The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 302

"Are you the security guard?" Li Cheng looked up and down at Lin Feng and said angrily, "do you know where the school is? It's a cultural holy land for teaching and educating people. You even came here to scold and beat people, and injured people in our school. You said, what should we do now? "

The headmaster has a lot of attitude, you don't want to leave if you don't solve the problem.

I have to say that President Li is still very famous in the commercial university.

First of all, he was upright, engaged in education for many years, and created many opportunities for students.

Secondly, headmaster Li is a modest person. On weekdays, he sees the students with a very low attitude and says hello with a smile, which is deeply liked by the students.

So as soon as president Li arrived, everyone felt that the matter should be easy to handle.

But no one thought that Xu Guofu was so mean and shameless. He turned right and wrong out of nothing. He described Lin Feng as a heinous villain. He made himself look like an honest man who had been bullied and looked pathetic. His attitude was disgusting.

But Ma Mian and others did not dare to speak because they were afraid that they would not get their diploma.

Liu qianyun and Chu Yuqi are very angry. Before waiting for Chu Yuqi to speak, Liu qianyun first said: "headmaster, you teach the director to slander people. Lin Feng didn't hit them at all. They started by themselves...

" you fart! " Xu Guofu immediately interrupted Liu qianyun's words and scolded: "you see, he didn't do anything. I hurt my head and my classmate Liu Hengyi's leg. Didn't he do it or we couldn't do it ourselves?"

"You ... "

" well, don't be excited, just and at ease. If the people in our school beat people first, we must give each other an explanation. But I have to say that even if there is a conflict, you should not beat people. What's more, as an outsider, if you don't obey the rules when you come to the school, you should examine your own problems! " Said the headmaster.

Listening to the headmaster's words, Xu Guofu immediately stood up and said, "yes, yes, if I hadn't invited so many young men to help me, I would have been killed by him!"

"Well, it's good to know how to maintain the honor of the campus!" Headmaster Li nodded to Ma Lian and others.

Horse face and others are a pair of incomparably tangled expression. At this time, they are more miserable than eating excrement. They are inexplicably shot and praised by others. They don't want to. I'm sorry for brother Lin Feng!

But Lin Feng smile at them, a face of calm, and nodded, indicating that they do not voice.

At this time, Xu Guofu said: "headmaster, what should we do with this man? He hurt us. We can't let him go easily, otherwise everyone will dare to make trouble at school in the future

Li Cheng frowns. It's unfair to convict someone else before the matter is fully understood. However, if someone in his school is beaten, he can't help but deal with it.

He frowned and fell into deep thought.


at the same time, in Castle Peak Hospital.

Wei Yunlong came to the hospital with a lot of supplements and fruits to visit Wei Zhentian.

Wei Zhentian was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling.

"Dad, are you better?" Wei Yunlong put the things by the bed.

"What are you doing here? Isn't the Bureau busy? " Wei Zhentian asked.

"I come to see you! No matter how busy I am, I have to see you. " Wei Yunlong said.

"Have you brought the little doctor back?" Wei Zhentian did not have a trace of joy.

What he said was Lin Feng.

"No!" Wei Yunlong bowed his head.

"What are you doing in the hospital? Do you want to see me die slowly Wei Zhentian angry way.


"I only have two days. You can do it. My life and death are in your hands. I'm not afraid of death, but I'm afraid of dying in my own son's hands. I can't afford to lose this man, understand?" Wei Zhentian finished, turned his head and turned his back to Wei Yunlong.

"Dad, look at you..." Wei Yunlong was embarrassed.

But Wei Zhentian closed his eyes and stopped saying a word.

At this time, Wei Yunlong's driver walked into the ward and said, "boss, secretary Liu said that the patron called Cui Bing to talk about business matters with you."

"I'm an educator. What business can I have with him? Tell him I'm sorry. I have something important to do now. I'll talk about it later. " Wei Yunlong said.

"Good!" Driver Xiao Wu said.

Xiao Wu is very puzzled. Cui Bing in the north of the city is also called Cui Sanye. He is also known as a life-threatening ghost. Normally, when dealing with people from these communities, Changsheng Group respects three points. Why is he so domineering today? No face at all, just refuse?

Is there anything more important than this negotiation?

At this time, Wei Yunlong picked up the phone, dialed a number and said, "now help me find out where Mr. Lin Fenglin is. I'll see him right away!"The driver immediately understood that it was for the guy named Lin Feng!

Wei Yunlong, the big boss, is much more filial than the second boss Wei Yunhu. It can be seen from their descendants that Wei Yichen, the daughter of the big boss, is much better than Wei Hao, the son of the second boss. Wei Hao is really not a thing.

However, it is not surprising that the boss is not only the vice-chairman of Changsheng Group, but also the head of the education department in Jincheng. Every school has to deal with affairs according to the face of others. This kind of educational person, his daughter must be able to educate well!

"Xiao Wu, go downstairs and drive the car out. Let's go to Jincheng commercial university now. Hurry up. Mr. Lin Feng is in that school!"

Wei Yunlong's words interrupted Xiao Wu's thoughts, and Xiao Wu quickly said, "good boss!"

Then trot all the way to the elevator and drive up to the garage.

Wei Yunlong said to his father Wei Zhentian, "Dad, don't be angry. My son will send you a little miracle doctor."

After that, he turned around and walked out of the ward. After getting downstairs, Xiao Wu just drove the car to the door. Wei Yunlong got on the bus and left in the direction of the commercial university.


Jincheng commercial university, in the office building, the third floor.

Headmaster Li Cheng felt that he was not a judge and had no right to punish Lin Feng, so he frowned and said, "I'd better call the police for this matter."

Chu Yuqi heard that the principal wanted to call the police. She was afraid that everything was due to her. If she really called the police and caught Lin Feng, it would have hurt Lin Feng.

She said quickly, "headmaster, there is another reason for this."

"Well? Why? " Asked the headmaster.

Xu Guofu stood behind the headmaster and threatened Chu Yuqi with his expression. If you dare to say it, I will definitely want you to look good.

Although Chu Yuqi is weak, she still has courage at the critical moment, especially for Lin Feng. Sometimes she even dare not believe it.

"The headmaster, the teaching director and Liu Hengyi colluded to force Liu qianyun and I to provide special services for them on the ground of not allowing us to graduate!" Chu Yuqi said word by word. , the fastest update of the webnovel!