The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 286

Seeing Gao Qingshan's astonished appearance, everyone felt palpitation.

Wei Yunlong asked: "Dean Gao, what's wrong with this needle? Is there a problem? "

"There's a problem. It's a big problem." Gao Qingshan said.

"Ah?" Wei Yunlong's heart is not good. Will this injection kill his father?

But Gao Qingshan suddenly said, "wait for me, no one will move this needle! Don't move

With that, he ran out of the ward in a hurry, regardless of their surprise.

"Eh? What's going on here? " Wei Yunlong is puzzled.

Others are even more confused.

Wei Hao is ruthlessly low voice said: "Wei Yi Chen, if this needle if there is a problem, let you give grandfather to compensate for life!"

After all, that Lin Feng was brought by Wei Yicheng, so Wei Hao hated the house and Wu and kept putting pressure on Wei Yicheng.

Soon, Gao Qingshan returned to the ward with an old book in his hand.

The pages of the book were waxy yellow, the cover was badly damaged, and the handwriting on the cover was vague. It looked like it had been a long time.

Gao Qingshan turned a few pages of the book, and then looked at the book carefully, and then looked at the needle on the top of Wei Zhentian's head. He looked very serious.

People around hold their breath, dare not speak, have anxiously waiting for the results.

After checking the book for five minutes, Gao Qingshan closed the book and asked seriously, "who put this needle in?"

"It was made by the people she brought in!" Wei Hao points to Wei Yichen directly, which means to start a teacher to investigate a crime!

Wei Yunhu also said: "yes, it's the people brought by Yicheng! The man's name is Lin Feng

Everyone looked at Wei Yichen, and felt that this time, Wei Yichen could not escape the responsibility of this day.

However, at this time, Gao Qingshan was ecstatic and trembling: "master, what an expert! Where is he? Let me see you


All of a sudden, they were confused.

What's going on here?

Gao Qingshan looked at the needle on the top of Wei Zhentian's head and said, "this needle is really a magic stroke."

"Premier Gao, what's going on here?" Wei Yunlong asked.

Gao Qingshan said, "even if Hua Tuo is alive, it may not be so accurate! The acupuncture point of this acupuncture point, called Baihui Point, is the point where the Qi and blood channels of the human body converge. This expert can block this acupoint with one needle, which can not only ensure that people do not remove the essence, but also stimulate all the acupoints of the human body, just like a short-term activation! "

"Can activate, but also save energy, and this kind of acupoint?" Wei Yunlong was surprised.

Gao Qingshan said: "the human body has 402 medical acupoints and 318 other acupoints. Among them, there are 108 vital acupoints, which can be divided into living acupoints and dead acupoints. There are 72 non lethal acupoints and 36 lethal acupoints, with a total of 720 acupoints. However, in addition to these 720 acupoints, people still have three hidden magical acupoints! "

"Which three?" Wei Yunlong road.

"Qimen, Yisheng, Baihui!" The center of the top and the bottom of the foot are located at the center of the top and the bottom of the foot respectively

"This acupoint is extremely difficult to find, because he can calculate the most central position according to the different shapes of the human body, and then he can find this acupoint. Human body parts are all irregular shapes, so if you want to find the central position, even if you use instruments, it is difficult to measure. This person can directly determine the universe with a single needle. He is really a high master among experts." Gao Qingshan kept praising him, and even was very excited.

"So, my father, it's all right for the time being?" Wei Yunlong asked.

"Yes, it's OK for the time being." Gao Qingshan said: "but it's just OK for the time being. As far as I know, this kind of acupoint can last for three days at most. So after three days, even if the needle is punctured, people's essence, Qi and spirit will be removed, and then they will return to their original state."

Hearing Gao Qingshan say this, people suddenly realize.

Just now the security guard said that it was for Wei Yichen's sake to help the old man live three more days. It turned out that what the guy said was true!

"Look, grandfather, I said my boss is very good! He just said there was a way to save you Wei Yichen was not so happy at this time. He not only felt that his grandfather was saved, but also that the eldest brother really did what he said. His worship for Lin Feng was just like a torrent of rivers and lakes.

"Dean Gao, are you sure you read it correctly? Take a good look at it again Wei Hao couldn't believe it was true. He was still arguing: "I don't think he is so powerful. He must be wrong, right? You must be mistaken! "


Wei Zhentian picked up a cup beside him and threw it at Wei Hao. Wei Hao hid and the cup fell to the ground.

"Are you trying to kill me?" Wei Zhentian was very angry. His eyes were full of awe inspiring light, and he yelled: "that young man is not a mortal at first. As a result, he was angry and left by your several evils. He also found such a cheater of traditional Chinese medicine to frame up others. Do you have any IQ problems? Or just want me to die? Well, divide the family quickly? ""Dad, we dare not!" Wei Yunlong bowed his head.

When Wei Zhentian spoke, the rest of the people did not dare to look up.

But at this time, Wei Zhentian was suddenly shocked.

What did you do just now? Angry, can even pick up the cup and throw it out?

Wei Zhentian was overjoyed. It seemed that his body was hopeful.

Then, he scolded Wei Yunlong, Wei Yunhu and others: "you pig brains, go and ask him back. If you don't come back within three days, don't come to see me. Let me go quietly."

"Dad --"

"what are you waiting for? Go and ask people to come back!" Wei Zhentian angry way.


Wei Yunlong and Wei Yunhu went out in succession.

Wei Hao did not dare to stay in the house, limped out of the hospital.

"Grandfather, I'm fine, boss, I'm in pain." Wei Yichen said with a smile: "he is very good, he will come back to save you!"

"No! Who did the evil let who pay, it is they who gave people to anger away Wei Zhentian said: "it's time to let them go to practice, one by one, they are all pig brains!"

"Grandfather, there are only three days. I know my boss's temper. He said that he only looked at my face. These people would not come, so they would go in vain!"

"Even in vain, we have to let these mentally retarded children and grandchildren humbly beg for help. I want them to understand the truth of life!" Wei Zhentian said.

"Ah Wei Yicheng was stubborn, but he stopped persuading him.

On the other hand, Gao Qingshan was full of excitement and said: "such a person is simply a genius in the medical field. If we can have such a person, we can't worry about the day when we don't have a head start!"

Wei Zhentian also nodded frequently and said: "Dean Gao, thank you for having you today, otherwise we will easily misunderstand that master!"

"It's nothing. Mr. Wei is welcome, but I have a request." Gao Qingshan said.

"But it doesn't matter!"

Gao Qingshan pursed his lips, as if he were quite embarrassed, but he could not bear to lose the chance. He said, "Mr. Wei, can you make a compromise? I want to learn from that man!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!