The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 284

Although Lin Feng's words are mean, Wei Zhentian can't really refute it.

His eldest son, Wei Yunlong, supported himself. His second son, Wei Yunhu, worked under his own hands. He always made mistakes and had a bad temper.

Wei Yunmei, the third child, knows how to eat, drink, play and beautify all day long. His daughter is OK and has a fight with Wei Yichen. But now people are studying in Songjiang city and only come back once a week, so they get together less and leave more.

"Are you still cursing?" Wei Hao wants to call people.

"Shut up! Cough, cough Wei Zhentian scolded.

"Dad, Dad!" Wei Yunlong and Wei Yunhu rushed forward.

Lin Feng said: "OK, old man, I look at the face of my little brother in the morning, and then I see that you are not stupid. So today I will help you increase your life span by three days, otherwise you will have to burp my fart today!"

With that, he turned to Wei Yichen and said, "Chenchen, your family's intelligence quotient really makes me speechless. Forget it, I'll help this one. I also said before, without you, I would not come if they asked me to come. Originally, I wanted to help the old man cure his illness, but now it seems that I still forget it and have no mood! I'll go first

"Boss!" Wei Yichen called.

"Stay with your grandfather!" Lin Feng dropped this sentence and left without looking back.

At this time, in order to ease the embarrassment, Wei Yunlong quickly said to the stunned Liu Gaoshou: "Master Liu, this is just an episode. Don't be affected. Help my dad to have a look. How to treat this disease?"

Liu Gaoshou suddenly looked enigmatic, holding his cheek in his hand and pretending to ponder for a moment: "the old man was cured by the security guard. How can I treat him? I can't help being an immortal? If you want to blame that boy, I can't cure this disease! "

"Alas Wei Yunhu heaved a deep sigh: "that boy made a fool of it, but we let him go. What do you say now?"

Wei Hao felt that there was a chance again. He swore at Wei Yichen directly: "it's all her. She brought it, or her boss. She killed my grandfather. We couldn't get a doctor if we invited him here! Blame her

"Well, I don't mean it. There are so many quacks now that everyone dares to see a doctor. As a result, he runs the train all over his mouth, and when he sees Zhenzhang, he is finished! Well, such people can be trusted? " Liu Gaoshou shook his head in disdain.

Obviously, he deliberately put the blame on Lin Feng, because he could not see the disease well, so he must seize the play and not smash his own signboard.

"Master Liu, don't be angry. Since you can't see your illness well, please go back." Wei Yunhu said.

"Well, today is really bad luck, otherwise I can cure the old man's illness. Alas, I'm not lucky!" Liu Gao Shou shook his head and went out, but suddenly he thought of something. He turned back and said, "by the way, boss Wei, I haven't got the medical expenses. By the way, there are 100000 yuan of red envelopes."

"What? You haven't seen it, and you want money? " Wei Yunhu knew that Liu Gaoshou couldn't be used anyway. He took a 180 degree turn and said, "I'll pick you up back and forth, and I've given you 50000 yuan in advance. Now you've come to ask for medical expenses. My father's like this. Are you willing to ask for a red envelope?"

Liu Gaoshou listened and took back his steps. He said, "boss Wei, you don't make sense. If you look back on your father, or I can see it for you, I've done my best. Don't you pay because I haven't been cured? That's not supposed to be on my head. It's the little security guard who mixed it up

Wei Yunhu didn't expect Liu Gaoshou to be a scoundrel without any medical ethics. He said to Liu Gaoshou angrily, "I tell you, I'm in a bad mood now. If you entangle me again, I'll have you killed!"

Liu Gaoshou shivered, but he was fascinated by money. He immediately summoned up his courage and said, "you, you, you... You, Changsheng Group also do big business. You still pit me with this money. Who dares to do business with you in the future

Liu Gaoshou's words are full of threats, meaning that if you don't give money, I will destroy the honor of your prosperous group.

Changsheng Group was founded by Wei Changsheng, the great grandfather of Wei Zhentian. After several generations of hard work, Changsheng Group has achieved its present achievements. All along, their reputation and reputation in the industry are very good. If it is really because of such a stain, a fish is full of fish, it is really not worth the loss.

Wei Zhentian is bad enough today, and now he is even more upset. He waved to Wei Yunhu and said, "don't argue with him. Just give him how much money. Let him go quickly."

See the old father all spoke, Wei Yun huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu said: "you wait, I call the financial transfer for you!"

At this time, however, a man came in outside the door.

This is Gao Qingshan, President of Castle Peak Hospital.

Although Castle Peak Hospital was funded by Changsheng Group, it was built only for the sake of Gao Qingshan.

Gao Qingshan is a senior doctor of medicine in Jincheng. It is said that he is upright and has good medical ethics. Therefore, the hospital is named after him, which can better attract customers.Gao Qingshan studies western medicine, but he also knows Chinese medicine very well. It is said that he first studied Chinese medicine, herbal medicine and acupuncture, so Gao Qingshan can be said to be the first great miracle doctor in Jincheng.

Since Wei Zhen was born ill, Gao Qingshan has also taken care of him before and after. Now he has given the old man quantity and infusion every day. He has come in person, and the Wei family has seen his sincerity. It is really moving.

The front is because he informed the Wei family that the old man's physical indicators were on the verge of death, so he called all the family.

At this time, more than an hour later, Gao Qingshan is not at ease. He comes back again to help the old man measure his body indicators.

He was able to extend the life span of the old man by one minute, which was his gratitude and reward to the Wei family.

At this time, Gao Qingshan went to the hospital bed, and the Wei family quickly gave him a way. Gao Qingshan took a look at the old man, and then he was surprised: "Mr. Wei, you look better all of a sudden!"

"Yes, I also feel relaxed and relaxed." Wei Zhentian said, but the heart is still making murmur, all said that before people die, will suddenly come to the spirit, is not really the light back?

Gao Qingshan said, "come on, Mr. Wei, I'll give you a test of all the indexes of your body."

With that, he connected the instrument at the head of the bed to Wei Zhentian, and checked all the blood pressure, heart rate, blood test, respiratory pressure, etc.

After waiting for a few minutes, the comprehensive result came out. Gao Qingshan took it in his hand and looked at it for a while, and then he said with joy: "miracle, what a miracle! Mr. Wei, all your body indexes have recovered more than 60%. If you continue like this, your muscles are expected to grow again, and your body is also fully hopeful to return to the previous state. What did you eat What kind of medicine? "

After that, Gao Qingshan said to himself, "it's impossible. How can there be such a God's medicine?"

"Well, Dr. Gao, my father, isn't he coming back?" Wei Yunhu asked tentatively.

"It's not a return of light. Although people are in good spirits, they still have a lot of problems in blood and body fluid examination. In this examination, all indicators of Mr. Wei are healthy! What a miracle , the fastest update of the webnovel!