The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 299

"Liu Hengyi, don't go too far!" Liu qianyun said, "if you threaten Yuqi, do you dare to threaten me? You and I don't belong to the same school. You have to find out! "

"Yes, although it's not from the same school, my uncle and the senior management of your school are very familiar. They call each other brothers. Therefore, neither of you want to graduate. If you don't get your diploma, you can read for free after four years. How do you choose to serve me, or choose to continue to install your noble and lofty position and let you read for four years for nothing!"

"You..." Liu qianyun didn't expect Liu Hengyi to be so insidious.

Relying on their own background, so blatant bullying, it is simply too exasperating.

But she also thought that her parents had worked hard for them to go to school, just to let them get a college diploma and have a place in the society.

We can't talk about glorifying our ancestors, but the college diploma is really the expectation of the whole family.

If you can't get it, your parents' hope will be dashed, and your future life will be gloomy.

Liu qianyun suddenly felt a burst of despair, the pace under the feet also began to hesitate.

Seeing Liu qianyun wavering, Liu Hengyi and Xu Guofu looked at each other with a smile. Liu Hengyi said in a relaxed tone:

"Oh, why do we have such a dignified atmosphere? Let's have a good time and let my cousin do things for you. Come on, let's go. We can have a lot of tricks! Of course, if you are shy, we can separate. Yuqi and I, you and my uncle... "

" shut up! Beast Liu qianyun bit her teeth and felt like a fire in her heart.

She didn't continue to go out just now. It was not hesitation, but she was thinking about her parents who had suffered a lot.

He knew that if he promised Liu Hengyi, even if he got the diploma, his parents would not accept it.

Therefore, he chose to be innocent, let these hateful people, with dirty ideas, away from their own world!

"Get out of here. I feel sick when I see you!" Liu qianyun said coldly as she passed by Liu Hengyi.

Chu Yuqi didn't say anything from the beginning to the end, because her attitude was resolute and she would not go to the hidden rules, so it was not necessary to say that she was going.

They support each other and walk outside.

"You two have a good idea. This is a lifetime thing. If you can't finish your career, you will regret it later." Liu Hengyi said.

Chu Yuqi and Liu qianyun looked at each other and left tears in succession. They even wanted to say sorry to each other. They felt that they had implicated each other.

But what's the use of all this? This is the case in this society. Many people have some rights and just want to bully people. Otherwise, how can they feel the pleasure of having power!

It's just a pity that these two simple girls are struggling to survive under this kind of pressure.

Just then, a man climbed up from the window, gasped and joked, "Oh, it's really a technical job to bask in the sun on the third floor. I'm tired to death!"

This is Lin Feng. He just went downstairs and climbed to the balcony outside the window of the third floor to bask in the sun!

Then he opened the window and turned into the office. He said, "it's very sunny outside. Would you like to join me in the sun?"

"You..." Xu Guofu pointed to Lin Feng and said, "are you eavesdropping outside?"

"Oh, how can you say that? They are basking in the sun!" "Listen to what you said by the way," said Lin Feng

"You and his are still eavesdropping!" Xu Guofu's face was angry: "I can sue you for violating your privacy right!"

"You drink, you call the villain to complain first?" Lin Feng said, "you see, you bullied the two beauties. I haven't settled with you yet."

"Lin Feng, you boy is really overcast. We thought you went down, but you went outside the window on the third floor to eavesdrop. I warn you to fight against us, but there is no good end!" Liu Heng threatened.

He hated Lin Feng for a long time, and this guy came to eavesdrop on them, which showed that he knew everything and there was no need to pretend.

Xu Guofu also said to Lin Feng, "your name is Lin Feng. If you don't see today's incident, we won't embarrass you!"

Lin Feng nodded and said with a smile, "OK, I didn't see it! Can I go now? "

Xu Guofu a Leng, he did not expect Lin Feng so obedient, he counselled?

But also, a security guard, how backbone can you expect him to be?

"Since you haven't seen anything, don't go out and talk nonsense. You can go." Xu Guofu said.

Lin Feng stepped out and said, "I didn't see it, but I heard it. You bad old man and bad drop are very bad!"

"Stop for me Xu Guofu said angrily. He didn't expect that Lin Feng was playing with him: "Stinky boy, don't be too arrogant. If you dare to say anything about today, I have a hundred ways to get you!""Oh, you're threatening me, aren't you?" Lin Feng turned around and said, "if you threaten me, but you're not very smart. I'd advise you to kneel down and apologize to me before I clean you up. Then you can help two beauties deal with their academic affairs, and then invite us to eat and drink. By the way, you have to offer me as a grandfather! Maybe I'll let you off when I'm in a good mood

"Go to you! Do you really dream? Are you mentally ill? " Xu Guofu's face was livid. He didn't know how to describe the security guard. Did he get any stimulation? How can you daydream?

But Liu Hengyi was young and full of vigor. He couldn't hold back his anger. He yelled: "I fucked you, but I still give you up as a grandfather? Well, I'll beat you into a grandson

Liu Hengyi is more than 1.80 meters tall. He is a special student of the Institute of physical education of Commercial University. Although he is not as strong as those bodybuilders, he is also a strong muscle.

Seeing that Lin Feng is shorter than himself, and his figure is also thinner than himself, he didn't pay attention to Lin Feng at all. He didn't start before because he wanted to maintain his good image. Now that he has talked about it, there is no need for him to be incognito.

He went to Lin Feng and said, "kneel down for me and call my grandfather!"

"Ah, good grandson!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"I fucked you!" Liu Hengyi was completely angry, suddenly raised his right foot and swept Lin Feng's head.

This time, Liu qianyun was scared.

She knew that Liu Hengyi was a student in the Institute of physical education, or a black belt in Taekwondo. This sudden high whip leg had to be swept away from Lin Feng?

I heard that there was a student who ate Liu Hengyi's leg sweeping. He swept the left side of his body and broke three ribs on the spot.

Liu Hengyi and Liu qianyun have boasted about this, saying that they are iron legs and can sweep cows to death with one foot!

So at the moment, seeing the powerful and sudden leg, Liu qianyun covered her mouth with her hands and almost cried out.

It's going to kill you!

However, to her surprise, Liu Hengyi swept out one foot, and Lin Feng just held out his left hand for a block, just like a random wave of his hand. He could not see that he attached any importance to this foot.

Did he not have time to deal with it?

"Pa --"

a crisp sound of Ankle Wrist collision came out, the sound was extremely clear and loud.

Liu qianyun and Chu Yuqi cover their eyes one after another, afraid to see the next tragedy.

However, at this time, listening to Liu Hengyi's "ah -" cry, he covered his wrist and fell to the ground. , the fastest update of the webnovel!