The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 306

"Don't you want evidence? Let's play a game. You'll love it! " Lin Feng said: "the name of the game is called, listen to the voice to distinguish people. Let's listen to a voice, and then we can carefully identify who the speaker is. If you get the right answer, there will be a prize."

Then Lin Feng took out his mobile phone and opened a recording.

He recorded it outside the balcony on the third floor. I'm afraid it won't be very clear if the general mobile phone recording is made. However, Lin Feng's mobile phone is specially made, and all the recorded contents are clear and audible:

"well, why are you so stupid? Do you know the hidden rules of society! Do you need me to say more? "


"you are wrong. I didn't ask Chu Yuqi to do this! But, you two! You two serve my cousin and me together


"you will regret it if you leave, because if you two go out of this room, I promise you two will not be able to finish your studies!"


"your name is Lin Feng. If you don't see what happened today, we won't embarrass you!"


"Stinky boy, you are just a security guard. Don't be too arrogant. I have 100 ways to punish you!"


listening to the voice recorded inside the mobile phone, the faces of Xu Guofu and Liu Hengyi are getting whiter and whiter, so white that there is no trace of blood color.

Lin Feng said with a smile: "listen to almost, come on, everyone began to play the game, guess who are the two people who speak inside? Come on, Ma Lian. I'll give you a chance. Guess who are these two talking about? "

Ma Lian's legs were shaking with fright at this time. Do you still need to guess? It's Liu Hengyi and Xu Guofu. Who can't recognize them?

I gave them testimony just now. Now I'm slapping my face. But brother Lin Feng asked me to guess. Is this a clear lesson for me?

However, Ma Lian realized that I really deserved it. It's not too much to let brother Lin Feng kill me for doing this kind of thing, and almost killed two innocent girls.

He listened to the recording of Liu Hengyi and Xu Guofu's immorality, and the helplessness of the two girls. His heart felt extremely guilty and angry, and immediately roared: "the two men who are talking here are Liu Hengyi and Xu Guofu. That's right, they are both!"

This is a conclusion to the matter.

In fact, everyone can hear the sound, just from the horse's face mouth said, more have a feeling of doom.

Headmaster Li Cheng only felt hot on his face. He didn't expect that Xu Guofu actually picked up this matter first.

He has always trusted Xu Guofu, so many things are in Xu Guofu's hands, and he has never asked about it again. He did not expect that Xu Guofu's power is becoming more and more powerful, and he even made such abuse of power.

Li Cheng felt remorse for a while. How could he have listened to this villain's slander? If not today's young man named Lin Feng exposed this incident, how many innocent students would have suffered?

Thinking of this, Li Cheng is in a state of anguish. He turns to look at Xu Guofu, and his eyes are about to burst into flames. "Xu Guofu, tell me, what's going on here?"

Wei Yunlong also looked at Xu Guofu coldly and asked, "who is Liu Hengyi?"

Liu Hengyi curled up in the corner, already scared into a group. Listening to Wei Yunlong's question, he shivered and timidly raised his hand and said, "it's me!"

"Asshole, you two, come to the front. Come on, tell me about it!" Wei Yunlong crossed the headmaster and took over the matter directly.

First of all, the influence of this matter is too bad. As a leader, he must be punished severely. Secondly, it is also related to Lin Feng. We must not let Lin Feng have any dissatisfaction, or we will be finished if we delay the doctor.

When Li Cheng sees Wei Yunlong angry, he doesn't dare to speak. After all, it happened in his school. Xu Guofu is still under his command. Now Xu Guofu has lost all his face. He only thinks that these two pests must be dealt with severely. He will give an account to the female students, Lin Feng and everyone in the school.

"You two, come on!" Seeing that Xu Guofu and Liu Hengyi are dragging their feet and dare not stand out, Li Cheng urges them out loud in the back.

They stood in front of them, pursing their mouths.

Wei Yunlong asked in a cold voice, "do you think the two of you are talking in Mr. Lin's recording just now?"

They still don't speak, which means they don't admit it or deny it.

"Asshole, other students have pointed out you, you still want to deny it?" Wei Yunlong said angrily.

At this time, Lin Feng said with a smile: "Oh, Yunlong, what are you doing? If you frighten people, can't you force them to confess their guilt? The world is so beautiful, but you are so irascible, so bad, so bad

As soon as Wei Yunlong heard Lin Feng calling him Yunlong, he felt close to himself. He was immediately pleased and said, "well, Mr. Lin, what do you mean, what should I do?"Lin Feng said: "well, I am a very democratic person. As for one classmate, I am still a little lack of evidence. Then, other students should not be idle. Our game is not over yet. Come on, do you think that the voice inside is Liu Hengyi and Xu Guofu? If you think it is, keep it the same; if you don't, jump three times and shout No

But as soon as the voice dropped, Lin Feng said, "Oh, you see, no one jumps, so everyone guesses that the voice is Xu Guofu and Liu Hengyi! Thank you very much. You are the pillars of our society in the future. Very good

Suddenly Xu Guofu and Liu Hengyi mouth gas a shiver.

Is this testimony?

If you want to refute, you have to jump three times, but do you give people time to jump?

Lin Feng's image, in front of Xu Guofu and Liu Hengyi, is a big two words: "cunning, belly black!"

At this time, Lin Feng suddenly looked at Xu Guofu and Liu Hengyi and said, "what, Hengyi and Guofu, come on! The game is almost finished. Don't be idle. Play the game. It's important to participate. Do you have any opinions? Tell me, who is the voice in this

Looking at Lin Feng's smile, Xu Guofu felt creepy. At first, he didn't look up to Lin Feng at all. At this time, he reflected that this man was so powerful and dark. At this time, his smile made Xu Guofu feel like falling into an ice cellar.

"Come on, what? Don't you dare to talk? Afraid of the original sound reproduction? " Lin Feng said with a smile: "come on, Hengyi, your cousin counseled, you said for him, you said you are helping female students correct their minds, help them understand society as soon as possible, understand what is the hidden rules, you say you are for their good, you are the most kind people!"

Liu Hengyi lowered his head and kept silent!

"Say -" Lin Feng suddenly drank.

"I was wrong, I was wrong!" Liu Hengyi was so scared that he knelt on the ground, and the whole person had completely collapsed.

Xu Guofu's face turned red and his nephew relaxed. His heart was filled with despair. Now, there is no way out. The whole house is driven by Lin Feng. He has worked hard for more than ten years. Today, all of them are destroyed!

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Xu Guofu grinned and howled. As soon as his legs softened, he fell to the ground. , the fastest update of the webnovel!