The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 304

Mr. Lin?

Wei Yunlong, the head of the relevant education department in Jincheng, even called Lin Feng Mr. Lin.

All the people present were deeply shocked and confused.

What's more, when director Wei comes over, he always calls in advance to inspect the work. Li Cheng also receives the whole process and dare not neglect it.

This time, why did you kill them all of a sudden? Is it for this young man?

Li Cheng's heart is full of ups and downs, and Xu Guofu is even more nervous. He can only pray in his heart that the eldest brother Wei has identified the wrong person. It is impossible for him to know a security guard and be so respectful?

At this time, the focus of everyone's eyes is on Lin Feng and Wei Yunlong.

Their eyes showed surprise and surprised eyes. Just now, Xu Guofu laughed at Lin Feng's low status and despised others for treating him as a character. But now it seems that he is not a small figure!

However, what made them even more surprised was still in the back. Lin Feng was still smiling just now. Suddenly, he had a cold face and said to Wei Yunlong, "what are you doing? I don't know you! "

"Well, Mr. Lin, why are you still angry?" Wei Yunlong, with a fawning smile on his face, said, "this time, I've come to see you."

"I'm sorry, I'm very busy. If you have something to say, you can go away if you have nothing to do." Lin Feng said, "after all, I am a security guard, and I have to go to see the gate."

"Mr. Lin, you're not angry. Last time I was blind and offended you, I'll apologize to you on the spot, right?" Wei Yunlong said. He bowed to Lin Feng and said, "Mr. Lin, I'm wrong. I'm sorry! Please forgive me

Lying trough? And that kind of thing?

All of a sudden, the jaw of everyone's surprise will fall down. What's the situation? Is that crazy?

Wei Yunlong bows to Lin Feng? Moreover, Wei Yunlong has been courting him since he opened the door, while Lin Feng is very arrogant and indifferent.

Wei Yunlong was not angry, but kept fawning.

People roam in waves of muddled circles, feeling more and more surprised. This is so subversive to our cognition!

"Yes! Don't apologize, I have said that last time I went to see your daughter's face in the morning. I would not go if you asked me to go! " Lin Feng cold channel.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Lin said that we are indeed crooked melons and split dates. Don't you have a common understanding with us!" Wei Yunlong continued to smile.

People looked at each other, heart said that Lin Feng, even said Wei Yunlong is crooked melon split dates, Wei Yunlong is not angry, but he still laugh with each other, this special, what is the matter? Who can explain it?

Liu qianyun was nervous. After all, Wei Yunlong was a big man. She secretly asked Chu Yuqi, "what's the situation? Who is Lin Feng from Wei Yunlong? "

Chu Yuqi also looked confused and said, "I don't know. It looks like Wei Yunlong's boss."

"How could it be? Isn't he a security guard? " Liu qianyun asked.

"Yes, so I don't know what happened." Chu Yuqi doesn't know how to organize her own language.

At this time, Li Cheng quickly came forward and said, "Director Wei, please sit down first."

"No sit!" Wei Yunlong said, "I'm here for personal business, not for business. So don't be nervous. Just call my name!"

"Good!" Li Cheng repeatedly agreed.

At this time, however, listening to the crackling outside the door, four or five security guards came up with rubber sticks and asked, "headmaster Li, what can I do for you?"

Then they looked at the room. There were more than ten people, men and women, very lively.

Li Cheng looks embarrassed. Looking at this, Lin Feng is obviously a big man. He is also a very important person to Wei Yunlong. With Wei Yunlong there, how can he ask the security guard to drive people away!

He waved to the security guard and said, "it's OK. Go back."

Those security guards are at a loss. They are free to play with us?

You look at me, I look at you, and say, "Oh, OK!" Turn around and go downstairs.

From the corridor came their voices:

"there are so many people in this office, it's really lively!"

"Yes! It's a lot of fun, but what do the headmaster want us to do

"Tell us to come and watch the fun!"

"Well, it makes sense."


in the office, Wei Yunlong is a little confused. He only pays attention to the situation in the room at this time. Why are there so many people?

Just now he couldn't find anyone. After listening to the noise from the office, he came to have a look. He didn't expect that Lin Feng was here.

And his attention is on Lin Feng, ignoring these people around him. Now I feel that the atmosphere is a little strange.

A student sat on the sofa, holding his ankle, grinning;Some of them were tall, standing against the wall, looking dejected when they had done something wrong.

there were also two female students with red eyes and a pathetic face.

Wei Yunlong feels that the atmosphere is not right!

"By the way, Mr. Lin, how come you have come to the commercial university?" Wei Yunlong asked.

"Why, can't you come?" Lin Feng was angry when he said this, and then he didn't have a good way: "I'll help two girls get justice!"

On hearing Lin Feng say so, Xu Guofu felt that things were not good. He called out with luck: "Director Wei, don't listen to him. He is talking nonsense here and slandering us innocent people!"

Then he quickly yelled at Ma Mian and others: "you guys, get him out of here! Don't let him talk nonsense here

Xu Guofu was really in a hurry and went to the doctor in a hurry. He was afraid that things would be revealed. He even mobilized his students to drive Lin Feng out in front of Wei Yunlong.

"Shut up!" Wei Yunlong yelled: "where can you speak?"

Xu Guofu was so frightened that he didn't dare to speak.

Wei Yunlong said to Lin Feng, "Mr. Lin, what's going on?"

Wei Yunlong is not very good at business, but as a member of the education sector, he is still doing his best. Hearing that Lin Feng said there was injustice in the school, he immediately switched to work and asked with concern.

"You want to hear it, don't you? Good Lin Feng said to Chu Yuqi and Liu qianyun: "this time big people come, you put the grievances in your heart, all say it, don't be afraid, I'm here!"

Liu qianyun and Chu Yuqi were very happy. They thought they were going to die. They didn't expect to have an appeal.

After a grateful look at Lin Feng, Liu qianyun said, "I'm a student from the medical university next door. My name is Liu qianyun...

Liu qianyun told the story all over again.

When Xu Guofu and Liu Hengyi threatened them, they knocked Wei Yunlong on the table.

On the other hand, Xu Guofu and Liu Hengyi were already scared. Xu Guofu felt his legs tremble.

After that, Liu qianyun also said that Xu Guofu had turned black and white into black and white.

After listening to Liu qianyun's description, Wei Yunlong looked very serious and dignified. Suddenly, he patted the desk next to him and roared, "you two scum, come to the front of me!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!