The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 294

At ten pm.

North of the city, it's the headquarters of shanbang.

The red lantern is high and the breeze is blowing gently. The red lantern shakes wantonly. The whole villa looks very vivid.

Cui Sanye and Taotie are sitting on the teahouse, looking up at the bright star sky, and waiting for the fourth master Tian's phone call seriously.

At this time, Cui's cell phone rang.

"It's the fourth brother who's coming!" Cui three ye one joy, quickly opened the mobile phone to check, suddenly, the expression suddenly froze.

"What's the matter?" Tao tie asked.

Cui Sanye slapped the table fiercely and fiercely: "Damn it, those who dare to bully me, I'll call on the supporter to help all brothers and kill this Lin Feng!"

When Cui Sanye talks, he looks like an angry lion.

Taotie frowned and had a sense of foreboding in his heart. He quickly stopped him and said, "don't be impulsive. Show me a look!"

"Here, look!" Mr. Cui turned over his mobile phone to show Taotie.

When Taotie saw the picture of Lin Feng and Tian Siye, he was covered with blood and had to smile. Besides, there was a very provocative paragraph from Lin Feng. Taotie shook his head and said, "I underestimated the strength of Lin Feng."

"If he has the strength, I don't believe that I can help all the people together, and I can't kill him?" Cui San ye said angrily.

"Calm down!" "There are laws of the state and rules of the family," he said? Is it for you to play with the backers now

Cui San ye knew that he was impulsive, so he did not refute. He took a deep breath and said, "what should I do now?"

Taotie said: "first bring people back and send them to the hospital for treatment. We will take a long-term view."

"Long term, long-term. Do you want to see us all bullied by that boy?" Third master Cui roared.

"Do you know who you're talking to? Please pay attention to your attitude! " Taotie stood up and said coldly: "you don't have to shout here. Lin Feng is my enemy. Sooner or later I will make him pay the price."

Third master Cui bit his teeth and said nothing.

Taotie said: "if you want to die, you go, no one will stop you, but if you want to win, listen to me!"

tri San was silent for a few seconds, then raised his head, "old fellow, I listen to you!"

"Since you listen to me, don't act rashly. Isn't Lin Feng coming to visit? I'll let him come back and never come back! " Taotie's eyes send out a chill that frightens people's hearts.

Then, suddenly, he said, "now, what you need to do is to send more people to suiyun peak and Fuhu peak, and help me find the stone tablet I want as soon as possible!"

what old fellow is the big stone tablet you are talking about? From the first day you came here, I sent someone to the mountain to look for you. Now, I haven't found it. It's exhausting for my people! " Cui San ye said.

"Don't worry about it. We have a contract. I can help you to develop a supporter. You can help me find that stone tablet! Please follow the contract Taotie is cold.

"Good, good!" "Can I help you find more people?" Cui said

"Don't let a third person know about it. Go and find it as soon as possible." Taotie said.

"Ah, the God is mysterious. It's really... Ah!" Third master Cui sighed again and again, but acquiesced to the requirement of Taotie.

Taotie turns around and walks down the teahouse, walking along the path paved with bluestone slabs towards his own wooden house.

What he asked Cui Sanye to look for is actually a clue of blood jade.

When the stone tablet is found, there must be a clue of blood jade in the depth of five meters below the stone tablet.

However, the stone tablet with a big palm has been looking for Cui Sanye for several months without any news. Taotie can't help but feel a little anxious. However, he can't find the big stone tablet of broken cloud peak and Fu Hu peak by his own efforts in ten years and eight years, so he has to send more people to look for it.




at this end, Lin Feng reunited Aunt Liu's family. When he asked her husband why he gambled money, he realized that the so-called 80 million yuan was all a cover made up by fourth master Tian.

Aunt Liu's husband didn't gamble with her at all. She was kidnapped directly by him. She just used 80 million yuan as a cover to make Aunt Liu feel guilty. Otherwise, she would kidnap her directly. They were afraid that Aunt Liu would be desperate to report to the police.

After rescuing Aunt Liu's family, Lin Feng didn't let them go back to their old house and let them live in their own villa first. After all, there are so many rooms. There are also temporary accommodation places for guests downstairs, so that they can live here. First of all, they can keep their mind steady and prevent those who rely on the mountain Gang to fight back.

Back to the residence, it is midnight, help Aunt Liu's son bandage, fortunately, there is no big problem, also do not need to go to the hospital.

After everything was done, Lin Feng went upstairs to sleep.

There was no word all night.

The next morning, Lin Feng received a call from Chu Yuqi and left.He made an appointment to have dinner with Chu Yuqi today, and the little girl also said that she would bring her best friend. Lin Feng didn't know what she was up to.

He rode his bicycle and rode leisurely toward Jincheng commercial university.

Outside the South Gate of Jincheng commercial center, another street, there is a French style restaurant.

At this time, in a box of the French restaurant, there were a man, two women and three people.

One is Chu Yuqi, the other is her best friend Liu qianyun.

Liu qianyun is Chu Yuqi's baby. She is one year older than Chu Yuqi. They are neighbors. They have played since childhood and have a good relationship.

It's not easy for Liu qianyun to see Chu Yuqi's mother and daughter, so she helps Chu Yuqi everywhere, just like Chu Yuqi's sister.

After going to university, Chu Yuqi studied in the Commercial University, while Liu qianyun studied in the medical university next door to the commercial university. They often walked around each other. Today, Liu qianyun just got along with her boyfriend, and she was still from commercial university, so she asked Chu Yuqi to come out for dinner and meet.

Before Chu Yuqi sat down, Liu qianyun, opposite, began to introduce her.

"Sister Yuqi, this is Liu Hengyi and my boyfriend. How about it? Pretty? " Liu qianyun pointed to the boy beside him and said.

The boy is about 1.8 meters, with symmetrical figure, white and delicate skin. He looks very energetic, but his narrow eyes always give people a very insidious and uncomfortable feeling.

"Chu Yuqi, right? Hello! My name is Liu Hengyi! " The boy stretched out his hand to shake hands with Chu Yuqi.

"Oh Chu Yuqi pretended not to see him reach out, avoided Liu Hengyi's eyes, looked at Liu qianyun and said with a smile, "sister qianyun, congratulations on finding your husband!"

"Thank you, sister." Liu qianyun said with a happy smile.

She is really satisfied with Liu Hengyi's qualifications. Liu Hengyi is tall and handsome, and her family background is not good. Her parents are both doing business in Songjiang city. I heard that the business is very prosperous. Moreover, Liu Hengyi's academic performance is also good. She looks excellent in all aspects, so Liu qianyun is 10 points satisfied.

But Chu Yuqi is very uncomfortable because she has known Liu Hengyi for a long time. What's more embarrassing is that they used to be friends with men and women.

In fact, Liu Hengyi forced him to chase Chu Yuqi. Chu Yuqi felt that he was good enough and reluctantly agreed to try to be a boyfriend and girlfriend.

As a result, on the first day of the agreement, Liu Hengyi and Chu Yuqi kiss, and then they had to go on sex affairs in the evening.

Chu Yuqi couldn't accept it. She had a big fight with Liu Hengyi and broke up on the same day.

Later, Liu Hengyi lingered in the flowers and met many objects, but he always approached Chu Yuqi intentionally or unintentionally. Chu Yuqi was able to avoid.

Who would have thought that this guy had become Liu qianyun's boyfriend. When Liu qianyun said his name, Chu Yuqi felt very disgusted. She didn't want to have dinner with them because it would be embarrassing, but she couldn't beat Liu qianyun, so she had no choice but to come out.

Through the woman's sixth sense, Chu Yuqi always felt that Liu Hengyi still wanted to soak her, so this time, she had a long heart and called on Lin Feng.

Perhaps after seeing Lin Feng, Liu Hengyi will give up, at least won't destroy his and Qian Yun elder sister's affection.

It's just this time. Why hasn't Lin Feng come?

Chu Yuqi looked at her watch and looked around again.

Liu qianyun saw Chu Yuqi absent-minded and said, "Yuqi, how about this restaurant? Are you satisfied? "

"Mm-hmm, satisfied!" Chu Yuqi nodded obediently, like a little sister.

When Liu Hengyi listened to it, he couldn't help feeling very proud. He chose this restaurant!

He said haughtily: "this French style restaurant is of high grade and high consumption. However, you can order it at will and invite two beauties to dinner. I am generous! There is no problem! " After that, he moved the menu to Liu qianyun and said, "you can order!"

Yuqi's eyes are unintentional.

"Hengyi, order is not urgent, Yuqi also asked a person not to come!" Liu qianyun said.

"Ah? Which beauty did you have an appointment with? Why don't you say in advance, wow, I'm honored to have dinner with so many beautiful women Liu Hengyi said.

"She had a date with a man!" Liu qianyun covered her mouth with a smile.

"Ah Liu Hengyi's face darkened in an instant, and his heart said, "I'll pay you a lot of money to invite you to dinner, and you'll ask a man to rub rice. Have you ever thought about my feelings? I paid for other men to eat?

But he said with a smile on his face: "Oh, Yuqi, which childe did you date?"

"Oh, here he is, here he is!" Chu Yuqi points out the window.

Not far away, a man dressed in rustic clothes, riding a bicycle, a towering man, rode towards this side.

The man hummed a tune, looked up at the sky at a 45 degree angle, and rode to the door of the French style restaurant without hesitation.

"Just him?"Liu Hengyi puffed at the corners of his mouth. He thought it was a handsome and rich young man. Although he invited this meal, he could make a rich and powerful friend, but he didn't expect such a thing.

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