The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 288

"Lin Feng, what are you doing?" Su Jingteng stood up.

Usually, Lin Feng would make a fool of himself, but he didn't expect that he would be so impolite that he overturned the dinner he had prepared carefully.

"Why not? I don't want to eat at home today. How about going out to eat, President of Jiangsu University?" Lin Feng said.

"Lin Feng!" Su Jing said angrily, "now you apologize to Aunt Liu!"

"Oh, Miss Su, don't blame Mr. Lin for my poor cooking." Said Aunt Liu.

"Aunt Liu, don't say that. I'll be fair to you today." Su Jing said.

"Oh, Miss Su, I really don't need it!" Said Aunt Liu.

At this time, Lin Feng gave a cold smile and said, "Aunt Liu, I hope to cook in the future. Don't look like this meal. Otherwise, President Su and I can't eat. Do you know what I mean?"

"Lin Feng, you are too much!" Su Jing exclaimed, "is it easy for Aunt Liu to cook us three meals and clean up the house?"

Su Jing was really angry this time. He had always thought that Lin Feng was playing and making trouble. However, her morality and bottom line were very good. Today, she was very angry when she saw that Lin Feng was unreasonable, disrespectful to others and unreasonable.

These shortcomings, she has never seen in Lin Feng's body, is this the real Lin Feng? In the past, Lin Feng was pretending to be himself?

Su Jing was very disappointed. She thought Lin Feng was cynical on the surface, but she was extremely pure in her heart. However, she found that she was wrong. She was wrong about Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, this villa is given to you by the chairman of the board. Therefore, I will move out and live there. We'd better have less contact with each other in the future. I don't like to live under the same roof with the overbearing and unreasonable people!" Su Jing said coldly.

"Am I overbearing?" Lin Feng frowned.

"You're not a bully in general!" Su Jing was not overbearing before, but she was just unreasonable.

Looking at Aunt Liu cleaning up the broken soup bowl on the ground, Su Jing's heart is even worse. He also lowers his head to help Aunt Liu clean up.

"Don't touch it!" Lin Feng said.

When Su Jing heard this, she was more angry. Could I help Aunt Liu? She said angrily, "Lin Feng, when do you want to be insolent?"

With that, he lowered his head to pick up the broken dregs of the soup bowl.

Lin Feng quickly came over, pulled Su Jing and said, "do you have to force me to tell the truth?"

"What's the truth?" Su Jing asked.

"Look at the soup carefully. What color is it?" Lin Feng said to Su Jing.

Looking down carefully, Su Jing saw that the soup on the ground turned dark green against the white floor, and it evaporated quickly, emitting a cloud of smoke.

"What's going on?" Su Jing was surprised.

"Alas Lin Feng shook his head with a wry smile and said to Aunt Liu, "Aunt Liu, what do you want me to say? Tell the truth yourself

Aunt Liu saw that she had been torn down and burst into tears: "I was wrong. I shouldn't have been so bad about you. I shouldn't poison you!"

"What?" All of a sudden, Su Jing was not well.

Lin Feng sighed and said, "Aunt Liu, you're hiding deep enough. If I'm not alert enough, I can't see your trick!"

She shook her head and said, "Aunt Liu, are we not good to you? Why are you so cruel? "

Aunt Liu cried and said, "Miss Su, Mr. Lin, you are the best people I have ever seen. You don't look down on me because I am poor. I really appreciate that you take me as your family. But I... I have no choice but to...

Aunt Liu can't say any more. She cried and knelt down on the ground:" I'll do everything in my next life to repay you! "

With that, he picked up a broken bowl on the ground and cut it directly towards his own artery.

"You can't die!" Lin Feng's quick eye and quick hand kicked his tiles out directly.

"Woo hoo, please, let me die, I can't live!" Seeing that she could not die, Aunt Liu sat on the ground and cried.

With a long sigh, Lin Feng said to Su Jing, "look, you have to be honest with me. This is what you want, right?"

Su Jing's face was red and her eyes were red. She didn't know it would look like this. What's going on?

She said to Lin Feng, "I didn't know it would be like this. If you overturned the soup made by Liu, I was only angry with you. As a result, you overturned her honey fried eggs. Of course, I couldn't bear it. You went on and on...

" Alas! " Lin Feng sighed and said, "of course, you can't be blamed for this. Those who don't know are innocent. The soup is poisonous! You can see that, too

"Why did you overturn the fried eggs with honey sauce? Is it anger? "


"What is that for?" Su Jing asked."Fried eggs with honey sauce, the fried eggs have bright luster and golden yellow, but the eggs fried with honey sauce by Liu aunt are a little burnt black. It's not that the heat is too hot, but the raw materials are wrong. The sugar she uses must be industrial saccharin!" Lin Feng said.

Su Jing didn't understand what Lin Feng meant. She looked at Lin Feng and said, "what's the matter?"

Lin Feng said: "this is a big problem. When eggs are mixed with industrial saccharin, at high temperature, a substance called arsenic trioxide will be produced. Of course, you must be very strange when I say this name, but you must know another name of arsenic trioxide."

"What?" Su Jing asked.

"Arsenic!" Lin Feng replied.


Su Jing's face was cold and frightened.

Arsenic, it's a deadly poison that kills people invisible!

"So, what else do you want to say?" Lin Feng asked Su Jing.

When Su Jing thought about it carefully, she felt a cool wind coming from her back.

First of all, Aunt Liu poisoned the soup, and then she served a big arsenic meal. She was able to escape from death. She was really lucky.

Oh, no, it's all thanks to Lin Feng to survive.

However, Su Jing believed that Aunt Liu must have hidden difficulties, otherwise she would not have done such a thing.

So Lin Feng knew that it was so. He didn't directly expose Aunt Liu, but warned her not to make food like today.

It seems that everything is under the control of Lin Feng. Lin Feng uses a most decent way to make Aunt Liu repent and save her face.

However, I have to be silly and argue with Lin Feng. I think Lin Feng is overbearing, unreasonable and impolite. However, it seems that he is too ignorant.

Su Jing felt a deep remorse. She used her own ignorance to slander Lin Feng's good intentions. She really felt ashamed.

"Lin Feng, I'm wrong..."

"well, don't do this. If I make three wrong words, everyone will say," this handsome man is not rare! " Lin Feng said.

Su Jing's head is covered with black thread. Lin Feng is still panting!

But she knew she was wrong, otherwise she would have died twice today.

She said to Lin Feng, "what can I do to make you rare?"

Lin Feng bad bad smile: "that what, come to my room at night, we two talk about life, talk about ideals, talk about sex, perhaps, I will forgive you young ignorance!"

"Go away! You're not serious Su Jing gave Lin Feng a fierce look.

In fact, a lot of times, she felt very guilty about Lin Feng, but Lin Feng has a skill, a mouth, can let her all the guilt, no left.

She turned to look at Aunt Liu and said, "Aunt Liu, we know that you must have difficulties. If you say it out, I believe we can solve it for you. Don't go to extremes!"

Aunt Liu bit her teeth and said, "you're so kind to me. I'm really blind. OK, I said, even if the whole family can't live, I'll tell you everything!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!