The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 287

The sun set and the last light fell below the horizon.

When Lin Feng got home, it was time for dinner.

Because Su Jing hasn't come back yet, Aunt Liu hasn't started cooking.

Seeing that Lin Feng came back, Aunt Liu sighed and said, "Mr. Lin, you're going out for a day. It's cool enough!"

"Well, it's quite cool!" Lin Feng took off his coat and put it on the hanger beside him.

"You're so happy, but you're hurting me!" Aunt Liu said, "I talked to Miss Su and talked about things between men and women. As a result, Miss Su said that you haven't had a relationship and embarrassed me..."

"ha ha, Aunt Liu, I just want you to help her to open her mind. Look at him, he is old and has no desire for men. Isn't he a problem?" Lin Feng said.

"Well, I also feel that she is not interested in men." Aunt Liu said, "is she?"

"Here, here, Aunt Liu, you said it yourself, I didn't say it!" Lin Feng said with a smile, "however, I quite agree with you."

"I don't dare to say anything. Miss Su is coming back soon. It's time for me to cook. Mr. Lin, what would you like to eat? I'll make it for you Said Aunt Liu.

"Oh, whatever you want, Aunt Liu is so skilled that I can eat whatever I can do!" Lin Feng said.

"OK!" Said Aunt Liu.

Then he went to the kitchen.

See Aunt Liu into the kitchen, Lin Feng smile face instant serious down.

Today, Aunt Liu is very out of order. She looks a little embarrassed. She is not the same as usual. Something must have happened to her!

But if Aunt Liu didn't say it, Lin Feng didn't ask, so he didn't see it.

At this time, his mobile phone rang, a call picture, is a big chest loli sister, the phone book written three words, Chu Yuqi.

"Oh? What can I do for Yuqi Lin Feng was puzzled and answered the phone.

"Lin Feng, are you busy recently?" Chu Yuqi is always polite to say hello.

"Oh, I'm busy. I'm busy saving the world." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Cut!" Chu Yuqi jokingly cut a way: "do you have time tomorrow morning?"

"What? You want to date me? If I have a date, I'm sure I have time. Don't say one morning, one day is fine. Appointment in the morning can be used to open the room in the afternoon Lin Feng is not afraid of joking.

"Lin Feng, don't talk nonsense -" Chu Yuqi said.

"Well, you are as beautiful as a flower. When do I want to arrange flowers?" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Lin Feng -" Chu Yuqi was coquettish and angry. Her face was red to the neck root here.

She is such a shy girl. If she hears other men say such words, she will treat the man as a rogue and abnormal. However, when Lin Feng says these words, she doesn't feel that Lin Feng is abnormal at all. On the contrary, she is still very shy and has a kind of faint excitement.

Especially when I heard the word "flower arrangement", I could think of Ma Chunchun's saying that men go up and women go down, and what old men push carts. She blushes like a lantern.

"What are you looking for me for? Sister Yuqi Lin Feng asked with a smile.

Chu Yuqi bit her lip and said, "it's really a date, but there's another one of my girlfriends."

"What, you brought your best friend? Three splits? " Lin Feng said: "I like fan, hey, hey, hey!"

"Oh, no!" Chu Yuqi was disturbed by Lin Feng's rhythm. She stamped her feet in a hurry and said, "I don't want to joke with you. I need you to come and have a meal with me."

"Ah For the first time, Lin Feng heard about a date that needed a meal.

Chu Yuqi thought that Lin Feng had no time, so he said, "by the way, if you don't have time, even if you don't have time, I'll find someone else!"

"Well! You're doing this on a date? Can I change people at any time? " Lin Feng sniffed and chopped the railway: "I'll go tomorrow. I'll make a reservation. I'm not allowed to ask someone else. Of course, I can handle it if I ask a few more girls."

"Hum!" Chu Yuqi hums: "tomorrow morning 10 o'clock, Jincheng commercial university south gate, see you or not!"


Lin Feng hung up the phone, smile, heart said that this little girl do what the devil? Say date, then bring your best friend, and then falter.

Lin Feng is too lazy to study. Anyway, if he has time tomorrow, he will go and have a look.

At this time, Lin Feng heard a sound of Ma Da, and it was Su Jing who came back.

Su Jing listened to the car into the garage with a cup of coffee in her hand, a straw in her mouth, and her mobile phone in the other hand. She looked at it very carefully.

And then as you look, you walk into the room.

Seeing Su Jing's appearance, Lin Feng can't help but sigh that Su Jing is really a workaholic. She is so busy walking!

It turns out that strong women have no boyfriends and have no sex life because they regard their work as their boyfriends! When you're at work, you're probably more passionate than it's about men and women.Su Jing opened the door and walked in. First she took a look at Lin Feng, then lowered her head and continued to look at her mobile phone.

However, she seemed to realize something, and suddenly looked up: "Lin Feng --"

"Hi, President of Suzhou University, you look sexy with a straw in your mouth. In fact, I think if you carry an ice cream or a banana in your mouth, it will be more sexy!" Lin Feng said.

"I'll kill you!" Su Jing is still angry about being tricked by Lin Feng in the morning. Seeing that Lin Feng starts to tease herself again, he grabs the pillow on one side and hits Lin Feng.

"Ah - ah - the president of Jiangsu University is merciful. I haven't got my wife and four concubines. You can't kill me like this!" Lin Feng deliberately begged for mercy.

"You have a great ambition." Su Jing threw the pillow and sneered, "do you still want to have wives and concubines in groups?"

"That's right." Lin Feng said, "but don't worry, I will definitely let you be the first wife! Ah ha ha ha ha

"You die for me!" Su Jinggang wanted to let Lin Feng go. This sentence immediately angered her. She grabbed the pillow on one side and started to beat Lin Feng again.

But at this time, Aunt Liu came out of the kitchen with a big bowl of steaming turtle soup on the table and said to them, "my two beautiful and handsome boys, come and have a meal!"

"It's time for dinner. It's time for a truce!" Lin Feng said.

"Hum!" Su Jing put down her things and went to the cloakroom to change her clothes.

Changed clothes and sat on the table with Lin Feng.

Aunt Liu came over and filled Lin Feng with a bowl of soup, and then another bowl of soup for Su Jing. She said, "drink while it's hot."

Lin Feng smelled the soup and said, "it's really fragrant. Aunt Liu is good at craftsmanship."

Aunt Liu laughed and said, "I'm flattered. If it's fragrant, drink it while it's hot."

"But I thought it over, I'd better not drink this soup!" Lin Feng said.

"Why?" Liu Yizheng.

Lin Feng said, "look at me. I'm a strong and vigorous guy. After drinking this wangba soup, I can't have nosebleed! Forget it

Then she said to Su Jing, "don't drink any more!"

"Why can't I drink it? I have been suffering from low back pain recently. It's just for replenishing qi and blood! " Su Jing said.

"Oh, don't drink it!" Lin Feng said.

"No, I'll drink it!" Su Jing, as if she was deliberately against Lin Feng, picked it up and sent it to her mouth.

"Don't drink it!" Lin Feng quickly reached out and directly knocked the soup out of Su Jing's hand.

"Click!" The bowl fell on the floor and the soup spilled all over the floor.

"What are you doing?" Su Jing was furious: "what does it have to do with my soup?"

"I don't want you to drink it!" Lin Feng light way.

"Are you reasonable? The soup that Aunt Liu has worked so hard to cook is overturned when you say it is overturned. You are trampling on the fruits of other people's labor! " Su Jing said angrily.

"Miss Su, it's OK. Don't make any noise. It's my fault. I shouldn't stew wangba soup. Don't drink it if you don't drink it!" Aunt Liu said, "I also fried eggs in honey sauce. Please try them!"

With that, he went to the kitchen and brought two fried eggs to put in front of Su Jing and Lin Feng.

Looking at the fried eggs, Lin Feng suddenly turned his own and Su Jing's upside down and said, "it's not delicious. I won't eat today's meal!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!