The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 285

Hearing Gao Qingshan say this, everyone is very happy.

But at this time, Wei Yunhu was angry. He clenched his fist and swore to Liu Gaoshou: "Liu Gaoshou, you are still a master. Master NIMA, what do you mean by the return of light?"

Liu Gao Shouyi reveals his stuffing in front of the instrument, and his face turns pale with fear.

Wei Yunhu grabbed Liu Gaoshou and said angrily, "you cheated me of my money and said that my father was not saved. You can cheat me!"

Wei Yunlong was also very angry. He pointed at Liu Gaoshou and said, "this man has been acting like a hypocrite since he entered the ward. Besides boasting that he is asking for money, this kind of person who swindles money under the banner of a master does not know how many people have been harmed!"

Liu Gaoshou trembled with fear and said: "I was wrong. I was wrong. I dare not cheat people any more. In fact, I still have a little medical knowledge, but your father's disease is too difficult to treat, and there is no cure at all."

"You said that my father has no cure. I won't kill you!" Wei Yunhu slapped Liu Gaoshou and slapped him.

Liu Gaoshou was dizzy and dizzy. His mouth was fishy and sweet. He vomited blood and brought two teeth.

"I mean it! There is really no rule of law! " Liu Gaoshou covered his cheek and cried.

He knew that it was one of the world's five incurable diseases, which could not be cured.

"You crow mouth!" Wei Yunhu did not care about the three seven twenty-one, and went forward to fight Liu Gaoshou.

Liu Gaoshou called out and wanted to hide, but the house was Wei's family. Whoever hid under his feet would step on him.

He became a rat in the street, and everyone yelled at him.

Liu Gaoshou was really regretful at this time. Why did he have to accept this mess, or he would not be in such a mess. Now, all of him is finished, and his honor is completely destroyed. I don't know how miserable he will end up today?

"Please, don't hit me, don't hit me, I know I'm wrong!" Liu Gaoshou was beaten black and blue, kneeling to beg for mercy.

At this time, Wei Yichen sneered and said, "why, didn't you slander my boss all the time? Why not continue to stigmatize now

"I'm wrong. I'm really wrong. I was confused for a moment, so I used others as an excuse. That security brother seems to have two talents. Alas, I just slander him, but you made him angry!" Liu Gaoshou is at this time, and he has not forgotten to shift the responsibility to others!

"What a piece of shit! Rubbish Wei Yunhu comes forward and punches Liu Gaoshou again.

Liu Gaoshou was beaten to lie on the ground, his whole body was in sharp pain, and he could not climb up.

"Yes, that's what you're going to do if you cheat!" Wei Yunhu said to the white tiger on one side: "give him up. I will cheat him later."

"Enough!" Wei Zhentian yelled: "have you made enough?"


Wei Yunhu was scared and trembled. Even if he was cruel, he was still afraid of Wei Zhentian.

Wei Zhen coughed: "cough, he can cheat again, is it not your blind invited? You will not reflect on your own mistakes, but blindly attribute them to others. How can I trust you to give half of Changsheng Group? Cough, cough

"Mr. Wei, please calm down and don't be angry!" President Gao Qingshan quickly advised Wei Zhentian.

Wei Zhentian said to Gao Qingshan, "Dean Gao, I'm ok. These unfilial descendants really make me headache."

"Dad, I also heard that he was famous, so I invited you to see a doctor." Wei Yunhu was wronged.

"Famous? Fame is useless! " Wei Zhentian said angrily: "which doctor is not famous recently? Which is not a famous doctor? It turns out that it works? "

Wei Yunhu gasped a few thick airway: "useful? You see, you are much better now

"Son of a bitch, the young man brought by Yicheng helped me to see it. Are you blind?" Wei Yunhu said: "that young man, absolutely has two down skills, he can see my symptoms at a glance, and he is very low-key and modest. He doesn't make any publicity, he doesn't show any mountains or dew. He's absolutely a high-ranking man. You superficial guys don't understand anything!"

"Grandfather, but that man is a security guard. He is about the same age as me. How can he be a miracle doctor?" Wei Hao is unconvinced. He always remembers and resents Lin Feng in the villa of Swan Lake. He made him fart and was stabbed so many times that he always wanted to find a chance to revenge Lin Feng.

Just now he thought that Qinglong Baihu would clean up Lin Feng for him, but he didn't expect that these two people were not Lin Feng's opponents. He was so angry in his heart, but he could not help it.

This meeting grandfather Wei Zhentian also praised Lin Feng, his heart is more angry, gas is almost smoke, so no matter Wei Zhentian is angry, he directly slander Lin Feng, he must let Lin Feng become the number one enemy in the family.

However, Wei Zhentian said with a cold smile: "Xiao Hao, you and I, even if there is a blood relationship, otherwise I would never recognize you as a grandson. Have you ever looked at me seriously when you came to my ward for such a long time? You've been chatting with people on your cell phone. Do you think I didn't see it? Do you want to piss me off when you come out to talk nonsense at this time"Grandfather! I...

"shut up!"

Wei Zhentian is really angry!

"Grandfather, grandfather!" Wei Yichen quickly said: "don't get angry again, or you can't eat any more!"

"Hum!" Wei Zhentian took a cold look at Wei Hao, and then said to Wei Yicheng, "Yi Chen, you are my grandfather's heart. Among these people, you are the smartest and the most reassuring. The rest are just a group of wine bags and rice bags."

This made Wei Yunlong blush. He was a leader in the education field. He was not as good as his daughter. His father was really able to suppress people.

However, in this situation, he did not dare to collide with Wei Zhentian.

Megatron coughed a few times, followed his breath, and said to Wei Yicheng, "Yi Chen, your boss, should be a master. Do you think you can ask him back?"

When Wei Yunlong heard this, he couldn't help it and said, "Dad, how can you be confused? Xiao Hao's point is reasonable. The young man is so lazy and young. Even if he can do some medical skills, he is also a beginner. He must be a lucky player. If he is really good at medicine, how can he condescend to be a security guard? "

"That's right, grandfather. Uncle is right." Wei Hao quickly agreed.

"Dad, don't be cheated by that boy. That boy is a security guard who can fight!" Wei Yunhu also said.

"You... Cough... You are trying to kill me, you!" Wei Zhentian's eyes were red, and he said angrily, "you pigs --"

with that, he would carry it directly!

"Grandfather! Grandfather Wei Yicheng was scared and quickly helped up Wei Zhentian. Wei Zhentian's anger was more serious this time than before, and he was about to roll his eyes.

Gao Qingshan quickly stepped forward and said to Wei Yicheng, "quick, help me hold Mr. Wei. I'll pinch people!"

With that, he held down Wei Zhentian's people.

After a few seconds, Wei Zhentian recovered. Wei Zhentian was very weak. Fortunately, he was rescued in time. Otherwise, he might have passed out directly.

At this time, Gao Qingshan saw a scene that shocked him. He pointed to the unimportant silver needle covered by Wei Zhen's spirit every day and said, "how can there be a needle here? Who made this? "

With that, he took a closer look again, and the whole person was stunned. , the fastest update of the webnovel!