The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 298

"Who are you? What are you doing here? " Xu Guofu pretended to ask.

"Oh, cousins, they are my friends." Liu Hengyi said: "you come in! Don't be nervous

Then, he said to Chu Yuqi and Liu qianyun, "come on, two beauties, sit down on the sofa."

Then, he turned his head and said to Lin Feng with a disdainful face: "sorry, the sofa is full, there is no seat, you just stand, anyway, you are a security guard, you are used to standing!"

Lin Feng said, "there are seats. Isn't there one?"

He walked to Xu Guofu's desk and sat on his chair.

He made it as if he was a teaching director, and then he said to Xu Guofu and others with a serious face: "what, you can talk freely, it doesn't matter, I'll just listen to it!"

Finish saying, still picked up a cigarette on the table, lit to smoke, very comfortable.

Seeing this, Liu Hengyi was very angry, stood up and pointed to Lin Feng and said, "which fuckin 'scallion are you?"

"Isn't he your friend?" Asked Xu.

"No, he's the security guard I said!" Liu Hengyi said.

As soon as he heard that the other party was a security guard, Xu Guofu immediately assumed a commanding attitude and said: "that security guard, I order you to go out of my office. Hurry up!"

"No, don't let him out. He's my friend!" Chu Yuqi said timidly.

"Yuqi, what we are going to talk about next is not good for outsiders to know!" Liu Hengyi advised.

"He is not an outsider." Chu Yuqi said.

Liu Hengyi's heart was filled with anger. Well, he is not an outsider any more. He said this. You bastard must have slept with the security guard. You are really cheap.

But Liu Hengyi knew that it was not suitable to be angry at this time, so he said painstakingly: "Yuqi, it's really inconvenient. If you let him here today, I'm afraid it can't be done!"

With that, he also motioned to Liu qianyun to help make peace.

Liu qianyun understood and said, "sister Yuqi, let your friend be wronged first. After all, it is related to your graduation!"

Chu Yuqi bit her teeth, but still did not let go.

Lin Feng was a cunning smile across the corner of his mouth and said: "Yuqi, don't be embarrassed. I'll go out. These guys make it as if they're in the dark, so I'm human, so I can't see you! Go out first

Lin Feng finished and went out to close the door.

Hearing the clattering sound of Lin Feng walking down the stairs, Xu Guofu and Liu Hengyi looked at each other with a smile, and then a trace of lewd expression hung on their faces.

When Xu Guofu looks at Chu Yuqi, she is also full of praise. No wonder Xiaoyi has to do with her. In addition to her pure and beautiful appearance, this girl has a good figure. She walks with a shudder and sees Xu Guofu's blood surging up.

He turned to look at Liu qianyun. Liu qianyun is also long legged and slim waist, and his eyebrows reveal the sunshine and tenderness of her big sister. If she can be pressed under her body, she will be very cool.

Good, nephew also know filial piety oneself, really good!

After seeing a circle, Xu Guofu coughed twice. He said, "I heard Xiaoyi say that you have something to do with me. What's the matter?"

"Oh, let me introduce myself first. I'm a senior at the medical university next door. My name is Liu qianyun." Liu qianyun said, then pointed to Chu Yuqi and said, "she is a senior majoring in precious metals here, Chu Yuqi. This time, Yuqi wants to tell you something about something. Yuqi, you and director Xu will tell you about your situation! "

"Oh Chu Yuqi nodded.

Then, she said it all over again about her innocent involvement in cheating.

After hearing this, Xu Guofu's face hardened and said: "Oh, you are cheating. It's not easy to do!"

Listen to Xu Guofu said, Chu Yuqi heart a cool.

"However, since you are Xiaoyi's friend, I can help you. It's just such a difficult thing. Ah..." Xu Guofu sighed.

"What?" Liu qianyun did not understand.

Liu Hengyi quickly interrupted: "well, my cousin can help you, but it is also difficult for him, so you have to waste a lot of effort. At least you should show some sincerity to let my cousin help you!"

"Ah, Xiaoyi, don't force people. It's their business whether they are happy or not." Xu Guofu said.

Liu qianyun and Chu Yuqi listen to the clouds, what force, no one forced ah!

"Well, I won't say anything. Think about it yourself." Liu Hengyi left a meaningful remark.

"Hengyi, what do you mean?" Liu qianyun said.

"Well, why are you so stupid? Do you know that there are hidden rules in the society! Do you need me to say more? " Liu Hengyi's face is not red and white said, as if this kind of thing is common.

Hearing this, Liu qianyun and Chu Yuqi suddenly turned pale.Liu qianyun looks at Liu Hengyi with surprise and surprise. She can't believe that this is her new boyfriend. How can he say this?

"Hengyi, are you serious?" Liu qianyun asked.

"Nonsense, there's no joke about such a thing!" Liu Hengyi said.

Liu qianyun changed her gentle appearance before. She looked coldly at Liu Hengyi and said, "Hengyi, why are you like this? You let Chu Yuqi do such a mean thing for graduation. You really let me down!"

"You are wrong. I didn't ask Chu Yuqi to do this! But, you two! " Liu Hengyi said with an obscene smile: "you two serve my cousin and I together. We will be very happy together!"

"Liu Hengyi, you are a beast!" Liu qianyun didn't expect that his favorite boyfriend would be this kind of face.

"Oh, Qian Yun, why are you so serious? Do you know, men control the world, women control men, and how do women control men? It's not by body. As long as you use your body skillfully, it's easy to get a share of the world of the jungle! " Liu Hengyi said.

"Liu Hengyi, you are such a scum. I only agreed to be your girlfriend when I was blind!" Liu qianyun suddenly felt sick. Liu Hengyi was really disgusting.

"Liu qianyun, don't be embarrassed. Don't you agree to be my girlfriend just because I have money and background in my family? Bah, you want to build a memorial archway when you're a whore. You'll take all the good things, don't you? " Liu Hengyi cheered.

Liu qianyun's two lines of tears fell from her eyes. She didn't expect that Liu Hengyi was such a person. Her heart suddenly fell to the bottom. He grabbed Chu Yuqi's hand and said, "Yuqi, I'm sorry. Let's see the joke with me. Let's go, let's leave this dirty place!"

"Hold on!" Liu Hengyi said coldly, "if you leave, you will regret it, because if you two go out of this room, I promise you will not be able to finish your career!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!