The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 290

Royal entertainment club, two floors underground.

The coming of night brings a day of vitality here.

All kinds of people came to this dark underground and began to vent and seek stimulation.

Of course, the vast majority of people still dream of becoming rich overnight.

Here is very popular, the sound of various instruments interweave and play, shouting, shouting deafening, a crazy gambler full of their passion.

They roar, as if they can complete the peak reversal of life in this night.

However, in such a noisy atmosphere, a young man is low-key admission, sitting in the most insignificant corner, coldly watching everything in front of him.

At this time, in the box next to the casino, fourth master Tian was playing mahjong with some of his men, holding a small cigarette in his mouth and fanning a PU fan.

The light in the box is very dim, only illuminating the green mahjong table, other places, a dark.

We could see the faces of the other three, two strong beards and a bald head.

The bald man is sitting opposite Tian Si ye, and one of his hands is still wrapped in bandages. This man is Bao brother, who was beaten by Lin Feng and admitted to the hospital last time.

Brother Bao is under the fourth master Tian, so he comes out of the hospital and follows him again.

His injuries are almost good at this time. His hand injury is not good because he is bored in the hospital, often using it, overworked, so he has not fully recovered.

He was sitting opposite Tian Siye, playing cards with his other healthy hand. He yelled: "Three --"

"keep your mother's voice down!" Fourth master of the field frowned, "Laozi he? Voice is not as big as you, why are you so cow B?"

"I'm wrong, fourth master. I won't be loud next time!" A Bao bowed his head to admit his mistake.

"Three of them, I'll eat them!" Fourth master Tian didn't pay attention to a leopard, but said to a younger brother next to him.

The strong little brother quickly handed the three to the fourth master.

"Fourth master, can you succeed in this matter tonight? Can you kill Lin Feng Ah Bao asked.

"Do you doubt my ability?" Fourth master Tian patted the Pu fan on the table: "it's all here. Can't you kill him? Then I'll take his last name

"Yes, yes, fourth master is wise!"

A Bao was very happy. He felt that Lin Feng had ruined his good things last time, and almost beat him up. Even a woman didn't dare to touch him. Every day, he lay in bed and masturbated at the nurse. Taite was oppressed. Today, four masters came forward to help him deal with Lin Feng. Lin Feng could not survive tonight.

Therefore, he played cards very attentively today. He felt that fourth master Tian wanted to play something on purpose. In less than an hour, he had three rounds of Hu.

Fourth master Tian was very happy. He took a sip of whiskey and took a cigarette again and again. He said, "this is a good thing that Lin Feng has done to us many times. If we don't get rid of him, it will be hard to eliminate our evil spirit. Third Master Cui thought of this way. It's really a good way to eliminate him with the people closest to him."

"Ah Bao said," but I don't know that the old lady can't get down to it? "

Fourth master Tian gnawed his teeth and said, "yes, she must. Her son and husband are all here. Her husband still owes us 80 million yuan. She has no choice."

Fourth master Tian finished and looked back at the two men tied up in the dark corner, a 40-50-year-old man and a 17-8-year-old boy.

The two men shivered in the corner, not knowing whether they were angry or afraid.

"A Bao, you call the old woman again and urge him to finish it quickly. We say we can't fix it. We will cut off a finger of his son now. Next, before she finishes the task, we will cut a finger every five minutes. After that, we will cut off the toe. After that, we will dig out organs."

"Well, OK, I'll call you." A Bao picked up the phone, just about to dial.

"No, if you want to kill or cut, just attack me. I'm ready to die. Don't embarrass my mother!" Exclaimed the 17-year-old.

"Oh, lying trough, you are quite bloody!"

Fourth master Tian got angry. He got up and went to the young man. He swung a big stick and hit him.

"Stop fighting, stop fighting!"

The kidnapped middle-aged man came up to protect the young man, but he was kicked away by the fourth master of Tian, and he was beaten violently at the young man.

Straight hit the young man skin and flesh, mouth straight spit blood.

"I'll let you be a hero. You'll continue to be a hero. I'll kill you!"

Fourth master Tian swears and swears. He waves his hand to a Bao and says, "you call, call quickly!"

A Bao quickly dialed the number and said to Aunt Liu, "old lady, our boss has spoken. If you don't finish the boy, from now on, we'll cut off your son's finger every five minutes. After the finger is cut off, we'll dig his organs to sell it!"

"No --"At the other end of the phone came Aunt Liu's heartrending cry, the voice, listening to the people are very worried, as if they have already despair in general.

But this group of people is not soft hearted at all. A Bao also said fiercely, "hurry up, or we really have to start. Now the time starts!"

Said, then hung up the phone.

"Leopard, it's a good thing to do. Come on, keep playing cards, six barrels!" Fourth master Tian fan again.

"I'm stupid, ha ha ha!" A Bao laughs.

"NIMA Bibi, why are you so stupid? Show me!" Fourth master Tian was very angry.

Fourth master Tian's hand of cards, bright bar and dark bar plus a chop, Hu must be a grand slam, the results of the boy's first Hu, he was very angry, swearing: "show me quickly, you are not his cheat Hu!"

A leopard opened the card and showed it to fourth master Tian, who could not find anything wrong after looking at it for a long time.

Fourth master Tian is so angry. Damn it, he is going to be Hu soon. As a result, he is cut off by this boy. But he can't help it. He still has rules.

Fourth master Tian was very angry, but he had no place to be angry. He looked at the two kidnapped people and said, "it's five minutes. Cut off that boy's finger."

A leopard is stunned. It's only two minutes, so he'll cut it?

But he didn't dare to neglect. He knew that the fourth master must have been angry and had no place to get angry, so he spread his anger on the boy.

A Bao called Aunt Liu and said, "it's five minutes. Is everything done?"

On hearing this, Aunt Liu cried out: "please, don't do this, please...

" you still haven't finished, right? " A Bao gave a fierce smile and said, "I'm sorry. Listen carefully. Your son's howl of pain will come out from the phone because he broke his finger. You should be satisfied with that too!"

"Please, please, five minutes have not arrived, not yet..." Aunt Liu cried out.

"We said, and there we are."

Said, leopard put the mobile phone very close to the young man.

Then he drew out a sharp dagger and walked towards the young man.

He laid the young man on the ground, turned his back to him, rolled up his fingers, and was about to chop.

"No!" At this time, the middle-aged man next to him suddenly made a force and knocked down a leopard.

"If you want to chop, just chop mine!" The middle-aged man is the young man's father. This time, he was calculated and his family was implicated. He has been deeply remorsed. It is time for him to shoulder his responsibilities.

"Do you dare to hit me? I'll kill you

A leopard is to the middle-aged man is a foot, the middle-aged man kicked to the ground, up to fight.

"What's the use of beating him? Do me a good job. Children are the heart of their parents. Take care of her son!"

"Good!" A leopard angrily looked at the middle-aged man, and then went to the young man, make a gesture to cut.

At this time, he saw a man coming out of the shadow. He was very fast. In an instant, he came to a Bao's face, and then he grabbed a leopard's hand and cut it directly on his finger with a knife.

"Ah -" a leopard cried out in pain. Looking at his bloody finger, he was cut off and fell to the ground.

"How about it? Is it comfortable to cut your fingers? " The man gave a cold smile, frightened in a leopard's cold sweat. , the fastest update of the webnovel!