The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 303

Chu Yuqi said, everyone is a burst of palpitation.

We all know that Xu Guofu is a villain who must report his grievances. This sentence from Chu Yuqi has offended him thoroughly. Xu Guofu has worked here for more than ten years, and no one can shake him. Looking back on this matter, don't you still have to torture Chu Yuqi?

What are you doing?

Lin Peifeng is very sorry for Yu Pei Feng.

Chu Yuqi, a beautiful woman, even talks for Lin Feng with her body in danger. This brother Lin Feng is so charming!

After hearing Chu Yuqi's words, Li Cheng's face was awe inspiring, and he said, "is there such a thing? Tell me, what's going on? "

Chu Yuqi said all his experiences before.

After hearing this, Li Cheng looks dignified and asks Xu Guofu, "Lao Xu, is there such a thing?"

Of course, Xu Guofu would not admit it. He quickly came up to him and said, "headmaster, don't listen to her nonsense. Chu Yuqi was delayed in graduation because of cheating. Then she came to me and asked me to give me accommodation. If I didn't agree, she proposed to make a deal with me. How could I respond to her and do such a thing without shame? This is a university, not a brothel

Xu Guofu said the righteous words, a look of heartache, hate iron is not steel look, "now students, really more and more disrespectful, unexpectedly come up with such a means, but also slander my innocence, can be angry, too angry!"

"I have been working in the University for more than ten years. I am conscientious and hardworking. Sometimes this group of students make rumors just because they don't like me. It's better today. If they want to drag me into the water, they also call social personnel to beat me. How can I work?"

Speaking of this, Xu Guofu's face is crying, beating his chest and feet, feeling very painful.

Liu qianyun and Chu Yuqi witnessed the sublimation of Xu Guofu's acting skills face to face. It can be said that Xu Guofu's acting skills have been improved again and again. With these words, the speakers are speechless. If they don't know about it, they may cry bitterly for them!

Chu Yuqi's face was red, he had never seen such a shameless person, she said: "you cheat, you lie, it is clear that you forced me and qianyun sister, you are a big liar!"

"Nonsense, how can you talk to me? I am your teaching director Xu Guofu raised his position very high: "you ask these students, what I said is the fact?"

He said, his eyes cast a cold and strong light, looking at horse face and others.

The horse's face trembled with fear, and his heart was in a state of agitation.

"This classmate, do you think I am the kind of person who forces others?" Xu Guofu said.

"Not like it!" Ma Lian said quickly.

Liu Hengyi did not dare to offend him. Xu Guofu did not dare to offend him.

"Did they want to make a deal with me just now, and they were rejected by me? This classmate, you always tell the truth, don't be afraid, you tell the truth Xu Guofu deliberately amplified his voice.

Ma Lian's heart is tangled. Xu Guofu forced himself. If he said so, it would be perjury and against brother Lin Feng!

But if you don't follow Xu Guofu's words, the consequences will be even more terrible. I'm afraid that my future will be destroyed! That's a lifetime!

"Brother Lin Feng, I'm sorry. You can beat me and scold me later. This time, I have to lose my conscience." Ma Lian made a decision in his heart, then pursed his lips and said: "yes! Director Xu is right! "

"You..." Chu Yuqi was shaking all over. She didn't expect that in broad daylight, she could still talk casually!

Black said to become white, white Leng is to become black, there is a reason?

Liu qianyun is more angry, he did not expect Liu Hengyi and his cousin, so shameless, so insidious, she roared: "headmaster, we are wronged, you do not listen to their nonsense!"

"Well, I have a witness here. What do you have? You've got proof Xu Guofu is very clamorous.


"Oh, it's OK!" Lin Feng came out at this time. He took a look at Ma's face. Ma Lian immediately lowered his head and didn't dare to look at him. Then he went to Xu Guofu with a smile and said, "you bad old man is very bad. Black and white can be reversed. It really let me see a truth. I'm not afraid of hooligans. I'm afraid they have culture."

"Who are you calling a hooligan?" Xu Guofu roared.

"I didn't scold you. You're not as good as a hooligan!" Lin Feng said, "are you his disaster! It's been a disaster for some time. It seems that I have to help the students get rid of it quickly! "

"You still insult me, you smelly security guard, you have no culture, no quality hooligan, you dare to insult me?" Xu Guofu's face was livid.

"Why, I'm a security guard, don't you look down on me?" Lin Feng said: "just because I am a security guard and they are students, do we have to suffer your malice and bullying? Xu Guofu, are you very rampant? ""All right Seeing that the scene was about to get out of control, headmaster Li quickly stepped in and said, "this young man, you have to bear the responsibility for injuring our teaching director and students."

After that, he said to Chu Yuqi: "you two, you two, try to achieve your own goal with illegal behavior, which belongs to illegal behavior. However, you did not succeed in your action and were rejected by director Xu in time, so you will not be sent to the judicial organ. However, you should remember major mistakes and deduct one year's credits as a warning."

"What? If you deduct one year's credits, you will not be able to graduate this year. However, if you fail to pass the examination, you will have to postpone your graduation. It will be a long time before you graduate! " Chu Yuqi thought of these, immediately tears fell out.

Liu qianyun's heart is like ten thousand needles in the needle. If Liu Hengyi is not brought to look for Chu Yuqi today, there will be no such thing. All of them blame themselves, hurt themselves, and hurt Chu Yuqi.

Liu qianyun now wants to die of heart have, if this is more than 20 floors, she is bound to jump directly from the window to atone.

But this is the third floor. If you jump down, you will not die. If you make a disability, it will be a drag on others.

Liu qianyun was in despair.

But at this time, Lin Feng was a cold smile, said: "headmaster Li, your teaching director and his nephew unite to bully people, that's all. If you don't know how to investigate this matter and help the tyrants, it's a big crime!"

"You dare to slander the headmaster. Look at him. He is a bad security guard. He insults people when he talks. He has to be beaten up and then kicked out. The campus is not a place for him to behave wildly." Xu Guofu said and waved to the horse's face and others: "go on, hit him!"

Xu Guofu didn't want to call the police. Because he was guilty, he wanted to beat Lin Feng and drive him out. Chu Yuqi and Liu qianyun would lose their protection. As soon as the principal left, he would torture them as much as he wanted.

But Ma Lian and others dare not go forward.

"No beating!" President Li Cheng quickly stopped Xu Guofu. How can he let the students do it? What's more, it's wrong to hit people!

He said to Lin Feng, "you go by yourself! Don't wait for us to drive you! "

"No, headmaster, I still have the task of supporting justice." Lin Feng said: "I have to make it clear about the two little sisters behind me before I can go."

When Xu Guofu heard this, he immediately became angry again and swore: "what big tail wolf do you pretend to be? You are the scum of the bottom of the society. We let you go and do not investigate your responsibility. This is a great gift to you. What identity are you still unclear? You are a bad security guard

"I'm sorry, my status is low, but I won't delay me to deal with you!" Lin Feng said.

Seeing Lin Feng's tit for tat, Li Cheng is afraid of making a big fuss, so he calls the guard and says, "call some security guards here!"

Listening to the headmaster's call for someone to come over, Xu Guofu was elated with a burst of joy and laughed: "ha ha ha ha, get out of here, you stinky security guard, but also uphold justice. I'm really taking myself as a character!"

At this time, I heard someone knocking at the door.

Li Cheng is stunned. Is the security guard here? So fast? He called out to the door, "come in!"

The door opened and a middle-aged man in a suit and a young man came in.

Suddenly, Li Cheng was surprised, "Director Wei, how did you come?"

Wei Yunlong takes Xiao Wu into the room. He doesn't pay any attention to Li Cheng, but runs straight to Lin Feng. He says respectfully, "Mr. Lin, I've found you!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!