The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 295

Liu Hengyi looked out of the window at the man, dressed in floor goods and a broken bicycle. He stopped the car and carefully locked it, as if he were afraid that someone would steal his bicycle.

Brother, bike sharing is all over the place. Who wants your big round bars?

What about you? Give him back? Lock two!

I wipe!

Liu Hengyi is full of black lines. Where does this guy come from? If you are so poor, do you have to eat a meal to make yourself poor?

Chu Yuqi is happy to run out to meet, after a while, with Lin Feng walked back to the box.

"Sister Qian Yun, this is my friend, Lin Feng!"

"Lin Feng, this is my good sister, Liu qianyun. She takes care of me very much. If it wasn't for her, I don't know if I could hold on to it!"

Liu qianyun quickly said with a smile: "sister Yuqi, where's the word, you see what you said, Lin Feng Hello, very happy to meet you!"

"Well, little sister, I'm glad to meet you, too." Lin Feng smiles.

Liu qianyun waved to Liu Hengyi and said to Lin Feng, "this is my boyfriend, Liu Hengyi!"

"Oh, hello Hengyi!" Lin Feng held out his hand.

Liu Hengyi was proud and said: "my name is Liu Hengyi, please call your full name!"

"Hengyi!" Liu qianyun pushed Liu Hengyi to show his respect for each other.

"Hengyi can only be called by you and my friends. He is not my friend yet. I'm sorry!" Liu Hengyi's performance is very personality, it's so cool.

Liu Hengyi was not pleased with Lin Feng. This is his own treat and invite beautiful women to dinner. What kind of thing are you? Do you think I am a homeless shelter?

What's more, his original intention is to get through Liu qianyun, and then slowly contact Chu Yuqi. He has been regretting that he didn't take Chu Yuqi down. Chu Yuqi's sexy figure is full of fatal temptation. Liu Hengyi is almost crazy for her!

So he saw Chu Yuqi and Lin Feng smile, hate teeth straight itch, how can give Lin Feng a good face.

But this kind of performance made Liu qianyun hard to do, and finally had a happy meal with her best friend, who would bring someone to come. Would that not be the case?

Lin Feng took back his hand, and then said with a harmless smile: "it's OK. Hengyi has a high grade. Shaking hands with me will lower his grade. It's understandable!"

"Well, you know that!" Liu Hengyi snorted coldly.

"Hengyi, you should say less than two words!" Liu qianyun stabbed Liu Hengyi again.

Liu Hengyi turned his cold face to one side and stopped looking at Lin Feng.

Liu qianyun smile, in order to ease the embarrassment, he said: "come, order, Hengyi treat today, you can order ha!"

"OK!" Lin Feng is not polite at all. He starts to scratch on the menu.

There was no chance for anyone to interrupt. As soon as he got down, he smashed his mouth with satisfaction and said, "it's almost done. The expensive ones are all over! The other cheap ones are not interesting either

When Liu Hengyi heard this, his heart suddenly burst into a rage. NIMA, I invited my sister to dinner. You ordered food, but you chose the expensive one. Do you want to kill me?

But Liu Heng Yihua's words blow out, say casually, but can't directly refute, the corner of the mouth smoked a few times: "that what, I don't think it must be a bit expensive!"

Lin Feng waved with a big hand: "Hey, how can this go? After all, Hengyi, you are of high grade. If you invite us to have a meal, what we ordered should be in line with your grade! Is that right? Hengyi

"Don't call me Hengyi, call me my full name!" Liu Hengyi has a fire in his heart, which is hard to send out.

"Good Hengyi!" Lin Feng laughs.

"You..." Liu Hengyi was almost angry with Lin Feng. He felt that the boy in front of him was cheap, as if he was going to fight for a meal!

At this time, Lin Feng continued to turn the page and said, "Oh, Hengyi, there is a foreign wine, which is of high grade and is very suitable for you."

Liu Hengyi glanced and saw a long string of zeros at the back of 1. He shivered. He quickly pulled the menu and said, "forget it, we are all students. Why do we drink so much wine? Just drink drinks. Qianyun, don't you think so?"

"Well, that's right." Liu qianyun smiles gently at Liu Hengyi.

"Oh, drink!" Lin Feng said: "there are also high-grade drinks. Here, give me the menu and I'll help you with some!"

"Yes, you ordered enough. Give it to other people." Liu Hengyi is clutching the menu in his hand. He finds that only by holding the menu can he feel secure.

Lin Feng bad bad smile: "that you pour is to let other people, Yuqi has not ordered!"

Liu Hengyi glared at Lin Feng and handed the menu to Chu Yuqi. He gently said, "Yuqi, you can order, but it's hard!"

He and Chu Yuqi contacts, know that Chu Yuqi character, is to let her can be strong, she will not order much.

However, Lin Feng put his head together and said, "Yuqi, I'd like to recommend some for you. If you look at the sea cucumber, you don't know whether it's serious or not. But the price is so low, I suggest not to order it. The abalone is good, the price is high, and it is suitable for the consumption level of Hengyi...""I told you, don't call me Hengyi!" Liu Hengyi was so angry with Lin Feng that he didn't have the menu, but he couldn't stop him from ordering.

But there's no way. Liu qianyun and Chu Yuqi are watching. He can't stop Lin Feng from ordering dishes directly. His heart is bleeding now.

Finally, the order is over.

Liu Hengyi breathed a sigh in his heart and said to Liu qianyun, "well, the price of this meal is really not low, but it doesn't matter. If you invite a beautiful woman to eat, you have to have high-grade and high consumption, so that you can pay attention to the beauties. Unlike those poor people who only know how to eat, they are not able to get rid of nothing, but also pretend to be five or six!"

The meaning of his words is obviously to ridicule Lin Feng.

Hearing this, Liu qianyun was embarrassed again and quickly resolved: "Oh, by the way, Lin Feng, are you a student in our school? Why haven't I met you? "

"Oh, I'm not a student. I graduated and became a security guard." Lin Feng said.

"Security?" Liu qianyun and Liu Hengyi are both stunned.

Then Liu Hengyi's face was scornful, and he said: "I didn't expect that one day I could sit with the security guards for dinner. Alas, I don't even look at those security guards who watch the gate of our house. Liu Hengyi, Liu Hengyi, you are getting worse and worse!"

Seeing Liu Hengyi taunting Lin Feng again, Liu qianyun quickly said with a smile: "Lin Feng, don't mind. Hengyi doesn't mean anything else. Hengyi's family is really rich, so he doesn't understand your hard work in security."

Hearing this, Liu Hengyi immediately raised his toes and said: "Oh, forget it. Of course, I will not have a common understanding with the security guard, or I will lower my identity!"

"Oh, I am very glad that you can have this awareness!" Lin Feng said, "boy, you've grown up!"


"OK, all of you have a good time to eat together. Don't quarrel Liu qianyun stopped in the middle like a parent.

"Hum!" Liu Hengyi turned his head again.

Lin Feng did not speak and drank tea with a smile.

Next, Liu qianyun began to praise her boyfriend to Chu Yuqi, saying that Liu Hengyi played basketball well, and that Liu Hengyi was handsome and liked by many girls. Then she also said that the teaching director of Shang University was Liu Hengyi's cousin. As long as Liu Hengyi said, there was nothing that could not be done in Shangda.

This praise can be regarded as a boast of Liu Hengyi.

Chu Yuqi knows more or less about Liu Hengyi's identities. However, due to the awkward status of both sides, she can only nod and smile.

At this time, Liu qianyun said: "by the way, Yuqi, don't you say you are facing a problem now? You can't even finish school, can you? Hengyi's cousin is the teaching director of your university. Maybe he can help you! "

"Really?" Chu Yuqi was overjoyed. She was really worried about graduation!

"No problem! My cousin is very powerful, you can say it Liu Hengyi said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!