The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 283

As soon as he said this, the crowd was shocked.

"Hum, I said Lin Feng is a liar. You don't believe me. Look, I will kill my grandfather!" Weihao scolded.

Weiyunhu was also exposed to the public. He said: "my father just now barely managed to live, but when you came, he gave me a light. Is that the killer you are?"

Wei Yichen is also a little nervous, although she believes in Lin Feng, but behind her, is the most painful grandpa in her life, she dare not have a little careless.

She looked at Lin Feng and asked timidly, "boss, is it true what they say?"

Lin Feng smiled a little, "who do you believe?"

Wei Yichen bit his teeth: "I believe you!"

"You believe me!" "As for others, I can only say that they have a poor IQ, I don't want to explain it to them anymore," Lin said

"Who the hell are you calling stupid B?" Wei Yunhu was angry. "You hurt my father. You scolded our family, Qinglong, give me it, and give him to me!"

Qinglong and white tiger are the most powerful bodyguards around weiyunhu. They were selected at all levels to weiyunhu. These two men are retired special soldiers with rich practical experience and strong air field.

Although they have no ability to fight against 100, the ordinary practitioners in front of them are equivalent to paper paste, many people are frightened by their momentum first.

So to deal with Lin Feng, weiyunhu is very confident that a green dragon is enough to let Lin Feng be abandoned.

"No!" Weiyichen also knew the strength of Qinglong, and hurriedly stopped the export, but it was too late.

Seeing a flash of Qinglong, he jumped directly to Lin Feng. He took off his upper body clothes and suddenly showed his protruding muscles. His eyes shot two fierce lights. This momentum was almost chilling.

"Die, boy!" A straight fist, Qinglong hit Lin Feng's face.

This straight fist, with the wind, is like a hundred jin of heavy hammer, whistling on the face of Lin Feng.

The punch is too fierce. It is estimated that even if it hits the wall, it can make a hole.

They thought that this time, Lin Feng was disabled without death.

However, the next second, but listen to a "crackle" of a crisp sound.

Lin Feng unexpectedly reached out his hand and took the fist steadily.

Moreover, the body of Lin Feng is still, as stable as Mount Tai.

Qinglong is numb in his arm and is shocked. He can beat a cow in this fist. But he can catch it so easily. Moreover, he seems to have hit a piece of iron, and the whole arm seems to be abandoned.

He looked up at Lin Feng in shock, but saw Lin Feng smile at him.

"Is that the strength?" Lin Feng smiled and said, "I want to beat people with this strength? Shall I teach you? "

Said, suddenly a straight fist, toward the green dragon to fight back.

The fist is just fierce, others can not feel, but Qinglong is very strong.

He could not retreat at this time, and quickly reached out his left hand to block, but listened to the "click" sound. His hand and his left arm: "all strange radians have been bent, and the force of that fist has not been seen at all, and he will go directly to the face of Qinglong!

"Ah -" the green dragon howled, thinking he was going to see the king of Yan.

But, the fist in front of the green dragon less than a centimeter place, stopped.

Qinglong felt a soft body and fell on the ground, and there was only endless fear and happiness for the rest of his life.

If the fight comes down, he will be completely out of the face.

"White tiger! Come on, don't be careless! " Wei said.

He thought that Qinglong was a temporary intention, and did not use his best, so this time he specially ordered white tiger.

As a fighter, white tiger naturally saw that Lin Feng was not so easy to deal with. He took out a dagger and held it in his hand, and stared at Lin Feng with his eyes dead and dead, waiting for a chance to go.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "come to fight, stare at what strength? We are not related. You are still nervous. It's boring! "

This makes white tiger very face, white tiger "drink" a call, suddenly rushed to Lin Feng, a dagger straight into the heart of Lin Feng.

"NIMA, you're still dead!" Lin Feng said, not immediately Dodge, but when his dagger is less than 10 cm away from himself, suddenly flash his shoulders.

Then, hands grasp each other's wrist, and pull forward, elbow of both hands firmly stuck in the other's armpit, smile and look at the white tiger's face close to each other, and say, "hey hey, this time we look at each other, is the distance closer?"

The reason why Lin Feng is not as violent as the green dragon is that white tiger is a woman and a woman who looks decent and vigorous.

White tiger saw that it was stopped by Lin Feng, and he twisted his arm with the strength of Qi. He saw that he could not get away from it. He hit Lin Feng's face directly with the other hand.

Lin Feng made one hand and pinched the wrist of the other hand. This time, the two people were closer to each other and could even hear each other's breath.Then, Lin Feng put his mouth to the white tiger's ear, and suddenly called out: "ah --"

the decibel of this sound was very large, which made people around him jump.

For a moment, the white tiger felt his ears buzzing and dizzy.

Lin Feng released the white tiger, white tiger quickly back a few steps, trying to shake his head, want to wake up, and then ready to rush up to continue fighting with Lin Feng posture.

"Enough!" Wei Yunlong called out: "Yunhu, let your bodyguard come back!"

As the eldest son of the Wei family, how can he tolerate his father's ward becoming a martial arts competition venue?

What's more, he can clearly see that Qinglong and Baihu are not Lin Feng's rivals, so they are also a step for Wei Yunhu, his second younger brother.

But at this time, master Wei Zhentian saw it most clearly. He was more surprised than anyone else.

When Qinglong and Baihu were selected at that time, he was the chief examiner. Their combat effectiveness was not generally high. However, when facing Lin Feng, it was like two children facing adults.

Lin Feng teases the child to play like, defeated them two, this strength disparity, more than a little bit.

At this time, Wei Hao was not reconciled. He was Yin by Lin Feng in Swan Lake Villa, and his leg was stabbed so much that he still felt pain. He could not forget the pain. He cried out, "no, Lin Feng insulted our family as a stupid B. We must kill him today!"

"Evil, shut up Wei Zhentian said: "you all shut up, this little brother Lin Feng, no one is allowed to move him!"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "Mr. Wei, no wonder you are more than 60 years old. You are also in charge of the family business. In addition to the morning, your children and grandchildren are really a group of mentally retarded people." , the fastest update of the webnovel!