The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 296

"I have a subject, in the final examination, I failed!" Chu said.

"Hang up, aren't you Xueba?" Liu Hengyi was very surprised.

Hearing Liu Hengyi say so, Liu qianyun was surprised and asked, "did you know each other before?"

Seeing that he made a slip of the tongue, Liu Hengyi quickly added: "Oh, we are a school. I've heard about it, I've heard it!"

Chu Yuqi didn't expose Liu Hengyi. On the one hand, she was afraid of embarrassment; on the other hand, Liu Hengyi had a general reputation in the Commercial University, and it was very difficult for her to reveal what she had done. But since sister qianyun had already been in contact with her, she planned to hide it first.

If Liu Hengyi is really good to Qian Yun, she will never know Liu Hengyi.

Liu qianyun let out a breath: "make me old nervous, I thought you knew in advance, play me together in this together!"

Liu qianyun said this, the two people are not good to say the relationship before.

"Oh, by the way, sister Yuqi, you have always studied very well. How could you have failed?" Liu qianyun asked.

"Oh, it's embarrassing to say that. In fact, I didn't fail in my English exam. I just took my answer card away from the front desk. I had already finished my answer. As a result, she wanted to copy my answer. She was my sister in the same bedroom, and the family conditions were not very good. I couldn't bear to expose her, so I wanted to take the answer card back secretly, but I didn't wait for me to get it, just in time for the inspection The exam teacher came and caught her, saying that we were cheating, and the results of both of us were invalid, and we will make up the exam next year! But if you graduate this year, you can't graduate if you don't get any grades in one course! " Chu said.

"Oh, so it is!" Liu qianyun said, and then looked at Liu Hengyi: "Hengyi, can you talk to your cousin, after all, Yuqi has finished answering the paper!"

Liu Hengyi heart said that this is not a trivial matter, but his mind moved, but he was scheming and said: "Oh, this is not so easy to do! Although you did not copy others, but others copy you, you are both cheating

"Yuqi was wronged! Tell your uncle about the situation and get rid of Yuqi's business! " Liu qianyun said.

"I can say it, but you also know that my cousin, as the teaching director of Shang University, has to set an example in everything. Therefore, there are some things that can't be done with public favoritism, which will damage my cousin's positive image!" Liu Hengyi said.

"What about that? Yuqi can't finish her career. Aunt meihui is not worried to death! " Liu qianyun looks anxious.

Seeing that Liu qianyun and Chu Yuqi are helpless, Liu Hengyi chuckles in his heart, and then pretends to be embarrassed and says, "well, don't be embarrassed. I'll try my best. Who let one be my girlfriend and the other his girlfriend's best friend? You two ah, can really add a big problem to me!"

"Oh, if you help Yuqi with this, we'll thank you very much!" Liu qianyun said with a smile.

"That's what you said. I'll be angry if you two don't thank me well then." Liu Hengyi said in a deliberately accentuated tone.

He said in his heart that I will wait for you. Is it a casual thing for me to help you with such a thing?

If there were other girls, they would have asked me out for a night, so you two will wait for this matter to be settled for you. If I don't take you two to three splits, you will be killed even if I take medicine.

Next, the four began to eat, because they did not drink, they soon ate almost.

After dinner, Liu Hengyi went to the bar to check out, but he didn't come back. The other three went out of the box to see what was going on.

As soon as they got out of the box, they found Liu Hengyi arguing with foreign waiters at the bar.

"Don't you have a 20% discount for meals during the day?"

"I'm sorry, sir. That was a few months ago. We are all at the original price now."

"Why don't you say no discount if you don't? Who does business like this Liu Hengyi said angrily.

"What's wrong with Hengyi?" Liu qianyun quickly walked over.

"It's nothing. They don't pay attention to their business. I often come here to eat. If I don't give a discount, I won't give a discount. I don't know how to do business." Liu Hengyi said.

Two months ago, he said, "you're not welcome? So you don't come for two months? Is that a regular? Please don't stigmatize us for not doing business! "

The foreign brother Hua xiawen talks very smoothly, but he seems to have never met such unreasonable customers as Liu Hengyi. Therefore, when dealing with this kind of affairs, he seems to be short of emotional intelligence and straightforward.

Liu Hengyi saw that Chu Yuqi and Liu qianyun were all looking at him behind him. He was furious: "you don't give a discount, and you insult customers. Are you doing business like this?"

"Calm down, calm down!" Liu qianyun quickly blocked Liu Hengyi aside.

Liu Hengyi said: "qianyun, Yuqi, you talk about ha, I don't have to discount, I'm not so stingy, I don't lack this money, but what's their attitude? What I want now is a dignity, a statement! "Lin Feng in the side of a cold smile, this Liu Hengyi said his own is also very noble? Just want to discount, but also get dignity, discount, you have dignity?

However, at this time, the beautiful boss of the French restaurant happened to come down from upstairs. Seeing the noisy scene, he asked the barman, "why, what happened?"

“#¥#……” The waiter communicates with the boss in French.

The boss listened and understood what was going on. She said to Liu Hengyi in nonstandard Chinese: "Ni Hao, I'm sorry we don't have any discount now. We can only give you a voucher for the next time. Welcome to use it next time!"

After taking the voucher, Liu Hengyi said to Liu qianyun, "if you look at the boss, you are reasonable. How about it? You have to give me face? I am a frequent visitor here. They dare not give me face! "

However, at this time, I heard the beautiful boss exclaim: "Wow! Mr Lin - "

the beautiful boss looked at Lin Feng happily, and did not hide his surprise!

“hi! Bonjour, Ravi de vous revoir Lin Feng said to the beautiful boss with a smile.

The last time he had dinner here was with Wei Yichen, as well as long Shao and Qin Yu. He also danced with the beautiful boss, so he was very familiar.

“wow! Vous à tes mon invit é, vous devez me le dire à l'avance, JE vais vous servir personallement Beautiful boss eyes straight hook at Lin Feng, a face Happy said.

"Don't mention it," Lin Feng said.

"No, votre sage EST de mon admiration, c'est pour vous dire que JE vous AI Fai de l'admiration pour votre admiration Beauty boss said.

The beautiful boss has a deep impression on Lin Feng.

The last time Lin Feng played tricks on long Shao, he saw how a kind-hearted person could educate a villain through wisdom. He admired the wisdom and courage of this Oriental, and Lin Feng always gave her a hazy and sexy feeling.

She has been alone in a foreign country for so many years, and has been single until she met Lin Feng. She can't forget it for a long time. Therefore, Lin Feng's reappearance suddenly aroused her passion and gave him a direct 50% discount.

Lin Feng said with a smile, "Tu Plaisantes? 50% discount?"

The beautiful boss said happily: "no kidding, 50% off, 50% off for you. I hope you will come often in the future! Hee hee

Beautiful boss in front of Lin Feng, smile like a girl general sunshine, immediately let other guests a burst of envy.

"I've never seen this chick laugh!"

"Me, too. Today the iron trees are all in bloom."

"Look at that boy's rustic, and then the beautiful boss looks like a fairy. Ah ~ I suddenly believe in love!"

"Me and him, too!"

At this time, the most surprising is Chu Yuqi and others!

What's the situation? What did Lin Feng say to the woman just now?

A Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa?

"Lin Feng, you just..." Chu Yuqi made a few strokes with her hands.

"Oh, I'm sorry. As soon as I saw the beautiful boss, I couldn't help communicating with her in the northwest dialect of flange. I forgot that you can't speak French. I'm really sorry!" Lin Feng said.


Can Lin Feng speak French? Or dialect version?

Suddenly one side of Liu qianyun and Liu Hengyi are muddled.

Lin Feng, are you sure it's just a security guard? , the fastest update of the webnovel!