The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 300

Liu Hengyi's face was extremely painful, his hands covered his ankle and kept shouting.

Liu qianyun looked at the scene in front of her in surprise, and could not speak.

He did not expect that Liu Feng was safe and sound, but Liu Hengyi fell to the ground.

"Tut Tut, if you want to beat me, tell me in advance. You can see that you are cold, and you will lose? Tell me in advance next time, and I'll try my best to be gentle! " Lin Feng hands a spread, a face helpless look: "this can not blame me Oh!"

"Ah - ah -"

Liu Hengyi groaned in pain and looked at his ankle, which made him startled.

He found that his foot was powerless to one side, but his ankle was broken.

For a sports student, broken ankle, it is a miserable thing ah, if you can't fully recover, you will never be able to mix in sports.

Liu Hengyi was angry and regretful. He didn't expect that he kicked himself and broke his ankle. When he bit his back, he choked his teeth with cold water and kicked his ankle off with one kick. What a clever force!

I used to kick wooden boards and iron bars. I didn't expect to kick the boy, but I broke my ankle.


This boy is a real killer. I'm so pissed off!

Liu Hengyi's eyes are red, he was not angry with Lin Feng, but there is no way to fight back. He has lived for more than 20 years, and today is the most oppressive day.

However, at this time, Lin Feng came up to him and said, "I heard you want to sneak two beauties. What, next time you have this good thing, take me one!"

"Did I go to you?" Liu Hengyi saw that Lin Feng was close to him. He picked up a small flowerpot on the tea table and threw it to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng is a light flash, then hide in the past.

But after listening to a "click" sound behind him, followed by a "ouch" howl, the flowerpot was thrown on Xu Guofu's head.

That small flowerpot is broken, dung raised Xu Guofu's face, what's more funny is that the flowerpot is filled with cactus, and at this time, it is tied on Xu Guofu's enchanting bald head.

"Cousin - I, I didn't mean to!" Liu Hengyi yelled.

"Ouch, it hurts, it hurts!" Xu Guofu's painful tears came out. He carefully took down the cactus, but the cactus's several thorns, however, penetrated into his scalp, just like a few thick lanugo of a giant baby.

"Wow, it's a good image. Take a picture as a souvenir." Lin Feng took out his mobile phone and took photos of Xu Guofu directly.

Seeing Xu Guofu's funny appearance, Liu qianyun and Chu Yuqi couldn't help laughing.

"You and him? No photos!" Exclaimed Xu Guofu.

"Sorry, it's finished!" Lin Feng put his mobile phone in his pocket.

Sitting on the ground, Liu Hengyi was almost mad with anger. He not only broke his ankle, but also made his cousin in such a mess. He had never been so embarrassed. He suddenly became angry and yelled:

"Lin Feng, do you dare to tease us? Don't you want to leave today. I won't let anyone abandon you!"

Liu Hengyi is a student in the Institute of physical education. With his cousin's background as a teaching director, Liu Hengyi echoed in the Sports Institute, and many of those individual talents mixed up with him.

In the sports yard of the Commercial University, several sports students are famous for their fierce fighting. One of them is 1.9 meters tall and has a long face. Others call him "horse face". Liu Hengyi usually has something to do with them.

So far, as long as the group of horse faces is born, there is no injustice.

"Lin Feng, you wait to die!" Liu Hengyi called and said, "Ma Lian, bring your brother to the director's office!"

"Yes, the director and I have been bullied!"

"Bring more, this boy is very arrogant, one-time maim him!"

Liu Hengyi hung up the phone and said: "Lin Feng, fight against me, I'll make you worse than death!"

"Oh, did you send for someone? You've got the strength again, haven't you? " Lin Feng giggled and said, "OK, I'll wait here. Let them come!"

Liu qianyun felt that things were not good, and said to Chu Yuqi, "let Lin Feng go quickly. If you go on like this, you will surely suffer a great loss!"

"Little sister qianyun, you don't have to worry. Even if I am in danger, I will fight the evil forces to the end. I must let you two graduate smoothly!" Lin Feng said seriously.

Hearing this, Liu qianyun felt warm and moved. However, she was very worried and said, "but Lin Feng, they are not easy to provoke."

"What's the matter? Even if one of me is knocked down by them, there are still tens of thousands of me standing up. Since ancient times, there must be blood victims. I, Lin Feng, are willing to sacrifice myself and carry forward justice." Lin Feng said that he was almost moved by himself.

Liu qianyun was moved again. Lin Feng's realm was so high. He was brave in fighting, not afraid of sacrifice and willing to contribute. It was really moving.At this time, Liu qianyun was moved with warmth and respected with incomparable admiration for Lin Feng.

A security guard has such a high realm, but these respectable and respectable guys are so dirty. Now Liu qianyun knows that she has been cheated by the appearance of this society. She should pay more attention to the simple and noble youth like Lin Feng.

Look at Lin Feng at this time, a face of unruly, in addition to wearing a little rustic, in fact, is very handsome, very elegant, and the corners of the mouth always with a trace of ruffian bad smile, so that girls inexplicably will be moved.

Before, Liu qianyun's mind was all on Liu Hengyi. At this time, she carefully observed Lin Feng, but suddenly felt that Lin Feng, a man, was so charming and sexy, which was one hundred times and ten thousand times more endurable than Liu Hengyi!

"Sister qianyun, why are you blushing?" Chu Yuqi's words interrupted Liu qianyun's thinking.

"Ah? Do you have any? Maybe it's hot! "

"Hot? The window is cold and windy, and you are shivering. Are you still hot? "

"Oh, oh, it may be freezing. I'm blushing with cold!"

"It's not winter."

"Oh, can't I blush when I'm hot and cold?"

Liu qianyun flustered explanation, Chu Yuqi looked at a face confused circle.

At this time, I heard the sound of crackling footsteps in the corridor. The footstep momentum was heavy, and a group of powerful people ran over.

A few seconds later, the door opened, and Ma's face rushed in with a group of big and three thick teteshen.

"Hengyi, what's the matter with you?"

Horse face quickly stepped forward to hold up Liu Hengyi and said angrily, "who is he? Dare to beat you, I will abolish him!"

They know that Liu Hengyi's cousin is the teaching director, so they usually respond to Liu Hengyi's demands, because they usually take examinations, rely on their qualifications and competitions, and many of them have to ask Liu Hengyi for help. This is a great opportunity. If you can help Liu Hengyi to make a success, it means that Liu Hengyi owes them human kindness.

"Hengyi, who beat you? Look, I won't kill him The horse's face was ferocious and fierce.

Liu Hengyi pointed to Lin Feng: "it's him, Ma Lian, dry him for me!"

Said, he also roared to Lin Feng: "Lin Feng, you are finished today, ha ha ha! Even if you kneel down for me now, it's too late, ha ha

Ma face angrily turned his head and looked at it. When he was opposite to Lin Feng's four eyes, his face suddenly turned green.

Just for a moment, his memories gushed out like a spring.

Some time ago, Qin Huan hired them to fight against Lin Feng in the wild trees on the north campus. At that time, more than a dozen brothers were abused by Lin Feng. If Lin Feng had not been merciful, they would have been abandoned on the spot.

In his mind, Lin Feng's terrifying strength is just like a nightmare.

At this time, Lin Feng was looking at him with a smile and said, "horse face, come on, come and hit me!"

"Horse face, go on, kill him!" Liu Hengyi roared with confidence: "ha ha ha, dry him up!"

Ma Lian came to Lin Feng. Suddenly, he knelt down and begged, "brother Lin Feng, I'm sorry, I don't know it's you!"


Liu Hengyi suddenly froze!

All the people present were also shocked. For a moment, there was a dead silence around. , the fastest update of the webnovel!