acupuncture to Wei Lao last time, he immediately looked up with admiration and surprise and stood on his face respectfully.

Lin Feng walked over and didn't feel it like traditional Chinese medicine or western medicine. He simply glanced at it and directly broke Wei Zhentian's mouth.

Then, he took a small black pill from his pocket and took it for Wei Zhentian.

"Lin Feng, what did you give my grandfather to eat?" Wei Hao yelled: "I tell you, you don't give my grandfather to eat indiscriminately, eat a problem, you have to give my grandfather life!"

"Wei Hao, don't say a few words!" Wei Yunlong was angry, and then he said to Wei Yunhu, "second brother, take care of your son. Don't make trouble here!"

Wei Yunlong finally invited Lin Feng to come, but Wei Hao came to make trouble again. Did the child want his grandfather to die quickly and to separate his family and property?

"Xiao Hao, you go out first!" Wei Yunhu said.

"I'm not going out. I'm not talking, isn't it?" Wei Hao looked at Wei Yunlong angrily, and then coldly glanced at Lin Feng.

He can't go. He will never give up until he breaks down Lin Feng!

At this time, the old man suddenly trembled violently and gasped in his mouth, as if he would be out of breath in the next second.

Looking at the old man is very painful, Wei Yicheng wants to help Wei Zhentian, but Lin Feng stops him: "don't move!"

Wei Yi Chen tears brush down, looking at grandfather, her heart is more difficult.

But the next scene, is to let all people are confused.

The old man stood up and did not move.


Wei's family looked at Wei Zhentian in panic and looked at Lin Feng in a puzzled way, hoping that Lin Feng would give an explanation.

Lin Feng shook his head and sighed: "well, it's still close to it!"

"So you didn't save my grandfather?" Wei Hao was furious and scolded: "Lin Feng, you liar, you've killed my grandfather. You return my grandfather, you pay for my grandfather's life!"

Wei Hao's words seem to be filial piety, but they are not.

He didn't have much feelings for Wei Zhentian. He wanted to overthrow Lin Feng. He just wanted to put the hat of a murderer on Lin Feng.

But we all ignore Wei Hao. At this time, watching Lin Feng shake his head and sigh, Wei Yunlong and Wei Yicheng feel cool.

"Dad -" Wei Yunlong knelt on the ground, sobbing.

Gao Qingshan quickly stepped forward to hold Wei Yunlong and said, "boss Wei, please stop mourning!"

Wei Yicheng rushed to Wei Zhentian, lying on Wei Zhentian's body and wailing.

Wei's family were all in grief. Wei Yunhu was also red eyed and sobbed. Wei Yunmei called out "Dad -" and then threw herself on the old man.

"Lin Feng, you killed people. Don't want to go anywhere today. If you don't have a medical license, you are a liar. I will call the police to arrest you and pay for my grandfather's life." Wei Hao said to Lin Feng.

"Wei Hao -" Wei Yunlong yelled: "Mr. Lin has tried his best. He has helped your grandfather live for more than a day. It's my fault and I didn't invite him to come here in time. If you want to blame, blame me. Mr. Lin is not guilty!"

"Uncle, how can you speak for Lin Feng at this time? As you can see, he just fed my grandfather a black pill, and then my grandfather died immediately. Isn't he harming people Wei Hao said.

"Alas Of course, Wei Yunlong saw this scene, but Lin Feng couldn't harm people. He still believed in Lin Feng, but he didn't save people. He can't blame others.

Seeing that Wei Yunlong didn't speak, Wei Hao became even more rampant. He said, "uncle, as the eldest son of my grandfather, are you looking at outsiders doing wrong here? You don't deserve to be my uncle


"Pa --"

Wei Yunhu slapped Wei Hao in the mouth and cursed, "how can you talk to your uncle like this?"

"What's the matter? Can't he tell you what he did wrong? Grandfather was killed by Lin Feng, he is still there to help Lin Feng shirk responsibility, what is he thinking? Does he want to let his grandfather die and separate his family Wei Hao was like crazy, his eyes were red and he kept shouting and scolding."Oh, Mr. Wei, what's your name like a mad dog? The old man needs to be clean Lin Feng said impatiently.

"My grandfather is dead. What's so quiet?" Wei Hao said angrily.

Lin Feng said, "who told you that the old man died?"

"Isn't it you?" Wei Hao said, "you say it's still close to it!"

"I mean, the master is almost awake. Do I say the old man is dead? How can you be so voluptuous? I think you want the old man to share his family property? You are in a hurry! " Lin Feng has no good airway..

"You're nonsense -" Wei Hao exclaimed in embarrassment.

But the Wei family did not pay attention to him, all eyes on Lin Feng.

"Oh! So it is Wei Yunlong wiped his tears and stood up from the ground.

The scene suddenly eased a lot, not as dignified as before.

But Wei Hao was very embarrassed. Not only did his grandfather not die, he was saved by Lin Feng for a while. He scolded him for a long time, but he made a very humiliating thing.

In order to find face, he asked Lin Feng angrily: "my grandfather is not dead. Why didn't you say it earlier! You want to see me make a fool of myself, don't you? "

"Child, you think too much. You make a fool of yourself, not on my purpose!" Lin Feng said: "before I explain, your family began to cry and cry there, blame me?"

"Then you..." Wei Hao wants to continue to reply!

"Shut up

Seeing Wei Hao's argument, Wei Yunhu slapped Wei Hao directly: "are you not disgraceful enough? Do you want to see your grandfather die

Wei Hao covered his face, his teeth itched, but he couldn't find a reason to refute it.

But Gao Qingshan was very surprised at this time. How could this young man be so skilled in medicine?

A dying man was temporarily pulled back from the gate of hell twice. This man is a miracle in the medical field!

He came forward and said, "Dr. Lin is the president of this hospital in the lower gaoqingshan."

"Well? Hello, Dean Gao. What can I do for you Asked Lin Feng.

"Oh, I dare to ask. What is the composition and pharmacology of your medicine? How did he calm down all of a sudden? "

Gao Qingshan wants to know what kind of medicine he gave the old man just now. He is very curious.

Lin Feng waved his hand: "you come here, I'll tell you!"

"Mm-hmm, I'm all ears!" Gao Qingshan went over, put his ear to Lin Feng's mouth and said, "doctor, what kind of medicine are you?"

Lin Feng said in a soft voice with a smile: "fairy elixir!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!