The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 293

Fourth master Tian saw several people in the room, all of them were knocked down by Lin Feng. He quickly picked up the walkie talkie and wanted to call other thugs outside to come in.

But Lin Feng didn't give him a chance. He stepped forward and kicked the walkie talkie. Then he grabbed the neck of fourth master Tian and pressed him on the mahjong table.

"Lin Feng, you're the mother..." Tian Si Ye's arm was in a sharp pain.

But Lin Feng picked up his Pu fan and said, "the weather is cold. The fan will have rheumatism. I will destroy it for you."

Then he snapped the fan in front of the fourth master.

"Ah -" fourth master Tian cried out in pain: "Lin Feng, you dare to destroy my favorite fan, I will let you die

"I will not only destroy your fan, I will also destroy you!" Lin Feng's face suddenly turned cold.

"Lin Feng, do you dare to touch me? I'm from the mountain gang in the north of the city. My elder brother is Cui Sanye. If you dare to move me, he can't spare you! " Fourth master Tian exclaimed.

"Do you want to spare me when I don't move you? Not really? " Lin Feng said, "so, I have to move you! Hold on

With that, Lin Feng grabbed Tian Si Ye's jaw in one hand and forced him to open his mouth. Then he picked up four mahjong in the other hand and directly put it into his mouth: "this is four 90000, a total of 360000! Don't you have a big appetite? Is three hundred and sixty thousand enough? "

"Wuwuwuwu" the fourth master of Tian was held by Lin Feng. He could not get rid of it. He could only plead bitterly. He thought that what Lin Feng said was money, but he didn't expect it was mahjong!

"Oh, ah, by the way, you are greedy. Are these not enough?" Lin Feng didn't give Tian fourth master a chance. He picked up two mahjong and said, "two pieces of mahjong are 70000, a total of 140000 yuan. In addition, the former one is 500000 yuan. Don't say I'm stingy! All for you

With that, he directly put two mahjong into the mouth of fourth master Tian.

"No, no, no Fourth master Tian's mouth is full, his lips are open in an irregular shape, and the outline of mahjong in his mouth can be seen.

"Well, I'll regret it sooner or later for all your greedy words." "Isn't it enough now?" asked Lin Feng

"Ah ah -" the fourth master of Tian sobbed bitterly and shook his head.

He wanted to say no, no, that's enough. Don't come again!

But Lin Feng seems to be wrong, said: "what, you shake your head is not enough meaning?"

Then he picked up two fifty thousand and went into the fourth master's mouth: "what about this time?"

In the mouth of fourth master Tian, the skin has been cut and bleeding by the hard edges of mahjong. However, with so many mahjong players, the corners of his mouth have been opened and torn. Therefore, at this time, his mouth is full of blood, and the blood and saliva flow down, which is disgusting and embarrassed.

"It's 600000 this time, isn't it enough?" Lin Feng asked.

Fourth master Tian recalled the last time he shook his head. Lin Feng thought it was not enough. He nodded this time. Thinking of this, he nodded quickly!

"Oh, that's not enough, is it? OK, go ahead! I'm very proud of you. If you say continue, I can't stop, right? "

Said, Lin Feng picked up another ten thousand, said: "we this time slowly add, anyway so much, will add to your satisfaction time, so ah, you must not rush!"

With that, Lin Feng forced the mahjong into the fourth master's mouth.

"Your mouth is really big, this is nearly ten mahjong, you can still put it under, really admire you!" Lin Feng gives Tian Si ye a thumbs up.

At this time, fourth master Tian wanted to die. He couldn't speak out. His mouth was painful. He almost stopped his throat. He could only breathe with his nose.

"Why, are you not satisfied? I'll give you something to add Lin Feng said, a fierce punch, hit Tian four Ye's mouth.

"Woo --" the fourth master of Tian's mouth splashed out a lot of blood, just like the unstoppable stream.

"PATA!" A mahjong fell off.

"Tut Tut, why did it fall? You have to hold on. Come on, I'll help you!" Lin Feng said, and took a mahjong, took in.

"Ah -" the fourth master Tian was suffering from pain, nausea and suffocation. He almost drove him crazy. He tried his best to run out.

Lin Feng sneered: "do you want to run if you do something harmful to nature? Do you think too much? "

With that, he stepped out and directly pulled Tian Si Ye. He kicked Tian Si ye down on the ground with one foot and said, "I'll apologize to Aunt Liu first."

Then he pressed down the head of fourth master Tian fiercely, "bang", "bang" and "bang" three times.

Looking up, the forehead is already a blur of blood.

"I'll apologize to the president of Suzhou University again!" With that, he pulled Tian Si ye again, pressed it on the ground, and gave Su Jing a violent kowtow.

The blood on his forehead flowed down his face.

I can't see the whole face.

At this time, Lin Feng said coldly, "you have to apologize to me!"

Fourth master Tian had been tortured and lost his temper. He kowtowed to Lin Feng as soon as he heard that he wanted him to apologize.Lin Feng said: "I'm sorry, I don't accept your apology!"

With that, he kicked Tian Si ye to the ground and stepped on his ankle.

Listen to "click" a crisp sound, Tian Si Ye's feet with a strange arc, tilt to one side.

It's already broken.

"Ah --" the fourth master of Tian spurted out mahjong with pain. His mouth was covered with blood and saliva, which was more than one meter high.

In this scene, the frightened leopard and the young man pretending to be dead are sweating and shaking.

They thought that Tian Si ye and Cui San ye were cruel, but they didn't expect that the young man named Lin Feng was cruel and made his scalp numb.

If anyone did the right thing to him, he would as well die directly, which is too torturous.

However, Lin Feng felt that this pain was nothing compared with Aunt Liu's family just now.

Therefore, he stepped forward and faced the other ankle of fourth master Tian. He was about to give him a kick.

At this time, Su Jing couldn't look down. She quickly called out, "Lin Feng, that's enough. You've done too hard!"

"Too hard?" Lin Feng frowned: "do you remember when this guy hit Aunt Liu's son, was he cruel? He cut off other people's fingers, dig other people's organs, let people's families break down and kill people, and even poison you and me. Do you think, is it me or he who is cruel

Su Jing couldn't say anything at once. Lin Feng was right. Such a person full of evil should be cut into thousands of pieces. So what Lin Feng did today is nothing more than that.

When Lin Feng saw that Su Jing didn't speak, he suddenly laughed and said, "Oh, but, God has a good life, especially when Su's beautiful woman talks, I have to give face. What, Tian Si, you see how much Su is. You have to thank others. They have helped you to keep a leg, do you know?"

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, No.

Lin Feng went to a Bao and said, "a Bao, I'm sorry, I may have put a little heavy on you this time! I'm really sorry! "

"It's not heavy. It's not heavy at all. Brother Lin Feng, what you're teaching me is that I'm not a human being. I'll never do this kind of thing in the future." A Bao said with righteous words.

"No, I remember you said that to me last time, but it's not a violation of the precept." Lin Feng said.

"Ah, brother Lin Feng, please spare me, I really dare not!" A leopard endure the sharp pain and kowtow to Lin Feng.

"Well, you are too cheap, but you don't have to be afraid. I just hurt your bladder this time. After that, your frequency of going to the toilet will be greatly increased, and the function of that aspect will be slightly affected. Don't thank me. This is a small warning for you!" Lin Feng said.

"Boo Hoo Hoo Hoo!" Brother leopard hid his face and wept. Which aspect was affected a little? This... Brother leopard doesn't feel like a man anymore!

At this time, Lin Feng went back to Tian Si Ye's side, searched out his mobile phone, and then said with a smile: "come on, take a picture, smile, don't look sad!"

Fourth master Tian's face was covered with blood and reluctantly grinned, revealing his big yellow teeth.

Lin Feng clicks and presses the shutter.

In the photo, a young man is smiling with a little evil, while the other is covered with blood, which is worse than crying.

"Good, good!" Lin Feng opened his address book, found "Cui San Ye", and directly sent the photo to him. The following sentence was attached:

your brother is very warm and nice. I'm very happy to meet you today, and you should be very enthusiastic. So I will visit you some other day and look forward to meeting you!

Best regards, best regards!

Your good friend Lin Feng! , the fastest update of the webnovel!