The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 291

That person is no other than Lin Feng.

The reason why Lin Feng found this place is because he found it through signal location.

In the villa of Swan Lake, he asked Aunt Liu to pick up the phone. At the same time, he turned on his mobile phone and searched the location of the call through satellite positioning.

Determined that this is the kidnapping site, Lin Feng set out quietly.

So Lin Feng said to go out to relax, in fact, directly came to the kidnapping place.

Because of him, those people wanted to kill him, so they kidnapped Aunt Liu's family and threatened Aunt Liu. This almost implicated Su Jing, so Lin Feng can't let these people be arrogant.

He followed the location and found the underground casino.

Because he did not accurately locate which floor, Lin Feng did not know where the gangsters of this group of family members were, so with his excellent investigation ability, he found the bottom one by one.

Lin Feng saw a leopard holding his severed finger and looked at him in horror. He said with a cold smile, "ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, I told you to be honest later, or I will never forgive you. What about the result? You are more dishonest than before. I can't blame you! "

"Lin Feng, how did you get in?" A leopard asked in agony.

A Bao's question, can be regarded as asking other people's doubts. Fourth master Tian and the other two people don't know what people are coming into this room.

What's more, fourth master Tian is not familiar with Lin Feng. If a Bao didn't name Lin Feng directly, he would not recognize him as Lin Feng.

At this time, fourth master Tian was deeply shocked!

One minute ago, I was still clamoring to kill each other, but I didn't know that the person I wanted to kill was already sitting quietly by his side.

If Lin Feng had just started suddenly, he would have died.

Just think about it, it's terrible. Is Lin Feng a human being or a ghost?

Lin Feng said with a faint smile: "your question is very idiotic! How did I get in? Of course I came in! Can I fly in? Oh, by the way, maybe you focus on bullying. I walked in too fast, so you didn't notice! "

This said the other side for a while speechless, too fast, the naked eye can not see it?

Fourth master Tian wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and forced himself to calm down. He said to Lin Feng, "since you know all about it, I'm not afraid to have a showdown with you. Yes, I want to kill you!"

"You want to kill me, no problem!" Lin Feng spread his hands and said, "there are many people who want to kill me. I don't care! But...

with that, Lin Feng suddenly said with a cold face: "but you shouldn't blackmail others to kill me, let alone bully the honest and responsible people of Aunt Liu's family. You bully the weak, bully the kind-hearted people, and instigate them to kill people. I can't see that!"

Fourth master Tian frowned and said, "if you can't see it, what can you do?"

"I can't see it. You're going to have a bad time!" Lin Feng smiles.

"Well, don't threaten me there!" Fourth master Tian sneered: "I have at least a dozen thugs in this casino. You dare to break in alone. You are looking for death!"

Fourth master Tian always felt that Lin Feng had no big idea.

Last time he sent AHU and others to kill Lin Feng. Although he didn't kill him, ah Hu helped him find out the details.

Ah Hu said that Lin Feng was not vigilant and had no real strength. If he had not hurt himself because of their self defeating, he would have killed him.

This time, Taotie and Cui Sanye designed the assassination plan. He really didn't think it was necessary. If he sent several ruthless people to go over again at night according to his own will, it would be all finished.

But there's no way. Third Master Cui listens to Taotie. He has to listen to him. So this time, he did it according to their design.

However, since Lin Feng has delivered to the door, it seems that he still has to use his most crude and direct way to solve the problem.

However, seeing Lin Feng's calm face, fourth master Tian seemed not to be afraid of him at all. He could not help but feel a little annoyed and cried out:

"Lin Feng, since you are here today, don't think it's so easy to leave!"

Lin Feng chuckled and said: "coincidentally, I didn't want to go so fast. I have to talk with you about life, ideals and bullying of honest people. If you don't understand, I won't go either!"

"You've got a hard word!" Fourth master Tian was very angry and said to the two bearded men on one side, "go up and catch him. I want to live!"

The two strong men rubbed their hands and walked towards Lin Feng with a smile.

"Boy, surrender, or we'll kill you!"

The two men threatened, as if Lin Feng were their prey.

"Is it? I'm so scared Lin Feng was smiling, but suddenly serious: "it's you two. Kneel down and call ye. I may forgive you for your ignorance."


The two strong men looked at each other and laughed."Are you talking about storytelling? Give it to me quickly Fourth master Tian said angrily.

"Yes, fourth master!"

The two strong men did not dare to neglect them. They both rushed towards Lin Feng with a kick.

Lin Feng shakes his head and smiles. These two people have some skills. They must be like wolves among ordinary people. But compared with themselves, they are like three-year-old children.

Therefore, when the two people came to Lin Feng, Lin Feng just slightly a cat's waist, and then flashed their attack.

"Too slow! How can you beat people when you are so slow? " Lin Feng a dissatisfied appearance, homeopathy sat on a stool of mahjong table, cocked his legs and said: "come again, give you another chance!"

The two strong men suddenly felt humiliated and humiliated, and they turned around one after another and rushed to Lin Feng again.

Lin Feng turned around and sat on the chair without moving. However, when the two men arrived in front of Lin Feng, the two fists had not yet hit Lin Feng. They felt a sharp pain in their ankles, and then their huge inertia caused them to stagger and fall on the mahjong table.

"Bang", mahjong was shaken everywhere, mahjong table is also hit tottering.

It turned out that Lin Feng saw that the two people were going to rush up, and forced their feet ahead of time and kicked them in their ankles, causing them to lose their footing and directly came to a dog to grab excrement!

The two strong men's faces were severely patted on the table, which made them dizzy.

Lin Feng turns around, grabs their collars directly and pulls them up. Because they fell so hard, their faces are also engraved with blood marks of mahjong, such as Batang and 70000. They look very funny.

Then Lin Feng said to the two of them: "you are slow, but I don't believe it. Now, I'll show you what speed is!"

Said, Lin Feng raised two fists, said: "watch ha, this is two sandbags big fist!"

Then, with a sudden burst of force, the two fists hit directly at the two people's mandibles.

The two men felt a flash in front of them. They knew clearly that the other side was going to punch, and they also wanted to resist it. But it was too late. Suddenly, they suffered a violent impact on their jaw.

The jaw is a boxer's favorite part of attack. Once hit, it will knock the opponent out.

The two men were knocked to the ground and fainted under Lin Feng's heavy blow.

The fourth master of the field was suddenly shocked. He didn't expect Lin Feng to be so powerful.

At this time, Lin Feng turned to him and said with a smile: "fourth master, don't worry. Now it's your turn!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!