The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 305

Wei Yunlong didn't expect that this scene would be staged in this Qingqing campus, which is really abhorrent.

Shouldn't campus be a place for students to study hard? Shouldn't campus be a place to abandon the social tact and philistine, only youth and joy?

How could such a terrible thing happen?

It's all because of the scum of these animals!!!

Wei Yunlong suddenly looks at Xu Guofu. His two sharp eyes are like two sharp knives, which can penetrate Xu Guofu in an instant.

Xu Guofu shrinks his head and subconsciously retreats behind the headmaster.

"Xu Guofu, what this female classmate just said is true?" Instead of listening to one side of the story, Wei Yunlong asked Xu Guofu.

"Not true, he slandered me!" Xu Guofu said: "he also brought Lin Feng to beat me! Lin Feng is a member of the staff outside the school. He directly enters the school to beat people. This... Can't be said! "

Xu Guofu did not dare to scold Lin Feng for being mean. Wei Yunlong, who bowed his head and bowed down, did not dare to be arrogant any more. However, he still could not admit his guilt. Otherwise, he would be ruined if he had worked hard for more than ten years!

He looked at the horse's face, and then secretly gave the horse face a sign, said: "do not believe you ask this classmate, he can testify to me!"

Horse face immediately collapsed, all want to find a seam to drill in.

What is this? You two have a deep hatred. Why do you have to move me up?

That end of Lin Feng he can not afford to offend, this side of the director, he did not dare to offend, this makes him in a dilemma, uncomfortable to burst!

At this time, Wei Yunlong also turned to look at Ma's face and asked, "what's going on, this classmate? Don't be afraid

Ma Lian's mood at the moment can not be described as too much by scratching his heart and liver. He wants to escape, but he finds that headmaster Li Cheng also looks at him, and the headmaster's eyes are still a little puzzled.

Because Ma Lian just in front of the headmaster, vowed that Liu qianyun and Chu Yuqi took the initiative to find Xu Guofu.

If he does not testify, he will deceive the headmaster and offend Xu Guofu. When Wei Yunlong goes back, his miserable days will come?

Ma Lian looks sad and takes a look at Lin Feng. Surprised to find, Lin Feng also looked at him.

Lin Feng came to him with a Buddhist smile and spread his hands in a gesture of indifference.

Ma Lian once again apologized to Lin Feng in his heart: "brother Lin Feng, I'm sorry. I didn't complain when I was a cow or a horse for you. But I can't go back today. I have to go down a road. I think you are so Buddhist. You should understand me, right! Brother Lin Feng, I'm sorry

Ma Lian took a sniff and said, "well, yes, those two girls seduced the teaching director first."

As soon as this word is said, Liu qianyun and Chu Yuqi are both mad!

"You're talking nonsense, you're lying!"

"How do you open your eyes and tell lies?"

However, Xu Guofu showed a smirk on one side, and then raised his chest: "Director Wei, you see, I work diligently, and I have to be stigmatized and scolded by these people. I am really heartbroken!"

Headmaster Li Cheng also breathed a sigh of relief. After all, the teaching director is really a beast, and he can't hold his face. At the same time, he also hates this kind of atmosphere on campus, and then angrily says, "this kind of thing is absolutely not allowed in the school, so since it is found out, it must be severely punished!"

Said, all eyes are focused on Liu qianyun and Chu Yuqi.

As if these two women, is to pollute the campus unforgivable lewd child slut.

If we say that the two of them were under strong pressure just now, the pressure at this time is almost out of breath.

Even Wei Yunlong looked at them angrily, and said angrily, "you two, if you have done such a thing, will the villains report first? Where have you both read? Is there any sense of shame? "

"We... Wuwuwuwu..."

Liu qianyun couldn't hold on any longer, covering his eyes with the back of his hand and crying.

Chu Yuqi shivered, angry and panicked, her brain was blank.

"Don't cry, don't cry!" Lin Feng walked over and patted Liu qianyun: "don't cry, there's me!"

Don't say it's OK. Chu Yuqi cried out.

"Well! What rhythm do you have? One wave hasn't subsided, another wave has come? " Lin Feng quickly patted Chu Yuqi: "Yuqi baby, don't cry, don't cry, brother for you two proof, don't panic!"

"Mr. Lin, why are you still mixing with them? Please don't get involved in this. This kind of thing has a bad influence. Don't affect your reputation! " Wei Yunlong tried to persuade him that he still did not dare to offend Lin Feng.

"Shut up first, and now I'll take over the matter." Lin Feng said.

Then, looking at Xu Guofu, he said, "bullying two weak female students has a great sense of achievement, isn't it? I'm proud to turn right and wrong in black and white, isn't it? I've watched you perform for a long time. It's time to teach you a lesson! "Xu Guofu gave a cold smile and said, "Lin Feng, you can't talk nonsense because of the support of director Wei. There are witnesses there."

Xu Guofu said that authentication is horse face.

Lin Feng said with a smile, "OK, if you say the witness, I'll discuss it with you."

Lin Feng looked at his horse's face and said with a smile to Xu Guofu: "you just made a fatal mistake!"

"What's wrong?" Asked Xu.

"Logical error!" Lin Feng said, "you once said that two girls seduced you, and then you didn't follow me. Then I jumped out to threaten you, but you didn't, and called Ma Lian and others from the sports institute to resist me. This is the right order of things, right?"

"Yes! That's it Xu Guofu said.

Lin Feng said, "good! Then you tell me that Ma Mian and others came last. How did he know that the two girls in front of him seduced you? "


Xu Guofu felt like a blow in the head! Yes, horse face didn't come at that time. How can I forget this stubble?

Lin Feng drank: "two goods, lie you can't scatter, horse face was not present at that time, how to testify to you?"

Xu Guofu's face was flushed, and suddenly he was stuck!

How can I forget this stubble!

What to do? What to do?

In an instant, Xu Guofu's forehead exuded cold sweat.

"Yes, they came last. Why do they insist that we seduce you?" Liu qianyun also responded and rebuked angrily.

But Xu Guofu is an old Lai. He is not only two skinned, but also very capable of playing tricks.

"They know that Xu Guofu is upright and can't do such a thing. They know that you two are so fickle that they can't seduce me first."

"Guess? Ha ha ha Lin Feng laughed: "if you can rely on guessing, I guess there are not less than dozens of female students you are harming?"

"Don't talk nonsense! If you do this again, I will sue you for personal attack Xu Guofu yelled, and then he said in accordance with the momentum: "what do you do now, pay attention to evidence. You have the ability to show us the evidence. What's the use of this analysis? You're not Sherlock Holmes!"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "Oh, coincidentally, I was about to say this. You don't want evidence. OK, let's play a game. I promise you'll like it! Hey, hey, hey , the fastest update of the webnovel!