The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 289

Aunt Liu cried: "my husband and son are about to be unloaded eight yuan by the people's Congress."

After a brief account of Aunt Liu, Lin Feng and Su Jing learned that Aunt Liu's husband had been kidnapped because he owed a huge amount of usury! Their family did not have money to pay back, usury angry, even her son was arrested.

If not, her son and husband will have to be dismembered by usury.

"If you don't have money to pay back, you can tell us that we may be able to help you. Why do you want to hurt people?" Su Jing didn't understand.

"We owe so much that we can't pay it back!" Aunt Liu cried: "just for gambling debts, I owe them 80 million yuan to their casinos. In the future, the interest will rise every day. I don't know how much it will be. For our civilian families, gambling debts alone can't be paid off in a few lives."

"When did it happen?" Su Jing asked.

"Even today, this morning is still good. At more than three o'clock in the afternoon, someone called me and said that my husband owed 80 million yuan and arrested my son! My son is not yet an adult. He is scared and crying. I heard him on the phone. He always yells "Mom, help me" and keeps shouting... "

Aunt Liu is on her knees with heartache, and the pain makes him feel worse than death.

"All these animals, little children?" Su Jing was also very worried. How many parents in the world can afford to live?

"Your husband can bet too much!" Su Jing said.

"My husband can't gamble at all, and he doesn't know how, so he goes into the underground gambling house and loses 80 million yuan in a few hours. It's ridiculous. I don't know what's going on. I really don't know why." Aunt Liu was bewildered and cried.

"What does this matter have to do with poisoning us?" Su Jing asked.

"The other side said that if I could kill Mr. Lin, my son and husband would be safe and sound, and they also sent me poison and told me that industrial saccharin and eggs together would eat dead people, so that I could have a double insurance to kill Mr. Lin!" Aunt Liu looked at Su Jing and said, "as for you, Miss Su, the other party just said that if you are present, you will kill people together. If you don't, you will be lucky."

After hearing this, Su Jing was shocked: "when did we offend the people in the casino?"

Then, he looked at Lin Feng: "have you offended the people in the casino?"

"Well, I think so." Lin Feng thinks of the boss of the underground casino who persecuted Chu Yuqi's mother and daughter, brother Bao.

"Is it the person you offended who arrested Aunt Liu's husband and children and threatened Aunt Liu to kill you! What deep hatred do you have with them Su Jing asked.

"Well, there is no deep hatred!"

Lin Feng knew that the leopard brother didn't have such a ruthless means at all. This time, there was someone else.

"Is there any other reason?" Su Jing also thinks that this should not be the case. In a harmonious society, it is impossible to say that killing people secretly means assassinating people? People in underground casinos can't be so arrogant! She asked Lin Feng, "if you think about it again, is there any other reason that people want to kill you?"

"There are many other reasons." Lin Feng said, "I'm so handsome, elegant, talented and rich. There are so many people who envy me. I can't tell who wants to kill me if I don't like it!"

"Can you be serious?" Su Jing was dying of anxiety, but before Lin Feng was serious, she wondered. Did Lin Feng never understand what tension is?

However, after such a long time of contact, Su Jing did not see what Lin Feng was nervous about.

"How serious, I'm serious, and others won't kill me? Can my husband and son come back Lin Feng said: "I think, you still don't know me, in fact, I am very serious! You should take time to learn more about me

"Lin Feng, are you finished? When is it Su Jing was a little angry.

However, at this time, Aunt Liu's mobile phone rang.

Aunt Liu shuddered and looked at the number of her mobile phone. Her heart was cold.

Yes, it was the underground casino.

"Aunt Liu, answer the phone. When they ask you, they say that the task is still in progress and try to delay it as much as possible!" Lin Feng suddenly had a positive look on his face.

Lin Feng's face suddenly changed, which surprised Su Jing and Aunt Liu.

Just now, I was a bit of a slob. At this time, I was serious, and my words were all in the tone of command, as if the CIA agents were on a mission. Is that too different?

But this kind of performance, it is to let Aunt Liu have a lot of trust in the heart, she nodded and picked up the phone.

"Hello? How is it going? " Asked the other end of the phone.

"Oh, this way... It's not done yet!" Said Aunt Liu.

"What? Was he seen through? " Asked the other end of the phone.

"No, it's the goal... Late after work, and now... I haven't eaten yet!" Aunt Liu huff and puff said: "so I have no chance!""I warn your mother-in-law, don't play tricks with me. Otherwise, I'll cut your son's organs and sell them to your debts!" "The phone said in a vicious way.

"Mom, Mom - don't mind me. We can't afford the money. Mom, you don't want me, and you don't have to make up for it anymore..." there was a cry from Aunt Liu's son.

"Damn you, you stinky boy! I'm fucking killing you! " A vicious voice cursed.

Then I heard a series of mouth fans coming from that end.

"Pa pa -" br > every fan is in Aunt Liu's heart.

Aunt Liu cried bitterly: "please, please don't beat, I will finish the task. Please don't move my son, please..." br >

"so you better finish the task quickly, or I will not even see your son's body!" That one swearing.

"OK, I must, I must!" Aunt Liu nodded in a hurry.

"Hum!" The cold hum, and hung up directly.

Lin Feng heard, suddenly his face changed very seriously, said coldly: "bullying the weak, a group of livestock, looking for death!"

And then he turned and went out.

"Where are you going, Lin Feng?" Su Jing shouted at the back.

"I'll go and relax!" Cried Lin Feng.

Said, Lin Feng rode his bicycle, disappeared in the night.

The North City Entertainment Club.

In fact, the entertainment in imperial city is a comprehensive night entertainment place, which is composed of three floors, covering various businesses, including KTV, bar, billiards, amusement hall, etc., which is a good place for many young people to enjoy at night.

But under these three floors, there are two more floors underground.

On the ground floor, all kinds of slot machines, gambling machines, and gambling game equipment.

And the second floor underground is a living underground casino.

The underground casino is not large, but gamblers here, in a single game, will often be tens of thousands of Chinese dollars.

At this time, in the cubicle behind the underground casino, Tian Siye and his men are playing cards for fun.

At this time, a shadow suddenly appeared, he locked his bicycle in the garage, slowly walked into the underground casino. , the fastest update of the webnovel!